SSL Properties Deprecated in MongoProps
  • 14 Sep 2023
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SSL Properties Deprecated in MongoProps

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Article summary

SSL Security Properties Deprecated in MongoProps [2023.2]

The ssl security properties in the mongoProps section of the properties.json file are deprecated in 2023.2 and scheduled for removal in the 2024.2 release. They will be replaced with tls properties. Moreover, the replSet key will also be removed since it does not provide any useful function.

Protocol Name Description Deprecation Release Scheduled Removal Release Replacement
SSL Used to create a secure, encrypted connection to MongoDB. 2023.2 2024.2 TLS

Note: Our policy is to provide a deprecation notice two (2) release cycles in advance (at a minimum) before an application, adapter, API, or configuration parameter is removed.

SSL - Deprecated

"mongoProps": {
  "ssl": {
    "enabled": true,
    "sslValidate": true,
    "sslCA": "/etc/ssl/keys/mongo_ca_chain.cert",
    "acceptInvalidCerts": false,
    "checkServerIdentity": true
  "replSet": {
    "enabled": true

TLS - Replacement

"mongoProps": {
  "tls": {
    "enabled": true,
    "tlsCAFile": "/etc/ssl/keys/mongo_ca_chain.cert",
    "tlsAllowInvalidCerts": false,

What should I do?

Find each properties.json file used in your environment and remove all references to the ssl properties and replace them with the tls equivalent (or remove them where relevant) as mentioned in the prior section.

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