Quick Start View
  • 11 Mar 2025
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Quick Start View

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Article summary

Studio (formerly Automation Studio) provides an all-in-one user interface to quickly design and build workflows for network operations and configurations. The application also allows you to view workflow visualizations and modify automations, forms, and various templates.

To access the application, select Studio in the left navbar from the Itential Platform homepage and the main page for Studio will display.

Figure 1: Itential Platform 6
Platform 6

Itential Platform (Legacy Version)
Click here to view


Quick Start

From Studio you can access the Projects design space, and from the Quick Start card you can search for an existing workflow, as well as create a new workflow and import a workflow. On the left there are toolbar and menu controls to view a collection list of workflows, forms, templates, and transformations.

Figure 2: Studio Quick Start
Platform 6 Studio: Quick Start

Label UI Element Function
1 Toolbar Icons for completing quick actions from anywhere within Studio. These icons (from left to right) are: Create, Itential Platform homepage, Search, Import, and View Documentation.
2 Collections Open the accordion menus in the sidebar to display a list of Studio items in a corresponding collection. Users can also search for items within a collection.
3 Projects Provides a protected development space to create workflows, forms, services and configuration templates to quickly develop, test, and publish them for production-ready environments.
4 Quick Start Contains links to important tools within Studio such as finding a workflow, creating and importing a workflow, and searching Itential Platform product documentation.
5 Sidebar Controls Allows for compact and extended views of the sidebar. Helpful when more room is needed for displaying content or exploring the sidebar.
Itential Platform (Legacy Version)
Click here to view

Figure 2: Automation Studio Quick Start (Legacy Version)

Label UI Element Function
1 Quick Start Contains links to important tools within Studio such as finding a workflow, creating and importing a workflow, and searching Itential Platform product documentation.
2 Toolbar Icons for completing quick actions from anywhere within Studio. These icons (from left to right) are: Create, Itential Platform homepage, Search, Import, and View Documentation.
3 Collections Open the accordion menus in the sidebar to display a list of Studio items in a corresponding collection. Users can also search for items within a collection.
4 Sidebar Controls Allows for compact and extended views of the sidebar. Helpful when more room is needed for displaying content or exploring the sidebar.

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