Roles and Methods
  • 20 May 2023
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Roles and Methods

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Article summary


The following are breaking changes in Roles and Methods for the 2023.1 release.

Removal of User Management in Admin Essentials

Beginning with the 2023.1 release, the User Management page view and its tabs for users and groups have been deprecated and removed from Admin Essentials. All elements for configuring role assignments and managing authorization groups and users is now administered through the Authorization interface in Admin Essentials.

Deprecation of Pronghorn.admin Role

The Pronghorn.admin role will be removed in the 2023.1 release. Admin privileges associated with this role have now been separated out into the following roles:

  • AdapterModels.admin
  • Adapters.admin
  • AdminEssentials.admin
  • Applications.admin
  • Authorization.admin
  • Health.admin
  • IntegrationModels.admin
  • Integrations.admin
  • Prebuilts.admin
  • PrebuiltsRepository.admin
  • Profiles.admin
  • Schema.admin
  • UserManagement.admin

The Authorization.admin and AdminEssentials.admin replacements roles give users the ability to add additional roles to users and groups via the UI.

What should I do?

Users and groups with the Pronghorn.admin role should be automatically migrated to use the updated (replacement) roles. If a user or group assigned to the Pronghorn.admin role does not have any of the replacement roles (permissions) listed above, then those roles should be added to that user or group.

⚠ Important Note:

The Pronghorn.admin requirement for configuring a services blacklist is NOT to be replaced with Authorization.admin. Instead, users with permissions to edit profiles (i.e., the Profiles.admin role) will need to modify the servicesBlacklist property under IAP Profile System Properties.

API Removal Due to Scheduled Deprecations

Below is a list of APIs removed from IAP. Our policy is to provide a deprecation notice two (2) release cycles in advance (at a minimum) before the API is removed. This list represents the latest deprecations announced for the 2023.1 release.

What should I do?

Review any custom apps and adapters that might reference any APIs on the removal list and change them to the replacement call (or remove them if no replacement call is provided).

Scheduled removals are listed in the tables below:

Compliance Broker APIs

Modify calls to the Compliance Broker to use direct adapter calls.

Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
createReport Publishes a Golden Config tree as a compliance report. 2021.2 2023.1 None
deleteReport Deletes a selected Golden Config tree. 2021.2 2023.1 None
getReports Retrieves compliance reports. 2021.2 2023.1 None
runCompliance Run Golden Configuration compliance report. 2021.2 2023.1 None

Fault Broker APIs

Modify calls to the Fault Broker to use direct adapter calls.

Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
getAllDevicesStatuses Gets the statuses of all devices. 2021.2 2023.1 None
getDeviceFaults Gets all devices that are currently at fault. 2021.2 2023.1 None
findDevice Broker call to find a device. 2021.2 2023.1 None
updateDeviceStatus Broker call to update a device status. 2021.2 2023.1 None

Instance Broker APIs

Modify calls to the Instance Broker to use direct adapter calls.

Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
createInstance Broker call to create an instance. 2021.2 2023.1 None
deleteInstance Broker call to delete an instance. 2021.2 2023.1 None
describeInstance Broker call to describe an instance. 2021.2 2023.1 None
describeInstanceStatus Broker call to describe an instance status. 2021.2 2023.1 None

Inventory Broker APIs

Modify calls to the Inventory Broker to use direct adapter calls.

Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
getDevices Gets all devices from the inventory. 2021.2 2023.1 None
findDevice Finds a specific device in the inventory. 2021.2 2023.1 None
updateDeviceStatus Updates a device status in the inventory. 2021.2 2023.1 None

Performance Broker APIs

Modify calls to the Performance Broker to use direct adapter calls.

Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
createSocket Creates a socket for communication between Netpulse and IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
updateLinkCapacity Updates the link capacity of the interface in Netpulse. 2021.2 2023.1 None
updateLinkLatency Broker call to update link latency. 2021.2 2023.1 None

Persistence Broker APIs

Modify calls to the Persistence Broker to use direct adapter calls.

Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
aggregate Makes an aggregate query on the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
count Gets a count of Methods in the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
create Creates a new document in the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
createMany Creates many new documents in the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
deleteById Removes a unique document fromm the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
deleteSearched Removes a set of documents from the permanent data store via filter. 2021.2 2023.1 None
distinct Finds distinct keys in the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
exists Finds whether a key exists in the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
fetch Fetches data from the shared cache. 2021.2 2023.1 None
fetchAll Fetches all grouped data objects from the shared cache. 2021.2 2023.1 None
filterFields Makes a filterFields query on the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
findAndModify Locates and updates documents, then returns updated document. 2021.2 2023.1 None
purge Removes a particular object from the cache. 2021.2 2023.1 None
purgeAll Removes all keys from a group. 2021.2 2023.1 None
query Makes a query on the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
save Saves a document in the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
search Searches for a new document in the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
searchById Searches for a document in the permanent data store. 2021.2 2023.1 None
stash Stashes data in the shared cache. 2021.2 2023.1 None
updateSearched Updates documents based on search criteria. 2021.2 2023.1 None

Pronghorn Core APIs


Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
DELETE /accounts/:accountId/groups/:groupId Removes a group from an account. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/accounts/:accountId
DELETE /accounts/:accountId/roles/:roleId Removes a role from an account. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/accounts/:accountId
GET /accounts Get all accounts from IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/accounts
GET /accounts/:accountId Get an account in IAP based on the account id. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/accounts/:accountId
GET /accounts/:accountId/inherited Get the inherited permissions of an accunt. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/accounts/:accountId
POST /accounts Ensures an AAA account is created in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
POST /accounts/search Search for accounts stored in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/accounts
PUT /accounts/:accountId/groups Set the groups defined for an account. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/accounts/:accountId
PUT /accounts/:accountId/groups/:groupId Adds a group to an account. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/accounts/:accountId
PUT /accounts/:accountId/roles Sets the roles defined for an account. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/accounts/:accountId
PUT /accounts/:accountId/roles/:roleId Adds a role to an account. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/accounts/:accountId
PUT /accounts/:accountId/inactive Sets the inactive status of an account. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/accounts/:accountId

Brokers and Functions

Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
GET /broker/host/:name Get adapters for a specific broker. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /adapters/brokers/mapping
GET /config/brokers Get the config for all brokers. 2021.2 2023.1 None
GET /config/hosts Get a mapping of brokers and adapters. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /adapters/brokers/mapping
GET /config/roles Get roles configured in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/roles
GET /config/routes Get groups associated with each route. 2021.2 2023.1 None
GET /methods Get a list of methods in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/methods
GET /methods/registry Get a list of all method information in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
GET /methods/:serviceBaseUri/:methodName Get information about a specific method. 2021.2 2023.1 None
GET /schemas/:serviceBaseUri/:schemaName Get a schema from a service in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
GET /views Get a list of views in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/views
POST /getActiveSessions Get a list of the active session tokens on the system. 2021.1 2023.1 None


Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
GET /groups Get all groups in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/groups
POST /groups Create an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /authorization/groups
POST /groups/search Search for groups in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/groups
GET /groups/list Get a short list of all groups in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/groups/list
GET /groups/:groupId Get an individual group in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/groups/:groupId
DELETE /groups/:groupId Deletes a group in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 DELETE /authorization/groups/:groupId
GET /groups/:groupId/inherited Get a group with all inherited groups. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/groups/:groupId
GET /groups/:groupId/members Get members of a group in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/accounts
GET /groups/:groupId/memberOf Get the groups of an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/groups/:groupId
PUT /groups/:groupId/memberOf Set the groups for an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/groups/:groupId
PUT /groups/:groupId/memberOf/:objectGroupId Adds a group to an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/groups/:groupId
DELETE /groups/:groupId/memberOf/:objectGroupId Removes a group from an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/groups/:groupId
GET /groups/:groupId/roles Get the roles for an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/groups/:groupId
PUT /groups/:groupId/roles Sets the roles for an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/groups/:groupId
PUT /groups/:groupId/roles/:roleId Add a role to an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/groups/:groupId
DELETE /groups/:groupId/roles/:roleId Remove a role from an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/groups/:groupId
GET /groups/:groupId/description Get the description of an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/groups/:groupId
PUT /groups/:groupId/description Set the description of an IAP group. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/groups/:groupId
PUT /groups/:groupId/inactive Sets the inactive status of a group. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/groups/:groupId


Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
GET /roles Get all roles. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/roles
GET /roles/:roleId Get an individual role. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/roles/:roleId
DELETE /roles/:roleId Delete a custom role. 2021.2 2023.1 DELETE /authorization/roles/:roleId
DELETE /roles/:roleId/allowedMethods/:methodProvenance/:methodName Deletes permission for a method to a custom role. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/roles/:roleId
DELETE /roles/:roleId/allowedViews/:viewProvenance/:viewPath Deletes permission for a view to a custom role. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/roles/:roleId
POST /roles Create a custom role. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /authorization/roles
POST /roles/search Search for roles in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /authorization/roles
PUT /roles/:roleId Save changes to a custom role. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/roles/:roleId
PUT /roles/:roleId/allowedMethods Sets the allowed methods to a custom role. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/roles/:roleId
PUT /roles/:roleId/allowedMethods/:methodProvenance/:methodName Adds permission for a method to a custom role. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/roles/:roleId
PUT /roles/:roleId/allowedViews Sets the allowed views to a custom role. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/roles/:roleId
PUT /roles/:roleId/allowedViews/:viewProvenance/:viewPath Adds permission for a view to a custom role. 2021.2 2023.1 PATCH /authorization/roles/:roleId

User Management

Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
DELETE /user-management/accounts/:accountId Delete an account from Local AAA instance in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
DELETE /user-management/groups/:groupId Delete a group from Local AAA instance in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
GET /user-management/accounts/:accountId Get an account from Local AAA instance in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
GET /user-management/accounts Get all accounts from a Local AAA instance in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
GET /user-management/roles Get all assignable roles based on permissions in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
GET /user-management/groups/:groupId Get a group from a Local AAA instance in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
GET /user-management/groups Get all groups from a Local AAA instance in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
POST /user-management/accounts Create a new account for Local AAA instance in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
POST /user-management/groups Create a new group for Local AAA instance in IAP. 2021.2 2023.1 None
PUT /user-management/accounts/:accountId/groups Set the groups for an account in a Local AAA instance. 2021.2 2023.1 None
PUT /user-management/accounts/:accountId/password Change the password for an account in the Local AAA instance. 2021.2 2023.1 None
PUT /user-management/groups/:groupId/roles Set the roles for a group in a Local AAA instance. 2021.2 2023.1 None

Topology Broker APIs

Modify calls to the Topology Broker to use direct adapter calls.

Method Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
addTopology Adds a topology to the database. 2021.2 2023.1 None
deleteTopology Removes a topology from the database. 2021.2 2023.1 None
deleteTopologyBackup Removes an autosaved topology from the database. 2021.2 2023.1 None
evaluateCircuitUpgrade Evaluates if a circuit needs an upgrade and performs one if necesary. 2021.2 2023.1 None
getTopology Gets a specific topology and its associated information. 2021.2 2023.1 None
getTopologyBackup Gets the autosaved backup topology from the database. 2021.2 2023.1 None
getTopologyList Gets the list of toplogies. 2021.2 2023.1 None
lockTopology Locks a topology. 2021.2 2023.1 None
saveTopology Saves a topology. 2021.2 2023.1 None
saveTopologyBackup Autsaves a topology backup every five minutes. 2021.2 2023.1 None
unlockTopology Unlocks a topology. 2021.2 2023.1 None

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