Golden Config
  • 22 Jan 2025
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Golden Config

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Article summary

Golden Config was deprecated in 2020.2 and later removed, with the recommendation to use the Golden Config feature in Configuration Manager instead. The table below shows a list of replacements for several of the deprecated APIs and workflow tasks for the 2022.1 release version.

Any APIs or tasks not lised below does not have a replacement. Also note, these replacements do not work on Golden Config; they provide similar functionality only when using Configuration Manager.

Route (Workflow Task) Description Replacement
API: {POST} /golden_config/addDevice
WF Task: addDevicesToNode
Add a list of devices to a specific node. API: {POST} /configuration_manager/configs/:treeId/:version/:nodePath(*)/devices
WF Task: addDevicesToNode(Configuration Manager)
API: {POST} /golden_config/addDevicesById
WF Task: addDevicesToNodeById
Add a list of devices to a specific node ID. API: {POST} /configuration_manager/configs/:treeId/:version/:nodePath(*)/devices
WF Task: addDevicesToNode(Configuration Manager)
API: {POST} /golden_config/gc Create a new Golden Configuration Tree. API: {POST} /configuration_manager/configs
API: {POST} /golden_config/deleteTrees Delete multiple Golden Config Trees. API: {DELETE} /configuration_manager/configs
API: {GET} /golden_config/detailed/:key/:value/:id Get a detailed report based on key, value and device name. API: {GET} /configuration_manager/compliance_reports/details/:reportId
API: {GET} /golden_config/reports/:key/:value Get compliance report for a node on the tree. API: {GET} /configuration_manager/compliance_reports/node/:treeId/:nodePath(*)
API: {GET} /golden_config/gc Return all Golden Configs. API: {GET} /configuration_manager/configs
API: {POST} /golden_config/removeDevice Return all Golden Configs. API: {DELETE} /configuration_manager/configs/:treeId/:version/:nodePath(*)/devices
API: {POST} /golden_config/removeDevice
WF Task: removeDeviceFromNode
Remove a device from a node. API: {DELETE} /configuration_manager/configs/:treeId/:version/:nodePath(*)/devices
WF Task: removeDevicesFromNode
WF Task: runNodeReport Run compliance report on all devices in a specific node. WF Task: runComplianceForNode
WF Task: runReportForDevice Run compliance for a device within a tree. WF Task: runComplianceForDevice
WF Task: runTreeReport Run compliance on all devices in a tree. WF Task: runComplianceForTree
API: {POST} /golden_config/gc/:tree Modify and update a Golden Config Tree. API: {PUT} /configuration_manager/configs/:treeId
API: {POST} /golden_config/updateDevices Update devices attached to the leaf. API: {PUT} /configuration_manager/deviceGroups/:id

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