Encoding Behavior in Transformations
  • 20 Dec 2024
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Encoding Behavior in Transformations

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Article summary

Release Alert (2023.2.0)

This alert applies to JST Designer in IAP for the 2023.2.3 release.

Encoding Behavior in Transformations

Prior to IAP version 2023.1, special characters (e.g., / and ?) were encoded in the schema keys to allow their use in transformations. However, because JSON schemas have a strict uri-reference match for schema keys, users would encounter schema validation errors when saving transformations in the following IAP versions:

  • 2023.2.0 → 2023.2.11
  • 2023.1.14 → 2023.1.23
  • 2022.1.23 → 2022.1.31

To resolve this issue, support for special characters was removed, and encoding or decoding will no longer be necessary when you save or run a transformation. Itential also updated the run transformation logic to check if the incoming schema key is encoded and to ensure the provided input key is applied without error in this case. Itential Platform users are now able to run transformation workflows containing special characters without any encoding.

What should I do?

As a best practice, please confirm all custom applications and adapters are unaffected by this code enhancement. If you need additional support or require more information, please contact our Product Support Team.

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