IAG 2023.1.17 Maintenance Release
  • 07 Feb 2025
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IAG 2023.1.17 Maintenance Release

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Article summary

Automation Gateway Versions

component version
automation_gateway 3.227.0+2023.1.81

Bug Fixes

This maintenance release of IAG/2023.1.17 includes fixes for bugs that were reported to Itential Product Support.

Key ID Release Note
ENG-7702 Fixed an issue where the browser window would stop working when opening the Execution History tab with large result sets. Added a feature that allows customers to download large results directly to a log, thereby preventing display errors.
ENG-8925 When upgrading the rodeo package to the latest version, IAG encountered several UI styling issues. Applied fixes to address UI inconsistencies, ensuring a correct and consistent display of the UI.

Security Changes

This section highlights fixes and measures to prevent and minimize security risks and vulnerabilities.

Key ID Release Note
ENG-7441 When running security scans, it showed known vulnerabilities in the rodeo-ui package. Updated rodeo-ui to version 21.33.7-2022.1.230 to resolve security vulnerabilities.
ENG-7482 Fixed security issue related to Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) in axios package by updating to version 0.28.0, 1.6.0 or higher.
ENG-7484 When running security scans, it showed the axios package was vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF). Updated axios to version 1.7.4 or higher to resolve security vulnerability.
ENG-7486 When running security scans, it showed the web-app/package.json was vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. Upgraded dompurify to version 2.5.4, 3.1.3 or higher to resolve vulnerability.
ENG-7487 Fixed a security issue related to Improper Handling of Extra Parameters in follow-redirects in the web-app/package.json. Upgraded follow-redirects to version 1.15.4 or higher to resolve vulnerability.
ENG-7583 Updated the swagger-ui-react package and refactored web-app to resolve UI build errors and address security vulnerabilities.

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