Ansible Playbook Task Response Fixed
  • 11 Feb 2025
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Ansible Playbook Task Response Fixed

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Article summary

Breaking Change (Platform 6)

In prior versions of the Itential Platform, when app-ag_manager invoked an action in IAG through a workflow task, the finish state of the task was always successful even if the request to IAG “failed”. Essentially, the playbook task was seen as a "success" by the Itential Platform, and the workflow would continue along the SUCCESS path despite very clearly having a "No provider available for method" error message.

With the new Platform 6 release, IAG tasks will now treat IAG connectivity problems as errors. As a result, when AGManager fails to connect to IAG, the task will enter an error state and job will progress down the error transition path.

Figure 1: Error message
Figure 1

Figure 2: Run failure
Figure 2

When AGManager is able to connect to IAG, the task will return a successful response as shown below.

Figure 3: Successful response
Figure 3

What should I do?

Check the error handling logic downstream of any IAG tasks in your workflows. If your workflow logic depends on those tasks taking the success path for cases where the IAG adapter is offline or the task could not otherwise be invoked by the platform, you must now handle those cases using an error transition type and the error task output instead.

If you need additional support or require more information, please contact our Product Support Team.

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