Role Execution Parameters
  • 14 Aug 2023
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Role Execution Parameters

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Article summary

Role Execution Parameters

Automation Gateway clients execute roles on a device using the REST /roles/{role_name}/execute route. The role execution input parameter is a JSON object that contains an array of host strings and an args object that includes a set of key/value pairs that are specific to the role itself. A JSON schema that describes each role's argument parameters is available via the /roles/{role_name} route. Detailed documentation on role endpoints can be found in the API Documentation section of the Automation Gateway UI.

Below is a sample role input parameter for the itential_set_config role.

Sample Role Request Object

    "transactions": [
        "action": "add",
        "parents": ["interface Management 1"],
        "config_line": "ip address",
        "id": "anyIDString"
  "strict_args": true

An Ansible role consists of a number of tasks, each of which produces its own results object.

Automation Gateway collects the task results objects and returns them as an array in the order in which they were executed.

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