Workflow Engine
  • 21 Sep 2023
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Workflow Engine

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Article summary

This page details the breaking changes in Workflow Engine for the 2023.1 release.

Deep Merge Task Input Variables

Input variables to the deepmerge task that are not objects are ignored to ensure the task does not error and the workflow runs successfully across all versions of IAP.

To illustrate, the input values something and 42 in the figure below will be ignored and treated as empty variables.

Figure: Non-Object Input Variables

The task output returns the following result.

  "color": "red",
  "type": "car"

What Should I Do?

To fully capture all key values in a newly merged object, review any workflows that might reference the deepmerge task and make sure all input variables are objects.

APIs Removed Due to Scheduled Deprecations

Below is a list of APIs removed from IAP. Our policy is to provide a deprecation notice two (2) release cycles in advance (at a minimum) before the API is removed. This list represents the latest deprecations announced for the 2023.1 release.

What should I do?

Review any custom apps and adapters that might reference any APIs listed below and change them to the replacement call (or remove them if no replacement call is provided).

Item Route Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
addWatchers POST /workflow_engine/job/watchers/watch Add watchers to a job. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/:jobId/watch
cancelJob POST /workflow_engine/cancelJob Cancel a job. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/cancel
claimTask POST /workflow_engine/tasks/claim Claim a manual task. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/tasks/:id/claim
continueJob POST /workflow_engine/jobs/:jobId/continueJob Continues a job at a task using the finish state of the last iteration. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/tasks/:id/continue
createJobGroupEntry POST /workflow_engine/jobs/:id/groups Add a group to a job. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/:id/groups
deleteJobGroups DELETE /workflow_engine/jobs/:id/groups Delete all groups for a job. 2021.2 2023.1 PUT /operations-manager/jobs/:id/groups
find POST /workflow_engine/jobs/find Find job documents. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs
findForwardPaths POST /workflow_engine/findForwardPaths Find the paths between two tasks in a workflow. 2021.2 2023.1 N/A
finishManualTask POST /workflow_engine/finishTask Completes a manual task. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/:jobId/tasks/:taskId/finish
fixJob POST /workflow_engine/fixJob Revert an errored job. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/:id/revert
getAllLoopTasks POST /workflow_engine/getAllLoopTasks Get all loop tasks. 2021.2 2023.1 N/A
getAssociatedJobs POST /workflow_engine/getAssociatedJobs Get associated jobs. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs
getEntireJob GET workflow_engine/getEntireJob/:job_data Get the entire data of a job. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs
getJob GET /workflow_engine/getJob/:job_id Get a job. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs/:id
getJobDetails GET /workflow_engine/job/:job_id/details Get details of an active job. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs/:id
getJobFromTaskQuery POST /workflow_engine/getJobFromTaskQuery Get job from a task query. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/tasks?dereference=job
getJobList POST /workflow_engine/getJobList/:status Get a list of jobs by status. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs
getJobOutput GET /workflow_engine/job/:job_id/output Get the output of a completed job. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/job/:id?dereference=output&include=output
getJobShallow GET /workflow_engine/getJobShallow/:job_data Get shallow data of a job. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs/:id
getJobVisualizationData GET /workflow_engine/jobs/visdata/:job_id Get the visualization data of a job. 2021.2 2023.1 N/A
getManualTaskController GET /workflow_engine/tasks/controller/job/:jobId/task/:taskId Get the controller of a manual task. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs/:jobId/tasks/:taskId/manual-controller
getTask POST /workflow_engine/getTask Get a tasks. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/tasks
getTaskIterations GET /workflow_engine/getTaskIterations/:job_id/:task Get job task iterations. 2020.2 2023.1 POST /workflow_engine/tasks/search
getTaskStatuses GET /workflow_engine/job/statuses/:job_id Get the status of each task in a job. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/tasks?equals[job._id]=<job_id>
listJobGroups GET /workflow_engine/jobs/:id/groups List the groups that have access to a job. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs?dereference=groups&include=groups instead
pauseJob POST /workflow_engine/pauseJob Pause a job. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/pause
prepareMetricsLogs GET /workflow_engine/metrics/jobs Prepare the metrics logs tarball. 2021.2 2023.1 N/A
queryJobs POST /workflow_engine/queryJobs Get jobs matching the query. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs
queryTasksBrief POST /workflow_engine/queryTasksBrief Get brief information about tasks from the tasks collection. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/tasks
releaseTask POST /workflow_engine/tasks/release Release a manual task. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/tasks/:id/release
removeJobGroup DELETE /workflow_engine/jobs/:id/groups/:group Remove a group from the list of authorized groups for a job. 2021.2 2023.1 DELETE /operations-manager/jobs/:jobId/groups/:groupId
replaceJobGroups PUT /workflow_engine/jobs/:id/groups Overwrite the list of groups that have access to a job. 2021.2 2023.1 PUT /operations-manager/jobs/:id/groups
resumeJob POST /workflow_engine/resumeJob Resume a paused or errored job. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/resume
retryTask POST /workflow_engine/jobs/:jobId/retryTask Retries a task with new variables. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/:jobId/tasks/:taskId/retry
revertToTask POST /workflow_engine/revertToTask Revert a job from the current task to the target task. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/:id/revert
searchJobs POST /workflow_engine/jobs/search Search jobs. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/jobs
searchTasks POST /workflow_engine/tasks/search Search tasks. 2021.2 2023.1 GET /operations-manager/tasks
startJobWithOptions POST /workflow_engine/startJobWithOptions/:workflow Initiate a job in a workflow with options. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/start
unwatchJob DELETE /workflow_engine/job/:job_id/watch Unwatch a job. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/:jobId/unwatch
validateAllLoops POST /workflow_engine/validateAllLoops Validate all loops. 2021.2 2023.1 N/A
watchJob PUT /workflow_engine/job/:job_id/watch Watch a job. 2021.2 2023.1 POST /operations-manager/jobs/:jobId/watch

Workflow Engine Methods Replaced in Operations Manager

With the jobs and tasks APIs moving from Workflow Engine (WFE) to Operations Manager (OM), there are some differences in the API response that need to be considered when using any of these APIs. The differences include both the parameters these methods expect and the responses they return.

API Response Differences - Operations Manager vs. Workflow Engine

In general, Operations Manager responses are formatted with a uniform top level structure; all responses will be objects with the following keys: message, data, and metadata.

Key Description
message This property will always be populated with a human readable string. This exists for debugging purposes, as well as proxying actionable feedback to a human user.
data This property will contain any data relevant to the method response, such as a list of jobs, or the result of some action, but is not necessary for every context. In situations where data is not meaningful, it will be set to null.
metadata This property is used as a container for descriptive data, such as pagination data in a search API, as well as more detailed context for errors such as input validation failures. If a response has no metadata, the key will be set to an empty object ({}).

For more information about the use of a search API in Operations Manager, refer to the Search API documentation in the Operations Manager developer guide.

Differences in Methods - WFE vs. OM Equivalents

This section details the WFE methods that have been proxied or replaced in Operations Manager (OM), along with the success and error responses that are returned.

cancelJob | pauseJob | resumeJob

WFE Method OM Equivalent Method
POST /cancelJob { job_id } POST /jobs/cancel { jobIds } (limits jobIds to length <= 100)
POST /pauseJob { job_id } POST /jobs/pause { jobIds } (limited to 100 jobs)
POST /resumeJob { job_id } POST /jobs/resume { jobIds } (limited to 100 jobs)

Success Response

WFE: Full updated job document

OM: { message: <success-message>, data: null, metadata: {} }
If you consume the updated job document from WFE cancel/pause/resume, perform a second API call in OM to get the updated jobs: GET /jobs?in[_id]=_id1,_id2,...

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad data, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Equivalent Method
POST /tasks/claim { task_id, user } POST /tasks/:id/claim
POST /tasks/:id/assign { userId }

Success Response

WFE: Updated task document

OM: { message: <success-message>, data: null, metadata: {} }
If you depend on the updated task document, perform a second API call in OM to get the updated task: GET /tasks/:id

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad data, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Equivalent Method
POST /tasks/release { task_id } POST /tasks/:id/release

Success Response

WFE: Updated task document provided at the root of the response

OM: { message: <success-message>, data: null, metadata: {} }
If you depend on the updated task document, perform a second API call in OM to get the updated task: GET /tasks/:id

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad data, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error


WFE Method OM Equivalent Method
GET /jobs/:id/groups GET /jobs?dereference=groups&include=groups
DELETE /jobs/:id/groups/:group DELETE /jobs/:jobId/groups/:groupId
PUT /jobs/:id/groups PUT /jobs/:id/groups
POST /jobs/:id/groups { group } POST /jobs/:id/groups { groupId }
DELETE /jobs/:id/groups DELETE /jobs/:id/groups

Success Response

WFE: Boolean indicating success or failure

OM: { message: <success-message>, data: null, metadata: {} }

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad data, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Equivalent Method
POST /jobs/:jobId/continueJob { jobId, taskId } POST /jobs/:id/continue { taskId }

Success Response

WFE: Updated job document

OM: { message: <success-message>, data: null, metadata: {} }
If you depend on the updated job document, perform a second API call to get the updated job: GET /jobs/:jobId

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad data, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Equivalent Method
POST /fixJob { job_id, errored_task, revert_task } POST /jobs/:id/revert { fromTask, toTask }

Success Response

WFE: Updated job document

OM: { message: <success-message>, data: null, metadata: {} }
If you depend on the updated job document, perform a second API call to get the updated job: GET /jobs/:jobId

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad data, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Equivalent Method
DELETE /job/:job_id/watch POST /jobs/:id/unwatch
PUT /job/:job_id/watch POST /jobs/:id/watch

Success Response

WFE: Username of the user added to the watchers list is provided at the root of the response.


  message: <success-message>,
  data: null,
  metadata: {}

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Equivalent Method
POST /jobs/:jobId/retryTask { taskId, variables } POST jobs/:jobId/tasks/:taskId/retry { variables }

Success Response

WFE: Updated job document provided at the root of the response

OM: { message: <success-message>, data: null, metadata: {} }
If you depend on the updated job document, perform a second API call in OM to get the updated job: GET /jobs/:id

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad data, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Equivalent Method
POST /finishTask { job_id, task_id } POST jobs/:jobId/tasks/:taskId/finish { finish_state, variables }

Success Response

WFE: Updated job document

OM: { message: <success-message>, data: null, metadata: {} }
If you depend on the updated job document, perform a second API call to get the updated job: GET /jobs/:jobId

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad data, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
POST /jobs/find { query, options } GET /jobs
Note on querying:

The replacement call uses a query parameter based searching interface rather than one based on JSON in the post body. Refer to the associated docs for more details.

Success Response

WFE: [{ ...job1 }, { ...job2 }, ...]
Array of job documents returned at the root of the response


  message: <success-message>,
  data: [],
  metadata: {
    "skip": <number>,
    "limit": <number>,
    "nextPageSkip": <null | number>,
    "previousPageSkip": <null | number>,
    "total": <number>,
    "currentPageSize": <number>,

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
POST /getAssociatedJobs { options } GET /jobs?exclude=transitions,variables&dereference=accounts.metrics.user + Search terms equivalent to options.filter
  • Querying: POST /getAssociatedJobs supports filtering via the options.filter. Refer to the OM Search documentation on details related to filtering with GET /jobs.
  • Pagination: POST /getAssociatedJobs options.skip and options.limit become ?skip=...&limit=... in GET /jobs.

Success Response


  results: [...searchResults],
  skip: <number>,
  limit: <number>,
  total: <number>


  message: <success-message>,
  data: [...searchResults],
  metadata: {
    skip: <number>,
    limit: <number>,
    nextPageSkip: <null | number>,
    previousPageSkip: <null | number>,
    total: <number>,
    currentPageSize: <number>,

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
GET /getEntireJob/:job_data GET /jobs/:id?dereference=tasks

Success Response

WFE: Job document is returned at the root of the response


  message: <success-response>,
  data: <job>,
  metadata: {}

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
GET /getJob/:job_id GET /jobs/:id

Success Response

WFE: Job document is returned at the root of the response


  message: <success-response>,
  data: <job>,
  metadata: {}

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
GET /job/:job_id/details GET /jobs/:id

Success Response

WFE: Job document is returned at the root of the response


  message: <success-response>,
  data: <job>,
  metadata: {}

Error Response

WFE: String message with response code 500

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacemment Method
POST /getJobFromTaskQuery { task_query, options } GET /tasks?dereference=job&<>

Success Response


  results: [...jobDocuments],
  skip: <number>,
  limit: <number>,
  total: <number>


Overall response

  message: <success-message>,
  data: [...taskDocumentsWithJobs],
  metadata: {
    skip: <number>,
    limit: <number>,
    nextPageSkip: <null | number>,
    previousPageSkip: <null | number>,
    total: <number>,
    currentPageSize: <number>,

Individual task documents
- Note the difference in job document location with the WFE method.

  job: <complete-parent-job-document>

Whereas the WFE method returns only jobs themselves as output, the OM replacement method will return tasks at the top level, with jobs nested within the tasks. There is not a direct way to get a list of just the unique jobs returned by this query; this is up to the API caller to implement.

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
POST /getJobList/:status { options } GET /jobs?equals[status]=<status>

Success Response


  results: [...jobDocuments],
  skip: <number>,
  limit: <number>,
  total: <number>


  message: <success-message>,
  data: [...jobDocuments],
  metadata: {
    skip: <number>,
    limit: <number>,
    nextPageSkip: <null | number>,
    previousPageSkip: <null | number>,
    total: <number>,
    currentPageSize: <number>,

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
GET /job/:job_id/output GET /job/:id?dereference=output&include=output,variables

Success Response

WFE: Raw job output is included at the root of the document. This output is from the workflow's output schema, if it exists; otherwise it is just the current state of the jobs variables.


  message: <success-message>,
  data: {
    output: <null | job-output>,
    variables: <job-variables>
  metadata: {}

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
GET /getJobShallow/:job_data GET /job/:id?exclude=variables&dereference=tasks

Success Response

WFE: Job is included at the root of the response


  message: <success-message>,
  data: <job-document>,
  metadata: {}

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Proxy Method
GET /tasks/controller/job/:jobId/task/:taskId GET /jobs/:jobId/tasks/:taskId/manual-controller

Success Response

WFE: Manual task controller is returned at the root of the response


  message: <success-message>,
  data: <manual-task-controller>,
  metadata: {}

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error.

getTask { query, filter }

WFE Method OM Replacement Method
POST /getTask { query, filter } GET /tasks?limit=1&include=<...fields-from-filter>

The Workflow Engine POST /getTask uses the filter parameter to specify which fields to include in the response. To construct an equivalent include expression, please refer to projection section of the OM search API documentation and use the keys of your filter parameter as values in both the include and exclude.

Success Response

WFE: Task document provided in the root of the response


  message: <success-message>,
  data: <task-document>,
  metadata: {}

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
GET /getTaskIterations/:job_id/:task GET /job/:id?dereference=tasks&include=tasks.<task-id>.iterations

Success Response

WFE: [{ ...task1 }, { ...task2 }, ...]


  message: <success-message>,
  data: {
    tasks: {
      [<task-id>]: {
        iterations: [
          { ...task1 },
          { ...task2 },
  metadata: {}

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
GET /job/statuses/:job_id GET /tasks?equals[job._id]=<job_id>&equals[job.task]=<task>&include=status&dereference=accounts.metrics.owner

Success Response

WFE: Full task documents are provided at the root of the response


  message: <success-message>,
  data: [...taskDocuments],
  metadata: {
    skip: <number>,
    limit: <number>,
    nextPageSkip: <null | number>,
    previousPageSkip: <null | number>,
    total: <number>,
    currentPageSize: <number>,

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
POST /queryJobs GET /jobs
⚠ Note:

Please use the OM search API documentation as a reference when translating queries provided to POST /queryJobs into query parameters to GET /jobs.

Success Response

WFE: [{ ...job1 }, { ...job2 }, ...]


  message: <success-message>,
  data: [{ ...job1 }, { ...job2 }, ...],
  metadata: {
    skip: <number>,
    limit: <number>,
    nextPageSkip: <null | number>,
    previousPageSkip: <null | number>,
    total: <number>,
    currentPageSize: <number>,

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
POST /queryTasksBrief GET /tasks?exclude=variables

Success Response

WFE: [{ ...task1 }, { ...task2 }, ...]


  message: <success-message>,
  data: [{ ...task1 }, { ...task2 }, ...],
  metadata: {
    skip: <number>,
    limit: <number>,
    nextPageSkip: <null | number>,
    previousPageSkip: <null | number>,
    total: <number>,
    currentPageSize: <number>,

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
POST /jobs/search GET /jobs
⚠ Note:

Please use the OM search documentation as a reference when translating search parameters between these two endpoints.

Success Response

WFE: [{ ...job1 }, { ...job2 }, ...]


  message: <success-message>,
  data: [{ ...job1 }, { ...job2 }, ...],
  metadata: {
    skip: <number>,
    limit: <number>,
    nextPageSkip: <null | number>,
    previousPageSkip: <null | number>,
    total: <number>,
    currentPageSize: <number>,

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.


WFE Method OM Replacement Method
POST /tasks/search GET /tasks
⚠ Note:

Please use the OM search documentation as a reference when translating search parameters between these two endpoints.

Success Response

WFE: [{ ...task1 }, { ...task2 }, ...]


  message: <success-message>,
  data: [{ ...task1 }, { ...task2 }, ...],
  metadata: {
    skip: <number>,
    limit: <number>,
    nextPageSkip: <null | number>,
    previousPageSkip: <null | number>,
    total: <number>,
    currentPageSize: <number>,

Error Response

WFE: String message with 500 response code

OM: { message: <error-message>, data: null, metadata: {} } with response code 400 for bad inputs and 500 for internal error.

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