Delete Variables API Removed
  • 10 Mar 2025
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Delete Variables API Removed

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Article summary

Deprecation Notice

The deleteVariables API is now deprecated and removed from the Itential Platform. Users must now edit variables using Golden Config via the updateGoldenConfigTreeVersion API.

Detailed context is provided in the next section.

Golden Config Variables

Golden Configuration ("Golden Config") previously did not support full-text editing. To modify a Golden Config, you would have to generate a data model through the UI and then replace elements of the model with variables, which were simple key/value pairs. In order to delete these variables, you would have to leverage the deleteVariables API and pass in the variable names to be deleted.

With current versions of the Platform, Golden Configuration has implemented a rich-text editor and Jinja2 support, alongside support for JSON variables. All the content of JSON variables can now be updated through a single update API by simply modifying the JSON itself. The API that enables this is updateGoldenConfigTreeVersion in which variables can be passed in.

Since the structure of how variables are stored is now JSON, the means the deleteVariables API is no longer supported and provides no functionality to the Platform whatsoever. Consequently, it has been deprecated and removed.

What should I do?

Currently, all supported versions of Configuration Manager (2022.1 and higher) are using Jinja2 templates and, therefore, JSON variables. Consequently, the deleteVariables API is incompatible with Config Manager.

As a best practice, please review any custom apps and adapters that might reference deleteVariables and change to the updateGoldenConfigTreeVersion API.

If you encounter any problems or need additional information, please contact the Product Support Team.

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