Operations Manager
  • 28 Jun 2023
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Operations Manager

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Article summary

Breaking Changes (2022.1)

The following are breaking changes for the 2022.1 release.

Replacement of Job Manager with Operations Manager

Job Manager has been moved to Operations Manager (Ops Mgr) in the 2021.2 release. The existing Job Manager UI has been removed and all Job Manager links have been redirected to Ops Mgr.

What should I do?

Add Ops Mgr roles in Admin Essentials. The operations role for the OperationsManager role type should be selected for a user to have privileges similar to Job Manager.

The following Workflow Engine Methods are required to use Ops Mgr as an operator:

  • getJobMetrics
  • getTaskMetrics
  • searchWorkflows
  • getWorkflowsDetailedByName
  • getTaskDetails

Removal of the Download Metrics Feature

The Download Metrics feature has been replaced with a Job Metrics Overview feature. Metrics can be viewed by navigating to Job Metrics from the Ops Mgr dashboard.

API Response Structure

Operations Manager responses are formatted with a uniform top level structure; all responses will be objects with the following keys: message, data, and metadata.

Key Description
message This property will always be populated with a human readable string. This exists for debugging purposes, as well as proxying actionable feedback to a human user.
data This property will contain any data relevant to the method response, such as a list of jobs, or the result of some action, but is not necessary for every context. In situations where data is not meaningful, it will be set to null.
metadata This property is used as a container for descriptive data. It is used for things like pagination data in a search API, as well as more detailed context for errors such as input validation failures. If a response has no metadata, the key will be set to an empty object ({}).

Deprecation of Nonsecure Search Method

An admin-level search method that bypasses group-based access control (GBAC), getJobsAdmin, has been removed from Operations Manager as of the 2021.2.7 maintenance release. The following breaking changes are effective immediately:

  • The HTTP route /operations-manager/admin/jobs has been removed.
  • A duplicate getJobs task that used the getJobsAdmin method has been removed.

What should I do?

After upgrading, check any workflows that use the getJobs task. Remove and re-add any instances of the getJobs task that are marked as deprecated.

Changes to Auto-Work Behavior

The Continue Auto-Work modal has been removed. Any status information that was provided by the modal is now communicated via informational toasts. This enables Auto-Work to run in the background until an actionable task becomes available, at which point a Task Details modal is displayed.

Figure 1: Auto-Work is Still Running


Once initiated, Auto-Work will continue to run until it is stopped, the job is completed, or the Job Details view is closed.

Figure 2: Auto-Work Has Stopped Running


Changes to the Job Details View

To support the improved Auto-Work feature, the Job Details view has been changed in the following ways (labeled in Figure 3):

Label Change
1 Users can now resize or maximize the Job Details panel.
2 The Error History button has been moved to the title bar.
3 The Auto-Work button has been moved to the right-hand side of the Job Details panel. Additionally, the visual design of the button has been changed; the play and pause icons have been replaced with the words "Start" and "Stop", respectively.
4 The Show All Actionable Tasks switch now additionally displays the actionable tasks of any child jobs, regardless of nesting depth.

Figure 3: Updated Job Details View


ⓘ Note:

Operations Manager can be configured to maximize the Job Details panel by default. To do this, use Admin Essentials to enable the maximizeJobTasksOnLoad property of the Operations Manager application. Refer to Feature Flag Added to Operations Manager for more detail.

Changes to Task Details Modals

The View Job button has been removed from Task Details modals. Additionally, Task Details modals now display child job hierarchy via breadcrumb trails.

Figure 4: Task Details Modal


Changes to the Actionable Tasks Table

The Actionable Tasks table view now displays child job hierarchy via breadcrumb trails.

Figure 5: Actionable Tasks Table


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