Non-Standard HTTP Verbs Restricted
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Non-Standard HTTP Verbs Restricted

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Article summary

This constraint is effective in the 2023.2 release.

To support network security policies and provide an additional layer of control, Itential will not accept or process any non-standard HTTP verbs Itential Platform does not require for its operation. Further detail is described in the sections that follow.

Accepted HTTP Verbs

The following set of HTTP verbs will always be accepted in Itential Platform:


For any verbs not on this list, Itential has implemented a new property, allowedHttpOptionalVerbs, that will allow admins to specify an array of optional HTTP verbs Itential Platform can process. By default, non-permitted verbs are blocked from accessing the application. Consequently, Itential Platform will not process any server requests that contain restricted verbs and that are not defined ("turned on") in the allowedHttpOptionalVerbs property.

Optional HTTP Verbs Allowed

As listed below, there are 26 optional HTTP verbs Itential admins can use. A 405 error ("Method Not Allowed") is returned if the server request uses a verb not on the list.

These verbs must be in uppercase format.


How to Configure Alternate HTTP Verbs

To configure the HTTP verbs that can be used for inbound requests to the Itential Platform server, use expressProps in the active Itential Platform profile to configure the allowedHttpOptionalVerbs property.

  1. Login and navigate to Itential Platform → Administration → Admin Essentials.
  2. Select the active profile under Profiles.
  3. Click the Configure tab.
  4. Select expressProps under Edit Profile Properties.
  5. Update the allowedHttpOptionalVerbs property to include the desired verbs from the allowed list above.
  6. Click Save to finalize your changes.
  7. Restart Itential Platform.

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