2023.1.0 Feature Release
  • 17 Jan 2025
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2023.1.0 Feature Release

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Article summary

This page contains information for the new features, improvements, fixes, chores and tests completed as part of the 2023.1.0 feature release.

Changelog Overview

  • 31 New Features
  • 58 Improvements
  • 340 Bug Fixes
  • 10 Security Fixes
  • 163 Chores
  • 7 Deprecations
  • 32 Tests
  • 641 Total Tickets

New Features

  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.27.0 [08-26-2022] - Added the updateDeviceRaw task to the Automation Gateway adapter.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.35 [12-15-2022] - Users can now filter getDevicesFiltered queries by multiple device name and OS type values.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.27 [10-27-2022] - Implemented support for the Yang include statement.
  • app-automation_studio:4.14.0 [12-19-2022] - Implemented the job/task variable selection UI.
  • app-automation_studio:4.13.0 [12-08-2022] - Implemented the Run Window tab.
  • app-automation_studio:4.12.0 [12-07-2022] - Implemented outgoing variable data in the Output tab.
  • app-automation_studio:4.11.0 [12-05-2022] - Implemented the UI for the Retry Task tab inside of the Advanced Task Data tab.
  • app-automation_studio:4.9.0 [11-29-2022] - Implemented the Input tab and VariableBlock component.
  • app-automation_studio:4.8.0 [11-18-2022] - Added the Access Control section to the Advanced tab of the overlay panel.
  • app-automation_studio:4.7.0 [11-14-2022] - Implemented the component structure and metadata headings for TaskData inside the WorkflowCanvas OverlayPanel.
  • app-automation_studio:4.6.0 [11-11-2022] - Added the ability to search transformations by tag in the Automation Studio collection dialog.
  • app-automation_studio:4.5.0 [11-11-2022] - Added the React OverlayPanel component for Task Details.
  • app-automation_studio:4.4.0 [10-27-2022] - Added CRUD calls for Projects (Milestone 1) and initial editor views.
  • app-automation_studio:4.3.0 [10-20-2022] - Implemented the groundwork for a new Workflow canvas.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.37 [09-29-2022] - Added the getMultipleTaskDetails API.
  • app-form_builder:4.11.30 [10-12-2022] - Added a project view to the Form Builder application that hides the left sidebar.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.23.0 [12-12-2022] - Updated the instance details sidebar to allow the instance name and description to be edited.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.22.0 [12-12-2022] - Implemented import and export of resource models.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.21.0 [12-07-2022] - Added an API method for updating the "name" and "description" fields of instances.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.20.0 [12-02-2022] - Added default "Create," "Update," and "Delete" operations to new resource models.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.16.0 [11-18-2022] - Implemented two types of operations on resource models. The 'create' type instantiates a new instance. The 'instance-action' type updates an existing instance.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.14.0 [10-04-2022] - Added state-related interactions to existing resource models and instance features.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.13.0 [09-26-2022] - Resource instances can now be updated from a workflow.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.12.0 [09-21-2022] - Implemented basic states on resource models. A default state ("Ready") is added when a new resource model is created.
  • app-mop:6.11.34 [10-12-2022] - Added a project view to the MOP application that hides the left sidebar.
  • app-operations_manager:1.176.0 [11-09-2022] - Added the ability to render jobs in the new WorkflowCanvas in Operations Manager.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.0 [08-17-2022] - Added hierarchy icons and a hover menu to the Jobs table rows.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.3 [10-12-2022] - Added a project view to the Workflow Builder application that hides the left sidebar.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.0 [10-22-2022] - Improved the database encoding speed using the JSON.stringify function; also added migration scripts to ensure the new encoding format is used when running job and task data.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.0.6 [10-15-2022] - Added a jobSlaBreach event to jobs that breach their service level agreement.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.0 [11-04-2022] - Added new getHealthStatus API which returns a 503 error when IAP is not fully started.


  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.28.2 [12-08-2022] - Added device schema translation support to the IAG adapter to improve the performance of API calls.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.33 [11-30-2022] - Added a new task "invalidateDeviceInfoCache" to invalidate caching for a list of devices.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.22 [11-15-2022] - Updated the apiRefUrl in PHSidenav.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.20 [11-04-2022] - Renamed JSON Schema Forms to JSON Forms to ensure naming consistency across applications.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.39 [04-30-2023] - The templates migration function no longer has an empty filter in its 'find' query.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.38 [04-30-2023] - Updated the 'importAutomations' API to no longer perform a search on the Accounts database with an empty query.
  • app-automation_studio:4.2.0 [10-05-2022] - A warning now displays if a workflow contains transformations that are incompatible with the JST engine.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.38 [09-30-2022] - Added a warning message to alert users that opening a transformation incompatible with the JST engine may cause rendering issues.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.101.0 [12-06-2022] - Standardized the component for device and device groups selection in Configuration Manager.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.100.0 [12-02-2022] - Implemented a backup option for device groups in the metadata menu.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.99.4 [11-10-2022] - Corrected the schema for API importBackup and importGroup.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.99.3 [11-07-2022] - Updated the updateGoldenConfigTree API documentation to include an example payload.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.99.0 [10-17-2022] - Added new Golden Configuration APIs to support Device Groups.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.98.2 [10-17-2022] - Added GBAC for Device Groups to Golden Configuration.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.98.0 [10-12-2022] - Updated existing Golden Configuration APIs to support Device Groups.
  • app-form_builder:4.11.31 [10-14-2022] - Saving a form no longer removes the 'pid' from the URL.
  • app-form_builder:4.11.28 [09-07-2022] - Updated the menu and search functionalities of Automation Studio.
  • app-json_forms:1.36.0-2023.1.2 [04-17-2023] - Improved examples for getForms and updateForms APIs.
  • app-json_forms:1.35.2 [08-25-2022] - Added description and examples to validateData task.
  • app-jst:1.10.0 [11-07-2022] - Added the ability to search transformations by name and tag using System Search.
  • app-jst:1.9.0 [10-10-2022] - Added an error (HTTP 400) for incompatible transformations that fail at runtime due to incompatibility with the JST Engine.
  • app-jst:1.8.12 [09-07-2022] - Updated the JST sidebar menu to ensure consistency with other IAP applications.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.25.0 [12-19-2022] - Implemented operation validation API.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.24.0 [12-19-2022] - Moved the Create Instance and Edit Instance dialogs to full-page views.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.19.0 [12-01-2022] - Added the 'Update' and 'Delete' operation types.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.18.0 [11-30-2022] - Restructured application routes.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.17.0 [11-28-2022] - Removed the states feature from Lifecycle Manager.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.15.0 [10-06-2022] - Implemented the 'error' and 'inactive' state classes; also added the 'Error' and 'Deleted' states to new resource models by default.
  • app-mop:6.11.31 [09-07-2022] - Updated the menu and search functionalities of MOP.
  • app-mop:6.11.29 [08-10-2022] - Updated documentation for the runAnalyticTemplates method.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.7 [12-13-2022] - Added a link to the Search API documentation page from getJobs and getTasks API pages.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.6 [12-09-2022] - Adds instructional text to pronghorn.json that will propagate to the documentation site.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.0 [11-15-2022] - Adjusted UI element colors to improve legibility.
  • app-operations_manager:1.175.0 [11-04-2022] - Changed the UI contrast ratio in some areas of Operations Manager to comply with accessibility standards.
  • app-operations_manager:1.174.0 [11-09-2022] - Changed the UI contrast ratio in some areas of Operations Manager to comply with accessibility standards.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.10 [11-02-2022] - Updated job and task decoding to use JSON.parse when the encodingVersion property is set to 1.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.0 [10-11-2022] - Fixed the GBAC and RBAC checks throughout Ops Manager to support the various user actions for running jobs.
  • app-operations_manager:1.171.11 [08-12-2022] - Created a test environment in Operations Manager for automated testing.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.5 [11-07-2022] - Workflow tasks with incorrect variables are no longer detected on workflow load.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.1 [10-03-2022] - Added the ability to update invalid variables in tasks without creating a new task.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.0 [10-03-2022] - The task editor in Gen 1 now renders variables using details from the method model first.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.76 [09-07-2022] - Updated the menu and search functionalities of Workflow Builder.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.16 [12-16-2022] - Unsafe regular expressions (regex) in string tasks (replace, match, search, split) will now log an error.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.4 [11-04-2022] - Removed payload limit of 10,000 elements in an array.
  • database:1.11.10 [05-08-2023] - A log message is now recorded to the file system when MongoDB disconnects.
  • network:3.4.2 [05-04-2023] - Added a log message to the file system when RabbitMQ disconnects.
  • network:3.3.17 [10-12-2022] - Removed unused classes and files from the network module.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.13 [05-02-2023] - Changed machineAuthentication route to '/oauth/token' to align with industry standards.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.9 [04-21-2023] - Updated test utility packages to the latest version.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.5 [04-19-2023] - Updated descriptions for health endpoints.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.15 [12-14-2022] - Added additional information about Itential dependencies to the getServerHealth API.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.14 [12-13-2022] - Updated logging to correctly indicate when the startup sequence has completed.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.7 [11-11-2022] - Updated example responses and JSON Schema references in the importPrebuilt and updatePrebuilt API documentation.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.0 [09-02-2022] - Added support for repositories that only contain front-end code to pronghorn.json.
  • pronghorn-core:13.28.34 [08-27-2022] - Renamed the protection keyword from authenticated to trusted.
  • pronghorn-core:13.28.33 [08-15-2022] - Updated the application menu and search functionalities to ensure design consistency.
  • pronghorn-core:13.28.32 [08-12-2022] - Added support for authenticated protection schemes in the pronghorn.json file.
  • search:1.2.0 [11-09-2022] - Added support for 'id' of type ObjectId when searching via tags.

Bug Fixes

  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.29.0-2023.1.5 [05-17-2023] - Added the GRPC option to inventory device tasks to support operating GRPC devices.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.29.0-2023.1.4 [05-17-2023] - Changed the GNMI delete method schema type to string.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.29.0-2023.1.3 [04-25-2023] - Modified the 'GnoiClearLLDPInterface' input parameter type from array to object and populated the missing description, info, and example fields for gRPC tasks.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.29.0-2023.1.2 [04-19-2023] - Added support for stripEscapes to the adapter service config.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.28.1 [12-05-2022] - Updated the adapter-utils dependency to fix critical security issues.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.27.5 [11-09-2022] - Improved error messaging in Golden Config for why compliance remediation failed.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.27.3 [09-27-2022] - Updated AGManager with a pronghorn global emitter to fix an HA bug causing AGManager to restart in the wrong IAP instance.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.27.2 [09-26-2022] - Fixed the response that is returned by the IAG loadConfig adapter after being called by Configuration Manager.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.27.1 [09-22-2022] - Added support for ECMA2020 to the ESLint package.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.26.2 [08-23-2022] - Updated the default properties for adapter automation gateway.
  • adapter-azure_aaa:1.4.4 [10-21-2022] - Fixed an issue that prevented users from logging in if duplicate group names existed in their Azure environment.
  • adapter-email:4.2.13 [09-14-2022] - Fixed a crash related to checking for subscriptions.
  • adapter-email:4.2.12 [09-03-2022] - Resolved a security issue that caused the e-mail adapter to log credentials in plain text.
  • adapter-email:4.2.11 [09-02-2022] - Default values added to required props in the adapter schema.
  • adapter-email:4.2.10 [08-24-2022] - Updated the email adapter with a reconnect code method that activates upon server disconnect.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.39-2023.1.5 [05-09-2023] - Added discovery before the require statement to resolve Adapter NSO not starting.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.39-2023.1.2 [04-25-2023] - Added a function used for validating JSON before it is converted to XML.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.38 [01-18-2023] - Fixed issue where nested service models did not always appear in the Service Manager UI.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.32 [12-07-2022] - Removed 'compliance' from the brokers in pronghorn.json.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.31 [11-17-2022] - The NSO adapter now includes the 'Service' and 'Compliance' brokers by default.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.30 [11-10-2022] - Removed an erroneous space from the NSO adapter's max_cache_entries property.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.29 [11-08-2022] - Fixed the property caching settings defined in propertiesSchema.json.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.28 [11-07-2022] - Fixed the ability to delete instances from the service management UI.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.26 [10-21-2022] - Fixed the os-type filter in the getDevicesFiltered API call. Devices with the specified os-type are properly returned in the response.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.25 [10-12-2022] - Improved NSO connectivity logging. A constructive error message now displays when the NETCONF connection fails.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.24 [09-26-2022] - Added a conditional check to the dryRunXML task that determines if there is any new device configuration data to commit.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.1.1-2023.1.9 [05-17-2023] - Fixed bug where the overwrite modal for prebuilts was hidden.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.1.1-2023.1.7 [05-07-2023] - Updated the index table height to eliminate truncation of the table elements.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.1.1-2023.1.6 [05-05-2023] - The "Edit Central Configuration" button in the Startup Configuration widget is hidden when the user lacks edit permissions.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.1.1-2023.1.4 [04-20-2023] - Fixed an error that occurred when creating tags via the Create Dialog.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.1.1-2023.1.3 [04-19-2023] - In the Active Profile Config, the Undo All button will now undo any changes made to selected apps and adapters.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.1.1-2023.1.2 [04-19-2023] - Fixed a styling issue which caused paginators on the Active Profile page to cut-off on small screen sizes.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.1.1-2023.1.1 [04-18-2023] - Fixed a styling issue which caused the code editor cursor to be slightly offset when using Windows operating systems.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.25 [12-16-2022] - Fixed an issue in which an invalid repository configuration allowed users to import a prebuilt before accepting that it will overwrite some components.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.21 [11-10-2022] - Fixed an authorization issue that prevented users from deleting roles in Admin Essentials.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.19 [11-04-2022] - An error message now appears if a user attempts to create a tag with a name that already exists.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.19 [11-03-2022] - Fixed a bug in the profile description field. All characters are now properly displayed as the user types them into the field.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.19 [11-03-2022] - Resolved a config error when the user attempts to view a Pre-built from the local repository.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.16 [11-03-2022] - Resolved issues with selected context in the sidebar menu. The menu no longer collapses when an item is selected.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.15 [11-01-2022] - Fixed an issue where Admin Essentials was omitted from blueprint generation.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.14 [11-04-2022] - Updated the placeholder text in the Pre-Built search bar to indicate that 3 or more characters are required in the search query.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.14 [10-31-2022] - Updated JSON Form processing to resolve errors that were thrown during schema checking.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.13 [10-19-2022] - The save button in the Authorization modal will be disabled (by default) until changes are made to the user roles or groups.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.12 [10-12-2022] - Removed index.js as the main entrypoint to publishing package dependencies.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.11 [09-27-2022] - Updated the transformation links to app-automation_studio in Admin Essentials.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.10 [09-23-2022] - Fixed error notifications on the Admin Essentials landing screen.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.9 [09-17-2022] - Fixed an issue restarting apps and adapters through the Admin Essentials UI. The startService API will be called if the restartService API call fails.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.8 [09-16-2022] - Added the keepData property to useQueries.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.5 [09-08-2022] - Fixed an issue where only one configuration value is masked when multiple values were nested in a single object.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.4 [09-02-2022] - Fixed incorrect permission checks in the Authorization sidebar.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.3 [08-27-2022] - Updated the notifications that display after deleting an adapter or integration.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.2 [08-27-2022] - Fixed scrolling in the Pre-built Readme preview.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.1 [08-24-2022] - Fixed issue where updating profile properties did not wipe the previous properties.
  • app-admin_essentials:3.13.15 [08-20-2022] - Fixed an issue that caused the Install Prebuilt dialog to flash.
  • app-admin_essentials:3.13.14 [08-20-2022] - Resolved an issue that caused an error message to appear immediately after an adapter was deleted.
  • app-admin_essentials:3.13.13 [08-13-2022] - Fixed the update on browse for the Pre-built page.
  • app-ag_manager:1.18.6 [09-28-2022] - Updated the restartQueue listener to fix a bug causing AGManager to crash on startup in CloudAMQP environments with preloaded configurations.
  • app-ag_manager:1.18.5 [09-26-2022] - Updated AGManager with a pronghorn global emitter to fix an HA bug causing AGManager to restart in the wrong IAP instance.
  • app-automation_catalog:2.12.12 [11-28-2022] - The repeat interval of a scheduled automation now maintains its relationship to the original start time when there is an IAP outage.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.65 [05-11-2023] - JST Designer page no longer shifts up on open.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.64 [05-11-2023] - Added a Get Decorator check for input and output schema.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.63 [05-11-2023] - Updated context menu positioning to fit on the screen.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.62 [05-11-2023] - Fixed the styling for deprecated task icons. Deprecated tasks now display correctly.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.61 [05-10-2023] - Corrected a bug causing a crash if certain MOP tasks were viewed in the new canvas.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.60 [05-10-2023] - Fixed Metadata Drawer scroll bug.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.59 [05-10-2023] - Fixed a bug that occurred when creating success/failure transitions between tasks. The transition type is now maintained (saved) when using a hot key.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.58 [05-09-2023] - Corrected a bug causing the task details panel to crash if one of the referenced tasks is deleted.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.57 [05-09-2023] - Reverted changes to remove an empty filter on the template and JSON forms migration script.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.55 [05-08-2023] - Fixed a bug causing the app to crash when the user attempts to drag a transition while holding the Option key.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.54 [05-08-2023] - Corrected a bug causing outgoing JST variables to show as "null" when referenced in later tasks.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.53 [05-08-2023] - Corrected an issue that caused workflows to not scale properly on initial open.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.52 [05-08-2023] - Added text wrapping to the palette group header and tooltips to the task palette node template. Switched the task palette to left alignment (as opposed to center).
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.51 [05-05-2023] - Users can now successfully configure the "Extract Output," "Validate Incoming," and "Revert to Default Value" options of the Transformation task.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.50 [05-05-2023] - Corrected a bug that added new variables to the input schema of a workflow instead of the output schema.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.49 [05-05-2023] - Deleting parallel transitions via multi-select properly updates transition data.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.47 [05-04-2023] - Corrected a bug in the new canvas that prevented individual job variables within a "Merge Data" task from saving successfully.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.46 [05-04-2023] - Users can now insert tasks on existing transitions via drag-and-drop. Additionally, users can now merge transitions via the 'Delete & Merge' and 'Detach & Merge' node context menu options.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.45 [05-04-2023] - Added a check for undefined task variable schemas to prevent a page from crashing when opening tasks.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.44 [05-04-2023] - Resolved a page crash that occurred when opening tasks with undefined variables by adding a check to ensure the task has valid variables.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.43 [05-04-2023] - Prevented the creation of error or failure transitions originating from the "Start" node.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.42 [05-03-2023] - Added support for multi-line input fields when editing string variables.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.41 [05-02-2023] - Templates with tags are no longer restricted on import.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.40 [05-01-2023] - When using the childJob task, users must select a workflow for the task to run before loop settings can be configured. Additionally, all loop settings are reset upon changing which workflow is assigned to the childJob task.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.36 [04-28-2023] - Task tooltips are now displayed on hover. Also updated the tooltip styling for the retry and run window icons.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.35 [04-27-2023] - Corrected a bug that caused deleted workflow data to display if a new workflow was created with the same name.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.34 [04-27-2023] - Updated the run workflow shortcut to allow for capital "R" in the input.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.33 [04-26-2023] - The state variables are now reset upon saving workflow metadata changes to prevent duplicate chips in the Tags and Workflow Groups inputs.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.32 [04-26-2023] - Implemented a fix that prevents data from disappearing when re-selecting the Static source button.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.31 [04-25-2023] - JSON Forms without enumNames are now properly handled; items can now be deleted in the Configure Options window.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.30 [04-24-2023] - Job variables are now given an initial value of ${name}.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.29 [04-24-2023] - Removed unnecessary data on save and migrate to reduce workflow size.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.28 [04-21-2023] - Corrected a bug that caused the unsaved changes prompt to interrupt and redirect the UI when deleting a workflow with unsaved changes.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.27 [04-21-2023] - Updated incoming variables with no required input parameters to default to true.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.26 [04-21-2023] - Fixed a workflow error thrown by the childJob task after turning off looping.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.25 [04-21-2023] - Added a "Copy to clipboard" button to the Error and Warnings dialog that appears when hovering over a message.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.24 [04-21-2023] - Corrected a bug that prevented the Task Spread tool from working on specific selections within a workflow.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.22 [04-21-2023] - Ensured calls to update task data are not using mergeDeepRight.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.21 [04-20-2023] - Updated the Add Workflow Task Schema dialog in JST Designer to include previously blacklisted tasks.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.20 [04-20-2023] - Fixed spelling of the Job actor setting.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.19 [04-20-2023] - Adjusted drag zone UX based on early feedback.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.18 [04-20-2023] - Corrected a bug causing a workflow to contain invalid and invisible transitions after copying a selection that contains unconnected transitions.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.16 [04-19-2023] - Updated tasks to include X and Y properties and default actor properties.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.14 [04-19-2023] - Corrected a bug causing tasks with run windows that were configured in the new canvas to never run.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.13 [04-19-2023] - Applied a fix to make sure the incoming schema and job variables are in sync with each other.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.12 [04-18-2023] - Resolved several major transformation task bugs in the new canvas that impacted button operations on the UI, updating the task summary to a selected transformation name, saving a workflow after adding a new transformation task, displaying a transformation task based on user permissions, and syncing the incoming/outgoing task variables with the incoming/outgoing schema.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.11 [04-18-2023] - Unhandled method input types now default to multi-type select.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.10 [04-18-2023] - Fixed a bug that prevented adapter and integration tasks from being used in the new canvas.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.9 [04-18-2023] - Fixed a bug that prevented users from re-opening the Task Details panel after navigating away from the workflow editor.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.7 [04-17-2023] - Fixed a bug in the evaluation task that caused a workflow error warning for the all_true_flag variable. This fix sets the variable to 'false' if it is undefined or a blank string.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.5 [04-14-2023] - Fixed a bug causing transitions to not update their position after undoing a node move.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.4 [04-13-2023] - Updated the incoming “Variable Type” dropdown to include null as an option.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.3 [04-13-2023] - Updated the drag handle icon according to design specs.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.2 [04-12-2023] - Updated task palette grouping.
  • app-automation_studio:4.14.1 [01-04-2023] - All variable references in Gen 2 workflows are now decoded.
  • app-automation_studio:4.8.1 [11-22-2022] - Updated documentation link for JSON Forms user guide.
  • app-automation_studio:4.7.2 [11-16-2022] - Pre-builts with a transformation set for a childJob loop now import correctly if the ID of the transformation exists in the database and references the transformation in the correct format.
  • app-automation_studio:4.7.1 [11-15-2022] - Updated the workflow schema that is accepted upon import to account for JST-on-transitions tasks.
  • app-automation_studio:4.4.4 [11-10-2022] - The browser pop-up dialog is now dismissed after the proactive logout notice and the page is re-directed to the login screen.
  • app-automation_studio:4.4.3 [11-09-2022] - Updated migration logic to prevent duplicate function ids and check if thisArgs has properties before indexing.
  • app-automation_studio:4.4.2 [11-08-2022] - Fixed issue where JSTs referenced in pre-builts were sometimes created twice.
  • app-automation_studio:4.4.1 [11-01-2022] - Removed unneeded JSON files from the lib/projects/data directory.
  • app-automation_studio:4.3.2 [10-24-2022] - Modified the log console and help toast CSS in JST Designer and the JST-on-transition dialog.
  • app-automation_studio:4.2.3 [10-10-2022] - Workflow childJob tasks now maintain references to JSTs when they are imported as part of a prebuilt.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.42 [10-05-2022] - Recently used tasks are now dynamically updated when opening a Gen 2 workflow to prevent issues with adding or replacing tasks.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.40 [09-30-2022] - Users can now expand or collapse the template collection by clicking on any part of the template group node.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.39 [09-30-2022] - Updated the width for the log console and help toast to prevent overlap when the workbench is expanded/collapsed.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.36 [09-28-2022] - The static value of a Gen 2 task variable will now persist.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.35 [09-27-2022] - Added the 'support' and 'engineering' roles to the pronghorn.json file.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.34 [09-23-2022] - Static values of objects in variables are no longer parsed.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.32 [09-19-2022] - Schema option names are now changeable.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.31 [09-12-2022] - The child job of an error handler is now removed if the error handler is removed.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.30 [09-12-2022] - Importing a JST from the collections dialog now automatically refreshes the JST collection cards.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.28 [09-09-2022] - Fixed the functionality of the 'System Search' sidebar.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.27 [09-09-2022] - The childJob task can no longer run its parent workflow.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.25 [09-06-2022] - The application content section now correctly expands in relation to the width of the sidebar.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.23 [09-02-2022] - Fixed an issue that caused toolbar icons in several Automation Studio applications to be hidden when the side navigation bar was collapsed.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.22 [09-02-2022] - Updated the edit function drawer width to change dynamically with the workbench.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.21 [08-31-2022] - Fixed the functionality of the 'Center this workflow' button.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.19 [08-22-2022] - Fixed a styling error that affected the Delete Collection dialog.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.16 [08-19-2022] - Updated the z-index in the workbench styling to fix the width of the function rename modal.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.15 [08-18-2022] - Confirmation dialogs are no longer displayed when navigating away from a transformation with saved changes.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.14 [08-17-2022] - Tags and Auth Groups are filtered correctly in the meta drop-down list.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.13 [08-15-2022] - Fixed an issue that sometimes allowed invalid Start and End times to be specified for a scheduled task. In addition, changing the Start or End time of a scheduled task from AM to PM no longer clears the set time.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.12 [08-15-2022] - Search result input is fixed.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.11 [08-15-2022] - Fixed an issue that caused an error message to erroneously display upon the successful import and update of an existing transformation.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.102.0-2023.1.8 [05-09-2023] - Fixed a JSON Golden Config issue that would yield incorrect results when using regular expressions to validate falsy values.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.102.0-2023.1.7 [05-08-2023] - Fixed a display issue that prevented users from working the diffViewer manual task.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.102.0-2023.1.6 [05-05-2023] - Fixed an issue that caused F5 same-line configuration blocks to be ignored.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.102.0-2023.1.5 [05-03-2023] - Updated Configuration Editor to handle new JSON configurations correctly within the editor.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.102.0-2023.1.4 [04-28-2023] - Made several style adjustments to handle text overflow within the Search Dialog cards.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.102.0-2023.1.3 [04-20-2023] - Resolved an issue that caused the cm_more_light icon to not be displayed in the configuration editor gutter.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.102.0-2023.1.2 [04-19-2023] - Fixed an issue that caused JSON Compliance to error incorrectly.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.99.2 [11-02-2022] - Removed unintended scrollbars in Firefox.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.99.1 [10-20-2022] - Updated retrieval of the GBAC groupList to resolve issues rendering the Template Designer UI (editor).
  • app-configuration_manager:3.97.18 [09-14-2022] - Updated the size and padding in the Config Manager editor and fixed text misalignment.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.97.16 [09-13-2022] - Updated the globalSearch component. System Search nows closes when the user clicks outside of the search window.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.97.15 [09-07-2022] - Fixed an issue in Golden Configuration that would result in an error when attempting to find the appropriate parser.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.97.13 [08-29-2022] - Corrected the advancedAutoRemediation API documentation.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.97.12 [08-24-2022] - The Itential logo is now visible when the sidebar is collapsed.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.97.11 [08-17-2022] - Clicking on the Main menu icon now displays the correct Application menu based on proper permissions set in IAP.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.97.10 [08-16-2022] - Added detailed summary and description to the compliance report APIs.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.97.9 [08-11-2022] - Improved the efficiency with which rodeoicons.css is imported into Configuration Manager.
  • app-form_builder:4.11.29 [10-03-2022] - Added a default padding size to the form-data-elements to prevent misalignment.
  • app-json_forms:1.36.0-2023.1.6 [05-01-2023] - Corrected a bug causing JSON Forms to not render when accessed from Operations Manager.
  • app-json_forms:1.36.0-2023.1.5 [04-21-2023] - Allowed customKey as an importable property.
  • app-json_forms:1.36.0-2023.1.4 [04-21-2023] - Forms with radio fields can now be imported.
  • app-json_forms:1.36.0-2023.1.3 [04-18-2023] - Forms with tags are now importable.
  • app-json_forms:1.35.5 [11-23-2022] - Fixed an issue that prevented users from importing JSON Forms in which the 'default' key was an array.
  • app-json_forms:1.35.3 [08-29-2022] - Updated number field schema to allow the "disabled" property.
  • app-jst:1.11.0-2023.1.4 [05-01-2023] - Refactored tag logic in the importTransformation endpoint to prevent COLLSCANS.
  • app-jst:1.11.0-2023.1.2 [04-17-2023] - Updated the JST dependency to fix an issue that caused the application to fail on startup.
  • app-jst:1.10.2 [11-09-2022] - Updated migration logic to prevent duplicate function ids and check that thisArgs has properties before indexing.
  • app-jst:1.10.1 [11-08-2022] - Fixed the encoding and decoding logic in app-jst to resolve run errors in transformations.
  • app-jst:1.9.3 [10-31-2022] - Re-routed the legacy transformation URL to its new location in Automation Studio.
  • app-jst:1.8.16 [09-30-2022] - Updated the app-jst migration logic to change the transformation version to the current JST engine version.
  • app-jst:1.8.14 [09-20-2022] - Updated migration logic to ensure thisArgs parameters are indexed within nested functions and to prevent duplicate function ids.
  • app-jst:1.8.9 [08-29-2022] - Removed logic to add context property to transformation steps from the migration script.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.26.0-2023.1.10 [05-01-2023] - Fixed false positives related to the 'format' keyword in Resource Model Schema validation.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.26.0-2023.1.9 [04-24-2023] - Fixed a bug which could prevent the user from creating new workflows and action transformations.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.26.0-2023.1.8 [04-21-2023] - Reference updates are now used to ensure that the API documentation is properly generated.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.26.0-2023.1.7 [04-21-2023] - Added validation for access restrictions on workflows attached to actions.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.26.0-2023.1.6 [04-19-2023] - Made code changes so the duplicate button is not visible on the UI.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.26.0-2023.1.5 [04-14-2023] - Fixed a bug where generated workflows did not have properly encoded task input variables.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.26.0-2023.1.4 [04-14-2023] - Fixed the import and export behavior of resource models.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.26.0-2023.1.3 [04-13-2023] - Modified code to prevent the overlay from displaying after hitting "enter" within the search box.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.21.1 [12-09-2022] - Fixed a bug causing the UI to crash when attempting to create an instance with a specific type of JSON schema.
  • app-mop:6.12.0-2023.1.4 [05-02-2023] - Pressing enter on the variable command modal no longer crashes the application.
  • app-mop:6.12.0-2023.1.3 [04-14-2023] - Fixed an issue that caused command templates to error on save.
  • app-mop:6.11.35 [11-22-2022] - The device search icon for Command and Analytic templates is no longer hidden.
  • app-mop:6.11.30 [08-29-2022] - Modified the runTemplatesDiff API call to run the jsdiff evaluations aysnchronously.
  • app-mop:6.11.26 [08-03-2022] - Workflow groups are now displayed in a more predictable manner in the side navigation.
  • app-operations_manager:1.178.0-2023.1.7 [05-03-2023] - The Go To Parent button is no longer displayed for jobs that are children of an LCM action.
  • app-operations_manager:1.178.0-2023.1.6 [04-28-2023] - Corrected a bug causing the header in certain manual tasks to display the task or job reference key rather than the value of the referenced key.
  • app-operations_manager:1.178.0-2023.1.5 [04-27-2023] - Schedule triggers will now maintain repeat settings on import.
  • app-operations_manager:1.178.0-2023.1.4 [04-27-2023] - Fixed a bug where very large task documents would cause a database error when worked from the manual task dialog.
  • app-operations_manager:1.178.0-2023.1.2 [04-17-2023] - Resolved issue with missing workflow components when running the Pre-built Wizard.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.5 [12-06-2022] - Made CSS changes to correct UI inconsistencies under the Job Properties/Task Properties sidebar.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.4 [12-01-2022] - Fixed tab alignment for the Task Properties panel.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.2 [11-21-2022] - Updated the useGroups hooks by setting the default limit to "Infinity", which allows all groups existing in the database to be retrieved into the Operations Manager UI.
  • app-operations_manager:1.176.4 [11-15-2022] - Corrected a bug causing event triggers to not run in certain scenarios.
  • app-operations_manager:1.176.3 [11-11-2022] - Users can now vertically scroll through a selected form when creating or editing a trigger.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.9 [11-11-2022] - Implemented a trigger control to prevent users from clicking the Run button on the Run Automation panel more than once while a file upload is active.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.6 [10-28-2022] - Added the "Server ID" field to the details tab of the Task Properties sidebar.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.4 [10-24-2022] - Modified app-operations_manager to prevent the rendering cycle from displaying a stack error when the app is loaded on an unsecured server.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.3 [10-20-2022] - Fixed a bug causing job and task variables to be presented with encoded property names in certain cases.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.1 [10-12-2022] - Improved the error message displayed when an API trigger fails to be added to an automation due to an invalid schema.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.16 [09-30-2022] - Added the Last Run field to all trigger types.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.15 [09-22-2022] - Implemented code to enforce that jobs only existing in the database are displayed on the recently opened jobs list.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.14 [09-16-2022] - Fixed a bug causing schedule triggers to stop working in certain situations.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.13 [09-16-2022] - Refactored the eventHandler logic to resolve problems with the event trigger handler causing an app crash when Workflow Engine was offline.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.11 [09-14-2022] - Added write groups to the payload for jobs started from an automation trigger.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.10 [09-08-2022] - Converted Jest tests into Cypress component testing.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.9 [09-06-2022] - Improved the readability of task descriptions in the Job Details view.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.8 [09-06-2022] - Fixed revert to workflow start in the Gen 1 canvas.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.7 [09-02-2022] - Fixed browser errors in job lineage related to breadcrumb navigation. Users can now navigate from a child job back to its parent.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.6 [08-31-2022] - Removed font reference causing Content Security Policy (CSP) warnings in the browser console.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.5 [08-30-2022] - Improved the error message that displays when an error occurs while importing an automation.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.4 [08-26-2022] - Fixed a front end crash when viewing the task properties of a childJob task that has not kicked off a job.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.3 [08-26-2022] - Fixed a bug that prevented the column headers from displaying the current user in the text area of the filter button.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.1 [08-19-2022] - Fixed a bug that caused the Job Details page to crash when viewing certain workflows.
  • app-operations_manager:1.171.13 [08-16-2022] - Added childJob static properties to the details tab. Also added a childJob specific variables tab which displays the actual data from the spawned jobs instead of just their ids.
  • app-operations_manager:1.171.12 [08-12-2022] - Fixed a bug preventing users from entering new data in array and any field types. Also fixed a bug causing the Retry task button to be disabled.
  • app-service_management:2.24.13 [11-17-2022] - Enabled formatting for white space and newline characters in the Device Modifications results dialog.
  • app-service_management:2.24.11 [09-14-2022] - Fixed an issue that prevented users from modifying root level keys in NSO service models.
  • app-service_management:2.24.10 [08-23-2022] - Added an alert dialog for out-of-sync device errors that occur when deleting instances.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.46.0-2023.1.9 [05-17-2023] - Fixed workflows not displaying in the left sidebar 'Workflows' accordion tab.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.46.0-2023.1.7 [05-09-2023] - Corrected a bug preventing users from being notified when a Gen1 workflow cannot be found.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.46.0-2023.1.6 [04-25-2023] - Modified the import function to decode variables before checking if an embedded JST is in use.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.46.0-2023.1.5 [04-24-2023] - Modified workflow schema to support new canvas workflows.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.46.0-2023.1.4 [04-21-2023] - Updated the deprecated API '/status' call to the replacement '/health/status' call.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.46.0-2023.1.3 [04-17-2023] - Updated the JST dependency to fix an issue that caused Workflow Builder to fail on startup.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.46.0-2023.1.2 [04-14-2023] - Fixed issue where importWorkflow validation was validating encoded workflows by decoding a deep copy of the imported workflow.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.16 [01-04-2023] - Decoded all variable references in the Gen 1 workflows.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.15 [12-20-2022] - Added logic for task filtering based on role permissions.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.14 [12-18-2022] - The makeData API is now able to handle multi-line variable input.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.13 [12-16-2022] - Method details that are defined with an enum type data no longer appear as a changed variable in workflow tasks.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.11 [12-13-2022] - Fixed an issue with the newVariable task switching a null value to an empty string. The task now retains its null value when the task is saved.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.10 [11-30-2022] - Adapter tasks correctly render the 'adapter_id' as a variable when editing the task.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.8 [11-22-2022] - The magnifying glass icon in the search box of the ChildJob task now correctly renders.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.7 [11-11-2022] - The browser pop-up alert no longer appears in Workflow Builder after the proactive logout notice.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.6 [11-09-2022] - Changed migration logic to prevent users from uploading JSTs containing duplicate function IDs. Also added a check to ensure thethisArgs object has properties before it is indexed.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.4 [10-20-2022] - Fixed a menu bug that occurred when opening a Gen 1 workflow.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.86 [10-03-2022] - Transformation version is now updated during migration when importing referenced transformations.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.85 [09-26-2022] - Transformations are now migrated on import when imported via a childJob loop.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.84 [09-23-2022] - Draw mode banner now renders correctly when users press "T" on the keyboard to draw a transition.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.83 [09-21-2022] - A validation check was added to display an error dialog and prevent users from saving a workflow containing a blank child job.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.82 [09-21-2022] - Job variables that are referenced from the childJob loop array are included in the job variable search results.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.81 [09-16-2022] - Fixed an issue that caused the hamburger menu icon in the side navigation menu to become unresponsive after the side navigation menu was collapsed.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.80 [09-15-2022] - Data pertaining to newly created transformations inside the Edit Task dialog for a child job is now retained.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.79 [09-13-2022] - Workflows with illegal variables no longer starts a job and gives an error toast message.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.75 [09-06-2022] - Added toolbar icons to the collapsed sidebar for Gen 1 workflows.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.74 [08-23-2022] - Fixed the positioning of the search icon in the Gen 1 Automation Builder to no longer overlap the placeholder text in the search field.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.73 [08-22-2022] - The warning message given when trying to save a task with no Job Variable name is now hidden after being displayed for a standard amount of time from being updated.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.72 [08-22-2022] - Updated workflow builder to handle transferred Mongodb cloud data.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.71 [08-18-2022] - Updated manual tasks so they now appear in the task sidenav.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.70 [08-18-2022] - Fixed an error in the call stack limit. Transitions drawn between tasks on the workflow canvas are now visible.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.68 [08-15-2022] - An error message for invalid workflows is now supported and properly displayed in Automation Studio when a transformation is missing.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.67 [08-10-2022] - Fixed an issue where the list of available tasks for a user in the UI was not taking into account the user's access from custom roles.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.11 [05-05-2023] - Updated the Modify task to handle additional edge cases.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.10 [05-02-2023] - Improved error logging and messaging for 16MB MongoDB limit.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.8 [05-02-2023] - Updated asciiToBase64 and base64ToAscii to return objects in the error response.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.7 [04-30-2023] - Updated the job variable handling to stop overwriting the error job variable if the same variable is also assigned to the outgoing variable.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.6 [04-30-2023] - Reduced the WFE repository size by restructuring tests.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.5 [04-26-2023] - Transformation tasks whose output keys do not match the task’s outgoing variables no longer display the entire output object for each outgoing variable.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.2 [04-18-2023] - Updated test cases to account for errors on workflow import.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.15 [12-16-2022] - Fixed bug in API test case.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.13 [12-07-2022] - Updated sendTask to handle the new encoding method.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.12 [12-07-2022] - Reverted breaking changes that affected the makeData task.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.11 [12-03-2022] - The makeData API is now able to handle multi-line variable input.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.9 [11-30-2022] - The deepMerge task no longer returns an error on inputs that are not objects.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.9 [11-30-2022] - Fixed task encoding. Job variables are now decoded in the merge task.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.8 [11-17-2022] - Made the 'eventlistener' test case more robust.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.6 [11-10-2022] - Converted operations tasks to use async/await to fix issues with missing Audit Trail context in sequential child job loops.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.5 [11-07-2022] - Fixed an issue in which retryable tasks of reverted jobs would not use their original incoming variable data.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.3 [11-04-2022] - Fixed errors in job scheduling and saving the schedule to a job variable.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.2 [11-01-2022] - Database encoding no longer converts arrays with additional properties into objects.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.1 [10-28-2022] - Fixed an issue where the initiator variable was incorrectly set in sequential childJob loops. With this fix, the initiator value is retained when the workflow runs.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.0.7 [10-19-2022] - Looping childJob tasks that receive an empty array as input no longer cause workflows to hang in a running state and not complete.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.0.5 [10-07-2022] - Resolved a problem with the input mapping when a migration script runs. The outgoing variable in the viewData task is retained upon workflow import.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.0.3 [09-29-2022] - Added a safe-regex module to check for bad regular expressions in the string match task.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.0.2 [09-26-2022] - Fixed issue where comparing a null value against a string caused the Eval task to error instead of fail.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.0.1 [09-23-2022] - ViewData task now allows null inputs.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.42 [09-15-2022] - Updated task validation to use the config.adapterModels schema. Adapter tasks will now validate static inputs.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.41 [09-13-2022] - Improved the performance of the searchTasks API when no filter is specified in the request.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.40 [09-09-2022] - Added a check for NaN values in the charCodeAt task to ensure consistency in the return values.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.39 [09-08-2022] - Updated revert logic to cancel all previously running tasks to stop subsequent tasks from improperly executing.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.38 [09-08-2022] - Updated the eventListenerJob task to reset correctly when a workflow is reverted.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.37 [09-07-2022] - Fixed an infinite loop condition that occurred when calculating input and output schema for workflows that reference themselves in a child job.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.34 [09-01-2022] - Workflow Engine no longer removes escape characters from the input of the transformation task.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.33 [08-27-2022] - Fixed issue with thrown errors not being handled properly when inserting jobs.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.32 [08-16-2022] - Resolved a rendering issue that affected the HTML output provided by the viewData task.
  • iap-ui:1.8.9 [11-09-2022] - Updated 'adapter-azure_aaa' to fix a hang at the login screen.
  • iap-ui:1.8.8 [09-23-2022] - Removed polling of the myTtl API route from the login page.
  • iap-ui:1.5.29 [02-10-2022] - Fixed an issue where bookmark menus would extend outside of the page. They are now aligned and positioned to automatically fit.
  • itential-utils:2.9.6 [11-30-2022] - Added an additional check during generation of the pronghorn.json file in core.
  • network:3.4.1 [04-30-2023] - Filtered state queue arguments to prevent a possible hang when starting IAP.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.18 [05-08-2023] - Fixed an issue that caused IAP to hang during start up due to checking for symbolic links to directories.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.17 [05-03-2023] - Fixed an issue where services were not installed when referenced by a symbolic link.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.14 [05-02-2023] - Improved the performance of the 'getUserProfile' and 'updateUserProfile' APIs by querying on account._id instead of account.username.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.12 [04-26-2023] - Updated the task input types for Integration Tasks with request bodies.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.11 [04-25-2023] - Fixed issue where new services could get an invalid webserver property in their loggerProps.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.10 [04-25-2023] - Fixed an issue that prevented new users from viewing the Admin Essentials page after initial login. .
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.7 [04-20-2023] - Fixed a bug that caused importAdapter and importProfile to hang indefinitely.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.6 [04-20-2023] - Updated Integration Models with decoding logic to ensure they are parsed correctly by Admin Essentials.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.4 [04-19-2023] - Updated failing test case assertion to pass correctly.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.3 [04-18-2023] - Replaced the deprecated returnOriginal parameter with returnDocument when using findOneAndUpdate.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.1 [04-17-2023] - Added Authentication checks for machine authentication.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.18 [01-03-2023] - Reverted a breaking change to the getDevicesFiltered call from the Device broker.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.16 [12-20-2022] - Removed the arbitrary start index of 0 passed to adapters from the getDevicesFiltered broker call.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.16 [12-16-2022] - Removed unnecessary connection log messages for services that are not actively running.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.12 [12-07-2022] - Fixed an issue that prevented Configuration Manager from displaying devices.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.11 [12-05-2022] - Made code changes to ensure the user object is stored and passed into brokered calls to build the principal on expiration.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.10 [11-23-2022] - Users are signed out correctly when using the sign out button in legacy applications.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.8 [11-11-2022] - Updated API method names to fix pronghorn.json generation errors.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.6 [11-11-2022] - Fixed an issue with the migratePropertiesToDatabase script that caused some UI applications to fail schema validation.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.5 [11-11-2022] - Changed the default status code for login errors from 500 to 401.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.4 [11-09-2022] - Updated the default syslog value to error.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.3 [11-08-2022] - Added a sortHelper to modify the order of pre-built components so that transformations are imported before workflows.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.13 [10-26-2022] - Updated documentation for the checkIndexes API to include the 'external' key.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.11 [10-19-2022] - Updated the integration request handler to better handle open API schemas.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.8 [10-06-2022] - Fixed an issue that made optional parameters a requirement.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.5 [09-28-2022] - Fixed a bug where some services with an error had stopped the pronghorn.ready event from being sent.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.3 [09-26-2022] - Fixed an issue in which service roles were deleted when a related service instance was deleted, even if other related service instances still existed.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.1 [09-23-2022] - Fixed issue where UI roles were not being properly created.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.15 [09-21-2022] - Fixed an issue that prevented IAP from starting when a clustered RabbitMQ node went offline.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.14 [09-21-2022] - Added configurable property externalRequestTimeout to set the timeout value when making external API requests, such as when fetching Pre-builts.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.13 [09-20-2022] - Changed the default logoutTime property to 60 seconds.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.11 [09-17-2022] - Fixed issue where adapter model types were not being populated in the dropdown list of the Create dialog due to a dependency on the Pronghorn Admin role.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.10 [09-17-2022] - Fixed an issue that caused Form Builder to ignore "when" statements in YANG models.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.9 [09-17-2022] - Modified the code to ensure dynamic adapter routes can no longer override application routes when an adapter loads before the application.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.8 [09-15-2022] - Moved some internal functions of the createService method to an external module to allow for easier unit testing of those functions.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.7 [09-15-2022] - Improved logging when adding, deleting, and refreshing AAA groups.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.6 [09-13-2022] - Modified the Services API to ensure applications and adapters show on the active profile in Admin Essentials if no Pronghorn Admin role exists.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.5 [09-13-2022] - Removed quotes from the Prometheus metrics return data.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.3 [09-03-2022] - Updated the updateAccount and updateGroup APIs to filter out nonexistent roles instead of returning an error, provided they are stored as ObjectIds.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.2 [09-02-2022] - Fixed a bug that prevented users from deleting an adapter if there was a schema validation error in the IAP profile.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.1 [09-02-2022] - Improved handling for schema validation errors in Authorization APIs.
  • pronghorn-core:13.28.36 [08-27-2022] - Improved the error message returned by the getAdapterSchema API when the requested adapter is not installed.
  • pronghorn-core:13.28.35 [08-27-2022] - Removed the PHUI modal expand option.
  • pronghorn-core:13.28.30 [08-09-2022] - Updated the code to create and validate a service.

Security Fixes

  • adapter-local_aaa:4.3.9 [12-02-2022] - Added a more constructive error message when a user attempts to login.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.1.1-2023.1.5 [04-27-2023] - Updated request headers for polling in Admin Essentials to limit idle user sessions.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.18 [08-22-2022] - Updated Ajv and Axios packages to stable versions.
  • app-json_forms:1.35.1 [08-10-2022] - Updated the unset-value package to a stable version.
  • app-mop:6.12.0-2023.1.2 [04-14-2023] - Updated the vm2 package to a stable version.
  • app-mop:6.11.33 [09-19-2022] - Updated the VM2 package to a stable version to address security vulnerability.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.69 [08-16-2022] - Updated the Axios, Lodash, and Ansi-Regex packages to stable versions.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.16 [05-02-2023] - Updated request handling for API polling.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.17 [12-16-2022] - Improved the message provided on login attempts.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.1 [11-07-2022] - Added a more constructive error message when a deactivated user attempts to login.


  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.29.0-2023.1.1 [04-13-2023] - Creating release branch.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.27.6 [11-23-2022] - Moved itential-utils from a dependency to a peerDependency.
  • adapter-automation_gateway:4.27.4 [10-17-2022] - Fixed JSON schema issues with references.
  • adapter-azure_aaa:1.5.1-2023.1.0 [04-12-2023] - Completed pre-release tasks for adapter-azure_aaa.
  • adapter-azure_aaa:1.4.5 [11-16-2022] - Moved itential-utils from a dependency to a peerDependency.
  • adapter-email:4.2.16-2023.1.0 [04-12-2023] - Completed pre-release tasks for adapter-email.
  • adapter-email:4.2.14 [11-16-2022] - Moved itential-utils from a dependency to a peerDependency.
  • adapter-ldap:2.13.12-2023.1.0 [04-19-2023] - Pinned dependencies.
  • adapter-ldap:2.13.10 [11-16-2022] - Moved itential-utils from a dependency to a peerDependency.
  • adapter-local_aaa:4.4.1-2023.1.0 [04-14-2023] - Completed pre-release checklist tasks and created a release branch.
  • adapter-local_aaa:4.3.8 [11-15-2022] - Moved itential-utils and database from dependencies to peerDependencies.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.39-2023.1.3 [05-03-2023] - Removed the continuation-local-storage dependency from package.json.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.39-2023.1.1 [04-10-2023] - Release checklist.
  • adapter-nso:7.8.34 [12-01-2022] - Moved itential dependencies to peer dependencies.
  • adapter-radius:2.1.10-2023.1.0 [04-12-2023] - Pinned dependencies.
  • adapter-radius:2.1.8 [11-16-2022] - Moved itential-utils from a dependency to a peerDependency.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.1.1-2023.1.8 [05-12-2023] - Updated UI dependencies in Admin Essentials.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.1.1-2023.1.0 [04-14-2023] - Updated dependency versions for the release branch.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.24 [12-16-2022] - Updated the blueprint functionality to include Itential dependencies.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.23 [11-17-2022] - Moved itential-utils and database from dependencies to peerDependencies.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.7 [09-13-2022] - Removed the cog.js file and set the type to "UI" in the pronghorn.json file.
  • app-ag_manager:1.19.0-2023.1.1 [04-13-2023] - Pinned dependencies for the Release branch.
  • app-ag_manager:1.18.7 [11-22-2022] - Moved itential-utils and database from dependencies to peerDependencies.
  • app-automation_catalog:2.13.0-2023.1.1 [04-10-2023] - Updated dependency versions in preparation for release.
  • app-automation_catalog:2.12.14 [12-01-2022] - Updated the encode path.
  • app-automation_catalog:2.12.13 [11-23-2022] - Converted itential dependencies to peer dependencies.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.66 [05-12-2023] - Updated jst and jst-designer dependencies to latest version.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.56 [05-09-2023] - Increased memory allocation for Fargate.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.37 [04-29-2023] - Updated the jst-designer dependency to the latest version.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.23 [04-21-2023] - Updated jst dependency to latest version.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.6 [04-14-2023] - Updated the app-automation_studio npm packages in preparation for the release.
  • app-automation_studio:4.14.2 [01-09-2023] - Reverted the decoding of the jst variable references logic.
  • app-automation_studio:4.13.1 [12-09-2022] - Updated pronghorn.json to match the OpenAPI schema.
  • app-automation_studio:4.9.1 [12-05-2022] - Removed local CI job overrides that no longer exist globally.
  • app-automation_studio:4.8.2 [11-23-2022] - Moved core modules to peer dependencies.
  • app-automation_studio:4.4.5 [11-10-2022] - Updated the jst-designer dependency to the latest version.
  • app-automation_studio:4.3.1 [10-24-2022] - Updated jst and jst-designer dependencies to latest version.
  • app-automation_studio:4.2.4 [10-17-2022] - Updated jst-designer dependency to latest version.
  • app-automation_studio:4.2.2 [10-10-2022] - Removed the warning that was displayed if a workflow contained transformations that were incompatible with the JST engine.
  • app-automation_studio:4.2.1 [10-10-2022] - Fixed JSON schema errors in referenced schemas.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.41 [10-03-2022] - Updated the jst-designer dependency in app-automation_studio to the latest version.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.33 [09-21-2022] - Updated the jst-designer dependency in app-automation_studio to the latest version.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.29 [09-09-2022] - Updated the jst and jst-designer dependencies in app-automation_studio to the latest versions.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.27 [09-09-2022] - Updated JSON schema to work with v3 of the OpenAPI specification.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.24 [09-02-2022] - Updated the jst and jst-designer dependencies to the latest versions.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.20 [08-30-2022] - Updated JST and JST-Designer dependencies to the latest version.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.17 [08-19-2022] - Updated JST and jst-designer dependencies to latest version.
  • app-automation_studio:4.1.10 [08-11-2022] - Updated jst and jst-designer dependencies to latest version.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.102.0-2023.1.1 [04-14-2023] - Merged RC into master.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.99.5 [11-21-2022] - Moved core Itential modules to peer dependencies.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.98.1 [10-13-2022] - Added a migration script to support Device Group functionality in Golden Configuration.
  • app-configuration_manager:3.97.14 [09-06-2022] - Updated JSON schema to work with v3 of the OpenAPI specification.
  • app-form_builder:4.12.0-2023.1.1 [04-12-2023] - Release checklist for app-form_builder.
  • app-form_builder:4.11.32 [11-22-2022] - Moved itential dependencies to peer dependencies.
  • app-json_forms:1.36.0-2023.1.1 [04-12-2023] - Release checklist for app-json_forms.
  • app-json_forms:1.35.7 [12-14-2022] - Updated the pronghorn.json file to comply with OpenAPI formatting standards.
  • app-json_forms:1.35.6 [11-23-2022] - Converted itential dependencies to peer dependencies.
  • app-json_forms:1.35.4 [09-06-2022] - Updated the JSON schema to work with OpenAPI version 3.
  • app-jst:1.11.0-2023.1.5 [05-12-2023] - Updated the jst dependency to latest version.
  • app-jst:1.11.0-2023.1.3 [04-21-2023] - Updated the jst and jst-designer dependencies to the latest version.
  • app-jst:1.11.0-2023.1.1 [04-12-2023] - Pinned dependencies and incremented dependency versions to latest in preparation for release.
  • app-jst:1.10.4 [12-14-2022] - Updated pronghorn.json file to comply with OpenAPI formatting standards.
  • app-jst:1.10.3 [11-22-2022] - Changed the itential-utils and database components from dependencies to peer dependencies.
  • app-jst:1.9.2 [10-21-2022] - Updated the jst and jst-designer dependencies to the latest version.
  • app-jst:1.9.1 [10-14-2022] - Updated the jst-designer dependency to the latest version.
  • app-jst:1.8.17 [09-30-2022] - Updated the jst-designer dependency in app-jst to the latest version.
  • app-jst:1.8.15 [09-21-2022] - Updated the jst-designer dependency in app-jst to the latest version.
  • app-jst:1.8.13 [09-11-2022] - Updated the jst and jst-designer dependencies in app-jst to the latest versions.
  • app-jst:1.8.11 [09-02-2022] - Updated jst and jst-designer dependency in app-jst to latest versions.
  • app-jst:1.8.10 [08-30-2022] - Updated jst and jst-designer dependencies to latest version.
  • app-jst:1.8.8 [08-19-2022] - Updated JST and jst-designer dependencies to latest version.
  • app-jst:1.8.7 [08-11-2022] - Updated the jst and jst-designer dependencies to the latest version.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.26.0-2023.1.2 [04-12-2023] - Added ace-builds to satisfy RodeoUI peer dependency.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.26.0-2023.1.1 [04-10-2023] - Updated dependency versions in preparation for release.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.21.2 [12-09-2022] - Added cypress grep to Lifeycle Manager.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.17.1 [11-29-2022] - Updated encode path to fix pipeline encoding.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.16.1 [11-23-2022] - Moved Itential dependencies to peer dependencies.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.15.2 [10-20-2022] - Pipeline tests against Lifecycle Manager are now mandatory.
  • app-lifecycle_manager:1.15.1 [10-11-2022] - Added automated tests to the CI/CD pipeline.
  • app-mop:6.12.0-2023.1.1 [04-11-2023] - Release checklist for app-mop.
  • app-mop:6.11.36 [12-09-2022] - Updated the pronghorn.json to ensure all methods work as intended in the OpenAPI specification.
  • app-nso_manager:2.23.7-2023.1.1 [04-10-2023] - Release checklist.
  • app-nso_manager:2.23.6 [11-23-2022] - Changed the itential-utils component from a dependency to a peer dependency.
  • app-nso_manager:2.23.5 [10-04-2022] - Fixed JSON schema issues with references.
  • app-nso_manager:2.23.4 [09-08-2022] - Updated the JSON schema to work with v3 of the OpenAPI specification.
  • app-operations_manager:1.178.0-2023.1.8 [05-12-2023] - Updated the jst dependency.
  • app-operations_manager:1.178.0-2023.1.3 [04-26-2023] - Improved stability in test pipeline.
  • app-operations_manager:1.178.0-2023.1.1 [04-12-2023] - Updated dependency versions in preparation for release.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.9 [01-04-2023] - Added instructions to the test environment Readme on how to perform maintenance release testing.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.4 [12-01-2022] - Updated encode path.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.3 [11-26-2022] - Moved core modules to peer dependencies.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.1 [11-28-2022] - Added cypress grep as a development dependency to allow for test filtering via tags.
  • app-operations_manager:1.175.2 [11-08-2022] - Updated JST dependency to capture fixes and updates.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.8 [11-01-2022] - Removed workflow rule from CI/CD yaml file.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.7 [10-31-2022] - Removed the Docker login for local test environment usage. Updated the pipeline to remove redundant pipelines.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.5 [11-02-2022] - Updated code file to allow end-to-end test failure in the CI/CD pipeline.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.18 [10-10-2022] - Added automated tests to the CI/CD pipeline.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.17 [10-10-2022] - Fixed JSON schema errors in referenced schemas.
  • app-operations_manager:1.172.2 [08-23-2022] - Updated JSON schema to work with v3 of the OpenAPI specification.
  • app-service_catalog:3.13.0-2023.1.1 [04-10-2023] - Release checklist for app-service_catalog.
  • app-service_catalog:3.12.2 [11-24-2022] - Changed the itential-utils and database components from dependencies to peer dependencies.
  • app-service_catalog:3.12.1 [10-04-2022] - Fixed JSON schema errors in referenced schemas.
  • app-service_management:2.25.0-2023.1.1 [04-10-2023] - Release checklist.
  • app-service_management:2.24.14 [11-23-2022] - Moved itential-utils from a dependency to a peerDependency.
  • app-service_management:2.24.12 [10-04-2022] - Fixed JSON schema errors in referenced schemas.
  • app-template_builder:2.6.12-2023.1.1 [04-11-2023] - Release checklist for app-template_builder.
  • app-template_builder:2.6.11 [12-09-2022] - Updated pronghorn.json file to meet OpenAPI formatting standards.
  • app-template_builder:2.6.10 [11-22-2022] - Removed an unnecessary database dependency.
  • app-template_builder:2.6.9 [09-09-2022] - Fixed incorrect schema reference in the pronghorn.json file.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.46.0-2023.1.8 [05-11-2023] - Updated jst dependency to latest version.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.46.0-2023.1.1 [04-13-2023] - Completed the release checklist for app-workflow-builder.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.17 [01-09-2023] - Reverted decoding for the JST variable references logic.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.12 [12-14-2022] - Update pronghorn.json file to comply with OpenAPI formatting standards.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.9 [11-22-2022] - Moved itential dependencies to peer dependencies.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.45.2 [10-11-2022] - Fixed JSON schema errors in referenced schemas.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.78 [09-09-2022] - Updated JSON schema to work with v3 of the OpenAPI specification.
  • app-workflow_builder:5.44.77 [09-09-2022] - Added JSON reporting for API tests.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.13 [05-12-2023] - Updated the jst dependency to the latest version.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.1 [04-14-2023] - Updated dependencies and devDependencies for the release candidate.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.0 [04-13-2023] - Pinned dependencies.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.9 [11-30-2022] - Fixed WFE pipeline.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.9 [11-23-2022] - Added more automated API tests to the pre-merge pipeline.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.7 [11-15-2022] - Converted itential dependencies to peer dependencies.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.0.4 [10-02-2022] - Fixed JSON schema errors in referenced schemas.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.35 [09-02-2022] - Updated JSON schema to work with v3 of the OpenAPI specification.
  • audit-trail:1.5.2 [05-09-2023] - Removed callbacks from database calls that are no longer supported by the latest MongoDB driver.
  • audit-trail:1.5.1 [04-11-2023] - Merged 'RC' branch into master.
  • audit-trail:1.5.0 [03-22-2023] - Refactored where session and principal documents are created for job actors. Removed session token management. Updated Audit Trail to work with service accounts that do not yet have a session document. Finally, made initial changes for future support of Node 18.
  • audit-trail:1.4.10 [01-27-2023] - Updated all development dependencies to the latest version.
  • audit-trail:1.4.9 [02-03-2022] - Moved project to the improved, main, pipeline.
  • database:1.11.9 [04-07-2023] - Promoted changes from the RC branch to the master branch.
  • database:1.11.8 [02-24-2023] - Added support for the 'appname' property to MongoDB connections.
  • database:1.11.7 [01-27-2023] - Updated all development dependencies to the latest version.
  • event-system:1.1.28 [04-11-2023] - Updated the merge for rc into master for release.
  • event-system:1.1.27 [01-27-2023] - Updated all development dependencies to the latest version.
  • event-system:1.1.26 [11-07-2022] - Updated the event-system module to work in peer dependency environments.
  • iap-ui:1.9.1-2023.1.0 [04-14-2023] - Completed pre-release checklist tasks and created a release branch.
  • itential-utils:2.9.10 [04-10-2023] - Updated the itential-utils dependencies and developer dependencies in preparation for release.
  • itential-utils:2.9.9 [04-05-2023] - Reverted Node.js 18, npm 9, and lockfileVersion 3 development dependency changes.
  • itential-utils:2.9.8 [03-22-2023] - Updated project to be development and testing compatible with Node.js 18 and npm 9.
  • itential-utils:2.9.5 [11-07-2022] - Updated the database module to work in a peer dependency environment.
  • logger:2.1.14 [04-11-2023] - Merged the RC branch to the master branch.
  • logger:2.1.13 [01-27-2023] - Updated all development dependencies to the latest version.
  • logger:2.1.12 [11-04-2022] - Updated logger module to work in a peer dependency environment.
  • network:3.4.0 [04-11-2023] - Updated in preparation for release.
  • network:3.3.19 [01-26-2023] - Updated all development dependencies to the latest version and applied the Prettier formatter to all files.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.0 [04-14-2023] - Updated pronghorn-core for release.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.20 [01-04-2023] - Moved project to new master-is-master pipeline.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.2 [11-08-2022] - Converted core Itential modules into peer dependencies.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.14 [10-28-2022] - Updated the service dependency to remove unnecessary validation.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.9 [10-07-2022] - Removed unused dependencies from the package files.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.4 [09-26-2022] - Updated the iap-ui dependency to the latest version.
  • search:1.2.3-2023.1.0 [04-12-2023] - Prepared the Itential search library for release.
  • search:1.2.1 [11-18-2022] - Changed the itential-utils and database components from dependencies to peer dependencies.
  • search:1.1.27 [08-29-2022] - Updated JSON schema to properly handle array items.
  • service:2.11.4 [05-16-2023] - Updated the creation of ObjectIds to work with the latest MongoDB driver.
  • service:2.11.3 [05-12-2023] - Modified cleanup update call to updateMany due to the removal of an update in the method of the latest Node Mongo driver version.
  • service:2.11.1 [04-11-2023] - Merged the RC branch into master.
  • service:2.11.0 [02-24-2023] - Added support for passing the service name to the Mongo connection with the appname property and fixed an issue that prevented users from running migrations if a service was previously restarted while migrations were running.
  • service:2.10.14 [01-27-2023] - Updated all development dependencies to the latest version.
  • service:2.10.13 [11-07-2022] - Updated the service module to work in a peer dependency environment.
  • tags:3.1.16-2023.1.0 [04-13-2023] - Merged RC into master to remove the RC branch before cutting the new release.
  • tags:3.1.14 [11-11-2022] - Moved itential-utils and database from dependencies to peerDependencies.


  • adapter-nso:7.8.37 [01-10-2023] - Deprecated the get_service_points JSON-RPC method and replaced it with rpc.query to get service points.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.6 [09-08-2022] - Removed deprecated User Management pages from Admin Essentials.
  • app-admin_essentials:4.0.0 [08-23-2022] - Removed all deprecated APIs.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.0.0 [09-21-2022] - Removed deprecated APIs.
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.36 [09-06-2022] - Removed unnecessary index from the workflows collection.
  • itential-utils:2.9.7 [03-10-2023] - Removed deprecated methods from the Discovery class.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.0 [09-23-2022] - Removed deprecated APIs and brokers. Also removed the deprecated Pronghorn.admin role.


  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.48 [05-04-2023] - Added/unskipped more component tests.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.17 [04-20-2023] - Fixed various small diagram errors.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.15 [04-19-2023] - Finished fleshing out WorkflowEditor tests, fixed various small bugs found during test writing.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.8 [04-17-2023] - Un-skipped component tests.
  • app-automation_studio:4.15.0-2023.1.1 [04-11-2023] - Adds user journey end to end tests.
  • app-operations_manager:1.177.8 [01-03-2023] - Added new assertion to automation test.
  • app-operations_manager:1.176.5 [11-15-2022] - Added test cases to verify creating of default schemas and schema updates.
  • app-operations_manager:1.176.2 [11-11-2022] - Adds component tests for AccessControl component.
  • app-operations_manager:1.175.4 [11-09-2022] - Writes test cases to verify $schema are handled appropriately.
  • app-operations_manager:1.175.1 [11-04-2022] - Added new api tests verifying use of JSTs with event triggers.
  • app-operations_manager:1.173.2 [10-12-2022] - Added a test to verify failure transition.
  • app-operations_manager:1.171.10 [08-20-2022] - Adds tests to verify automations and triggers can be updated with Pronghorn in createdBy and lastUpdatedBy.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.12 [05-08-2023] - Added test cases to WFE.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.9 [05-02-2023] - Added unit test coverage for WFE.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.4 [04-19-2023] - Added an integration test to validate that migration scripts run on workflows are idempotent.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.2.1-2023.1.3 [04-18-2023] - Added an integration test that verifies the startup value for job and task worker.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.14 [12-08-2022] - Updated cypress config for v10 and skipped outdated tests.
  • app-workflow_engine:10.1.10 [12-01-2022] - Test case created to verify the encoding and decoding of job variables. .
  • app-workflow_engine:9.13.43 [09-17-2022] - Fixed test cases for BFS job variable list.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.15 [05-02-2023] - Updated failing integration test.
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.8 [04-21-2023] - Add testing for 3.1 integrations and organize existing integration tests. .
  • pronghorn-core:14.2.1-2023.1.2 [04-18-2023] - Update whoAmI test with new options.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.21 [01-05-2023] - Added unit tests for the OpenAPIUtils.js file.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.13 [12-07-2022] - The test case was updated to ensure the status of apps goes back to running after a stopped status.
  • pronghorn-core:14.1.9 [11-15-2022] - The test case relating to the index API was updated to connect to the database using environment variables.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.12 [10-22-2022] - Fixed test cases for prebuilt lifecycle.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.10 [10-07-2022] - Added an API test for updating accounts with roles and updated the groups.patch.js test to include checking invalid roes .
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.7 [10-05-2022] - Completed API Test Refactor for test/api/*-cannotUpdatePrebuiltRepoConfig.test.js.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.6 [10-04-2022] - Add test case for role _id migration to Object.
  • pronghorn-core:14.0.2 [09-23-2022] - Added API tests for new Groups APIs.
  • pronghorn-core:13.29.12 [09-17-2022] - Reintroduced tests for the /download endpoint.
  • pronghorn-core:13.28.31 [08-10-2022] - Update setup/cleanup to create/delete adapter.

2023.1.0 Release Versions

All software dependency versions are now available on this page: Itential Dependencies

Automation Platform Versions

component version
@itential/adapter-automation_gateway 4.29.0-2023.1.5
@itential/adapter-azure_aaa 1.5.1-2023.1.0
@itential/adapter-email 4.2.16-2023.1.0
@itential/adapter-ldap 2.13.12-2023.1.0
@itential/adapter-local_aaa 4.4.1-2023.1.0
@itential/adapter-nso 7.8.39-2023.1.5
@itential/adapter-radius 2.1.10-2023.1.0
@itential/app-admin_essentials 4.1.1-2023.1.9
@itential/app-ag_manager 1.19.0-2023.1.1
@itential/app-automation_catalog 2.13.0-2023.1.1
@itential/app-automation_studio 4.15.0-2023.1.66
@itential/app-configuration_manager 3.102.0-2023.1.8
@itential/app-form_builder 4.12.0-2023.1.1
@itential/app-json_forms 1.36.0-2023.1.6
@itential/app-jst 1.11.0-2023.1.5
@itential/app-lifecycle_manager 1.26.0-2023.1.10
@itential/app-mop 6.12.0-2023.1.4
@itential/app-nso_manager 2.23.7-2023.1.1
@itential/app-operations_manager 1.178.0-2023.1.8
@itential/app-service_catalog 3.13.0-2023.1.1
@itential/app-service_management 2.25.0-2023.1.1
@itential/app-template_builder 2.6.12-2023.1.1
@itential/app-workflow_builder 5.46.0-2023.1.9
@itential/app-workflow_engine 10.2.1-2023.1.13
@itential/iap-ui 1.9.1-2023.1.0
@itential/pronghorn-core 14.2.1-2023.1.18
@itential/search 1.2.3-2023.1.0
@itential/tags 3.1.16-2023.1.0
@itential/itential-utils 2.9.10
@itential/database 1.11.10
@itential/network 3.4.2
@itential/service 2.11.1
@itential/event-system 1.1.28
@itential/logger 2.1.14
@itential/audit-trail 1.5.1

Automation Gateway Versions

component version
automation_gateway 3.227.0+2023.1.15

NSO Manager Versions

component version

Engine Versions

component version

Platform Compatibility

Device Configuration

Device Configuration compatibility describes which devices are expected to work with the basic features of the Configuration Manager application across various southbound systems.


* Arista EOS
* Cisco IOS
* Cisco IOSXR
* Cisco NX
* Juniper Junos


Refer to the NSO Versions and NED Versions tables below for a list of tested devices.

Device Compliance

Device Compliance compatibility describes which devices are expected to work with Golden Configurations.


* Arista EOS
* Cisco IOS
* Cisco IOSXR
* Cisco NX
* Juniper Junos

NSO (Configuration Manager app):

* Arista EOS
* Cisco IOS
* Cisco IOSXR
* Cisco NX
* Juniper Junos

Device Maintenance

Device Maintenance compatibility describes which devices Itential can perform maintenance activities on (e.g., reboots and firmware upgrades).


* Arista EOS
* Cisco IOS
* Cisco IOSXR
* Juniper Junos


* cisco-ios
* cisco-iosxr
* juniper-junos

Device Health Checks

Device Health Checks compatibility describes which devices Itential can execute read-only show commands to use the method broker and Command Templates application.


* Arista EOS
* Cisco IOS
* Cisco IOSXR
* Cisco NX
* Juniper Junos


* a10-acos
* alu-sr
* arista-dcs
* cienacli-acos
* cisco-aireos
* cisco-asa
* cisco-gss
* cisco-ios
* cisco-iosxr
* cisco-nx
* cisco-qps
* cisco-staros
* ericsson-sgsnmme
* f5-bigip
* huawei-vrp
* juniper-junos

Note: Some of the devices in the health checks category are tested against netsim devices.



IAP can render most ansible networking modules as forms. Support for specific modules may vary. If you encounter issues with any particular modules, reach out to the Itential Customer Success Team for assistance.


IAP can render most service models advertised by NSO as forms. Support for specific yang features may vary. If you encounter issues with your service models, reach out to the Itential Customer Success Team for assistance.

Service Provisioning


IAP can provision most service models advertised by NSO. Support for specific yang features may vary. If you encounter issues with your service models, reach out to the Itential Customer Success Team for assistance.

Devices/Services Compatibility

The Itential Automation Platform is tested against the following component versions.

Ansible Versions:

* Ansible Core 2.13 and Community 6.x
* Ansible Core 2.14 and Community 7.x
* 2.10.7
* 2.9.27

Ansible Modules:

* eos_facts
* eos_command
* eos_config
* ios_facts
* ios_command
* ios_config
* iosxr_facts
* iosxr_command
* iosxr_config
* nx_facts
* nx_command
* nx_config
* junos_facts
* junos_command
* junos_config

NSO Versions:

* 5.7
* 5.8
* 6.0
* 6.1

NSO NED Versions:

ned 5.4.4 5.5.1 5.6
a10-acos 3.18 3.18 3.18
adtran-aos 4.0.6 4.0.6 4.0.6
alu-sr 8.13.4 8.13.4
arista-dcs 5.20.2 5.20.2
checkpoint-gaiaos_rest n/a 1.10.7
ciena-acos 6.2.5 6.2.5
cisco-aireos 3.7.2
cisco-asa 6.12.4 6.12.4
cisco-gss 2.1.1 2.1.1 2.1.1
cisco-ios 6.69
cisco-iosxr 7.33 7.33
cisco-nx 5.21.1 5.21.1
cisco-qps 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3
cisco-staros 5.34.6
ericsson-sgsnmme 1.0.7 n/a n/a
f5-bigip 3.17
fortinet-fortios 5.4.21 5.4.21
huawei-usn 1.2.1 n/a n/a
huawei-vrp 6.17.4
juniper-junos 4.6.19
paloalto-panos_cli 4.8.2
radware-alteonos 2.4.1 2.4.1
unix-bind 2.1.0 2.1.0 2.1.0

VTS Versions:

* 2.6.2

VTS NED Versions:

ned 2.6.2
cisco-iosxr 6.6
cisco-ncs5500 1.0
cisco-nx 5.1.4

Virtual Devices:

* A10 vThunder 4.1.4 GR1
* Arista EOS-4.23.0FX
* Checkpoint R80.30-273.583
* Cisco ASAv
* Cisco CSR 17.02.01r
* Cisco NX 9.3.2, 9.3.1
* Cisco StarOS 21.15.29
* Cisco XR6.3.1
* Fortigate 6.4.0
* Juniper VMX 18.4R1
* Juniper VSRX 19.1R2
* PanOS 9.1.2
* Radware

Browser Compatibility

This feature release was tested against the following browser versions:

* Firefox 103.0.2
* Chrome 104.0.5112.79
* Edge 104.0.1293.47

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