Pronghorn Core
  • 15 Oct 2023
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Pronghorn Core

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Article summary

Removal of alarmProps as an Object

Setting the Profile property alarmProps as an Object for single alarm locations was deprecated in the 2021.1 release and targeted for removal in the 2022.1 release. The preferred configuration is now an array with either a single Object (single alarm location) or multiple Objects (multi-alarm locations).

Single location:

  "alarmProps": [ { ... } ]

Multiple locations:

  "alarmProps": [ { ... }, { ... } ]

What should I do?

At startup, all instances of alarmProps will be migrated to an array of objects instead of the singular object. In the rare circumstance this can occur, please update any scripts that continue to use the object notation to now enclose that object in an array.

$SECRET Encryption Replaces $ENC Encryption

The $ENC encryption used within service configs, profiles, and the properties.json is deprecated in 2020.2. The replacement is $SECRET_ followed by the path used in Hashicorp Vault for encryption and decryption. Support for $ENC will be removed in a future release, and any remaining $ENC values will no longer function after its removal.

Deprecation of help/api/json

Beginning with release 2023.1, all dynamic and non-dynamic API endpoints within the Itential platform will be fully compliant with the OpenAPI 3.0 specification. This new specification will impact all API documentation that is rendered through the help interface (Help UI) that is displayed when users click the Help link within IAP.

The help/api that supports the API documentation in-app (i.e., within the Itential application) will be deprecated and replaced as outlined in the schedule below.

Item Description Deprecation Release Scheduled Removal Release Replacement
GET /help/api/json Displays the Help UI within the system. 2023.1 2023.2 GET /help/openapi

What should I do?

Please update all API keys and HTTP/HTTPS clients to use the new help/openapi specification.

Deprecation of /status API

The GET /status API that reports on the status of the system at startup will be deprecated and replaced with a new /health/status API that reports the health of all apps and adapters.

Item Description Deprecation Release Actual Removal Release Replacement
GET /status Get the status of the system at startup. 2023.1 2023.2 GET /health/status

What should I do?

Review any custom apps and adapters that might reference the /status API and change them to the new /health/status replacement call.

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