2022.1.17 Patch Release
  • 17 Jan 2025
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2022.1.17 Patch Release

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Article summary

Patch Release Summary

This patch release was issued to resolve a blocking bug in JST Designer that occurred when the JST inference feature would infer unique schemas for each collection in an array. The bug resulted in the user being unable to utilize the array outputs in JST Designer. That bug (PH-156873) is resolved in this patch, along with the other bugs listed below.

Changelog Overview

Bug Fixes

Issue ID Description
PH-159071 Modifying output schema of a function that references itself recursively corrupts the function.
PH-158381 Invalid incoming schema is created when creating a function via a method card.
PH-157209 JSON form causes UI crash.
PH-156897 Unable to use some Math methods in JST.
PH-156873 JST infer picks multiple types.
PH-156837 Modifying output schema of a helper function in JST causes transitions to disappear.
PH-156557 Display error on failed import.
PH-156309 Workflow metadata Auth Groups does not list all Auth Groups.
PH-156272 JST context issues when using conditionals.

Special Upgrade Instructions for Patch Release

The procedure to upgrade to 2022.1.17-patch1 varies depending on the previously installed version of IAP.

If upgrading from 2022.1.16.2 or earlier versions

Follow the normal procedure for upgrading to a newer version of IAP.

If upgrading from 2022.1.17 to 2022.1.17-patch1

Follow the procedure below.

  1. As a pre-check, ensure all jobs are cleared and task managers are paused on the existing IAP server.
  2. Remove Symbolic link pointing to existing 2022.1.17 version.
- rm current
  1. Validate if symlink is removed.
- ls -l
  1. Rename existing build directory.
- mv itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17 itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17_old
  1. Extract the bin file. This will extract the build directory with 2022.1.17 changes.
- sh itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17.linux.x86_64.bin -e
  1. Validate if build directory is extracted properly. You should see both itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17 and the itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17_old directory.
- ls -l
  1. Copy all the opensource, custom apps any other custom solutions into the new itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17 directory from itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17_old directory.

  2. Create Symbolic link on the current directory.

- ln -s itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17 current
  1. Validate the link and permissionson the itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17 directory.
- ls -l
  1. Copy the properties from the previous build.
- cp -p itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17_old/properties.json itential-<bundle_name>_2022.1.17/
  1. Restart IAP
- systemctl restart pronghorn
  1. As a post-check, check status and logs.
- systemctl status pronghorn && journalctl -fu pronghorn

Patch Release Versions

Automation Platform Versions

component version
@itential/adapter-automation_gateway 4.26.1-2022.1.20
@itential/adapter-azure_aaa 1.4.2-2022.1.8
@itential/adapter-email 4.2.8-2022.1.6
@itential/adapter-ldap 2.13.8-2022.1.3
@itential/adapter-local_aaa 4.3.6-2022.1.2
@itential/adapter-nso 7.8.20-2022.1.35
@itential/adapter-radius 2.1.7-2022.1.2
@itential/app-admin_essentials 3.13.12-2022.1.63
@itential/app-ag_manager 1.18.3-2022.1.8
@itential/app-automation_catalog 2.12.11-2022.1.7
@itential/app-automation_studio 4.1.2-2022.1.117
@itential/app-configuration_manager 3.97.6-2022.1.46
@itential/app-form_builder 4.11.26-2022.1.4
@itential/app-json_forms 1.34.12-2022.1.26
@itential/app-jst 1.8.5-2022.1.40
@itential/app-mop 6.11.25-2022.1.14
@itential/app-nso_manager 2.23.3-2022.1.1
@itential/app-operations_manager 1.171.4-2022.1.170
@itential/app-service_catalog 3.12.0-2022.1.2
@itential/app-service_management 2.24.9-2022.1.6
@itential/app-template_builder 2.6.7-2022.1.5
@itential/app-workflow_builder 5.44.64-2022.1.63
@itential/app-workflow_engine 9.13.31-2022.1.116
@itential/pronghorn-core 13.28.27-2022.1.132
@itential/search 1.1.25-2022.1.1
@itential/tags 3.1.12-2022.1.2
@itential/itential-utils 2.9.13
@itential/database 1.11.11
@itential/network 3.4.5
@itential/service 2.11.7
@itential/event-system 1.1.29
@itential/logger 2.1.17
@itential/audit-trail 1.5.2

Automation Gateway Versions

component version
automation_gateway 3.198.19+2022.1.94

NSO Manager Versions

component version

Engine Versions

component version
policy-engine 1.10.8+2022.1.0

Platform Compatibility

Compatibility is unchanged from release 22.1.17, documented here: Itential Platform Compatibility

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