- 27 Jan 2025
Common Upgrade Errors
- Updated on 27 Jan 2025
This guide discusses some of the errors you may encounter in the software upgrade, along with various troubleshooting solutions.
Deprecated App Not Loading
When loading Itential Platform, you might see this error message in the logs. If so, the depreciated method app-number
is loaded, but does not exist.
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/pronghorn/itential-bundle-5-20193_2019.3.6/node_modules/@itential/app-number/pronghorn.json'
at Object.openSync (fs.js:443:3)
at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:343:35)
at initialize (/opt/pronghorn/itential-bundle-5-20193_2019.3.6/node_modules/@itential/service/lib/Service.js:787:24)
at new Service (/opt/pronghorn/itential-bundle-5-20193_2019.3.6/node_modules/@itential/service/lib/Service.js:886:3)
at Object.<anonymous> (/opt/pronghorn/itential-bundle-5-20193_2019.3.6/node_modules/@itential/service/lib/ServiceBootstrap.js:35:19)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (/opt/pronghorn/itential-bundle-5-20193_2019.3.6/node_modules/@itential/service/index.js:1:26)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)
You need to remove the entry from the service_configs
Select the collection
in your Pronghorn (Itential Platform) database. -
Search for the model number shown in the error. In this example, we would search for:
db.getCollection('service_configs').find({"model" : "@itential/app-number"})
Once you find the service config document, right-click and delete the document.
Admin Group Not in Proper Format
When assigning roles to user groups the GUI is not correctly reflecting the selected roles as "checked". An error box appears at the bottom of the screen.
Upon inspecting the console, an error message displays.
After running the journalctl -fu pronghorn
command, the following error returns.
message=[ 'Error in web handler: TypeError: kg._id.equals is not a function' ]
This issue is caused by the "admin" group having an _id
that is a string, and not an ObjectID. To address the issue, you will need delete this group.
Before proceeding, backup the DB using
. Use a GUI mongo client to run the commands below. Alternatively, you can access the mongo shell with these commands:mongo --host localhost --authenticationDatabase <authdb> -u admin -p <password> use pronghorn
db.groups.find({name: "admin"}).pretty()
A single document should return matching the admin user. This should reflect 1 record removed.
db.groups.remove({name: "admin"})
Return to the Itential Platform UI and click the REFRESH button to fully refresh the page and reload the page data.
At this point the "admin" group should no longer be present and you should now be able to use your groups normally.
Jobs (Operations Manager) Not Showing Updates
The Jobs UI is not showing any updates after running the upgrade.
The migration scripts have not ran. Change directory to the migration script database, then run the scripts again.
cd ./current/node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/migration_scripts
node migratePropertiesToDatabase.js
Devices Not Visible in Configuration Manager
The following error message is seen in the ConfigurationManager.log
No group access for [object Object] for action XXXX on entity of type device
When you look in the Configuration Manager app, devices are unavailable.
The migration scripts have not ran. Change directory to the migration script database, then run the scripts again.
cd ./current/node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/migration_scripts
node migratePropertiesToDatabase.js
Failed to Load Schema Warning Message
Beginning with the 2019.3 release version, Itential Platform included a built-in schema validation system for inputs/outputs to the pronghorn.json
. This system will identify invalid schema formats and automatically run a script to convert the schema to the appropriate format.
In the majority of cases the script works and makes updating the pronghorn.json
easier. However there may be some schema errors the script cannot handle, in which case an error warning will display alerting you to the invalid data and the need for it to be fixed. Once the pronghorn.json
is updated, the schema should load.
The following are valid types for input and outputs to the pronghorn.json:
['*', 'enum', 'object', 'string', 'array', 'boolean', 'integer', 'number']
- Type
is not a valid json schema so the type will be set to array - Type
is a valid type, however it should ONLY be used when you really intend for an input/output to be any type. Using this type will limit json validation and could result in errors if bad type is allowed in. - Common invalid types include:
and many other variations.
Example: Valid pronghorn.json
"methods": [
"name": "getDevices",
"summary": "Get the list of supported devices from Inventory for the siteId",
"description": "Get all microwave devices for the given siteId defined in inventory, then filter and
only return those supported.",
"roles": [
"route": {
"path": "/:siteId/devices",
"verb": "GET"
"input": [
"name": "siteId",
"type": "string",
"description": "Site identifier to get equipment for",
"required": "true",
"in": "path",
"schema": {
"title": "devices",
"type": "object"
"output": {
"name": "devices",
"description": "success/failure response object",
"type": "object",
"schema": {
"title": "devices",
"type": "object"
"task": true
Run the fix-pronghorn_json.js.gz script to fix issues in pronghorn.json.
Download the script to your folder.
Execute the node command.
node fix-pronghorn_json.js pronghorn.json
Possible responses include:
Response Message Success pronghorn.json has been updated
Success (no updates required) No methods detected in: pronghorn.json, file skipped
Failure pronghorn.json update cancelled due to previous errors
Should a failure occur, an error should display that provides a hint on how to fix it. Typically invalid JSON or invalid types are the cause; once you have fixed the issue repeat Step 2 (execute node command).
If the
update is successful, be sure to push the pronghorn.json back to your repository. -
Change directory to the migration script database, then run the migration scripts.
cd <PRONGHORN_HOME> cd ./current/node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/migration_scripts node migratePropertiesToDatabase.js
Task Is Causing Workflow Engine to Stall or Crash
When an upgraded workflow is ran, Workflow Engine (WFE) will either stall or crash when hitting a specific task.
Delete the task and then recreate it.
Error Retrieving Backups, Device Groups, and Golden Configurations
In Configuration Manager errors occur when trying to retrieve backups, device groups, or Golden Configurations.
A migration script is needed.
Confirm MongoDB version is 5.0.
mongo --version
Run the migration script in the Configuration Manager folder.
For DEV / STAGING environment, execute the node command:
node migrate_to_jinja.js dev
For PROD environment, execute the node command:
node migrate_to_jinja.js
Restart IAP.
sudo systemctl restart pronghorn
Try to retrieve backups, device groups, and Golden Configurations.
Note: For IAP 2022.1.x and IAP 2023.1.x Only.
RabbitMQ Not Starting
RabbitMQ will not start after being upgraded. When investigating the RabbitMQ log file, error messages similar to the following are found:
[error] <0.237.0> Feature flags: `classic_mirrored_queue_version`: required feature flag not enabled! It must be enabled before upgrading RabbitMQ.
[error] <0.237.0> Failed to initialize feature flags registry: {disabled_required_feature_flag,
[error] <0.237.0> classic_mirrored_queue_version}
[error] <0.237.0>
[error] <0.237.0> BOOT FAILED
Enable the feature flag indicated in the error messages by using the rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag
command. For example, to enable the classic_mirrored_queue_version
feature flag, issue the following:
rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag classic_mirrored_queue_version
For more information about feature flags, refer to the official RabbitMQ documentation.