Automation Catalog UI
  • 29 Apr 2024
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Automation Catalog UI

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Article summary

Automation Catalog UI

The main user interface (UI) for Automation Catalog is described below along with summary descriptions for various features and functionality.


UI Label UI Element Description
1a Plus (+) icon Create new automation from side navigation.
1b Plus (+) icon Create new automation from blank card.
2 Collection icon Navigate back to the collection view.
3 Automation title Click to view/edit automation detail.
4 Stacked dots Click to open modal to view/edit automation detail.
5 Play button Click to run the automation.

Create New Automation

There are two ways to create an automation.

  1. Click the plus (+) icon in the side navigation (1a).
  2. Click the plus (+) icon on the blank card (1b).

After clicking the (+) icon, the Create Automation dialog will open. Once you to enter a name and description for your automation, click the Create button. You will be redirected to the collection view and the automation will be added to the collection list in the left sidebar.


Edit an Automation

There are three ways to edit automation details.

  1. Click the title of the automation (3).
  2. Click the stacked dots button to edit details (4).
  3. Click the name of your automation in the left side navigation.

Modify Automation Details

Within an automation, you can change multiple attributes.


UI Label Description
1 Access management. Used to set automation permissions. For more information, see Automation Permissions below.
2 Actions to delete or export an automation.
3 Required. The Automation bound to the item .
4 Optional. The Form bound to the item.
Note: Automation Catalog does not support the dynamic dropdown options feature from JSON Forms. If you wish to use a JSON Form with dynamic dropdown options to schedule an automation, you must use Operations Manager instead. Existing Automation Catalog items may be moved to Operations Manager by following the migration process outlined within the Automations guide.
5 View and edit the current form assigned to this automation in Form Builder.
6 Create a new form in Form Builder.
7 Save changes to the automation.
8 Activate this switch to run an automation on a schedule. For more information, see Schedule an Automation below.
9 Run the automation (outside of a scheduled run). Note: Can also run the automation from the play button in the collection view.

Note: If working to access your form data from the automation canvas, please see Querying Form Data below.

Automation Permissions

Click the cog icon at the top of the Automation Details page to open the Access Management panel, which allows you to assign user groups authorized to change and/or view an automation. By default, no group permissions are assigned, which grants all users permission to change, view, and execute an automation.

  • To assign Read-Write permissions to a group, use the search bar to locate the appropriate group. Once all group selections are made, click Save.
  • Groups with Write permissions are authorized to change, view, and execute an automation while Read-only groups have permission only to view and execute.
  • If a Write group or Read-only group is set, then the counterpart group must also be defined; in other words, a Write group cannot be configured without at least one group specified as Read-only and vice versa.


Note: A warning message will appear if modifying these permissions will negatively impact the current user.


Run an Automation

There are two ways to run an automation.

Method 1

  1. Press the Run Manually button (see image above).

Method 2

  1. From the Automations page, click the stacked dots menu button.

  2. Select Run.


  3. Input the form data, if required. Then click Run.


Schedule an Automation

To run an automation on a schedule, activate the Schedule switch slider. Once the switch is activated, set the schedule properties.

Property Description
Start on Required. This will be the date of the first instance. Must be set in the future.
Run At Required. Must be set in conjunction with the Start on property. This is the time to run the first instance.
Repeat Optional. Set this property to run the automation on a repeat schedule.
Form Data Optional. Set this property if you want the schedule to pass in formData to the automation.


The following is an automation that runs every evening at 10:30pm (from July 4th onward) and passes in the following data to an automation.

  "formData": {
    "name": "paul"


Querying Form Data

The form data is passed into a workflow through a formData field, which is available as a job variable in Workflow Builder. You can use the query task in Workflow Builder to access data that is stored in different containers within the formData object.

Of note, the formData object will not appear as a job variable option initially.


It must be added manually using the EDIT button to the right of the job options.


Once the formData option is added manually, it will be available as a job option in other tasks throughout the automation.


The following is an example of querying form data on the automation canvas.


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