RabbitMQ [IAP 2022.1.x-2023.1.x]
  • 16 Apr 2024
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RabbitMQ [IAP 2022.1.x-2023.1.x]

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Article summary


A supported version of Erlang/OTP must be installed before installing RabbitMQ. Although Erlang is part of standard Red Hat repositories, it is most likely out of date. Please check the RabbitMQ Erlang Version Requirements Guide for currently supported versions at this link: Which Erlang Version?

Please refer to the official RabbitMQ installation guide for details on RabbitMQ installation.

Verify the installed RabbitMQ version matches the version specified in the Itential Dependencies page or the relevant IAP version.


Due to limitations in dependencies of RabbitMQ, passwords for RabbitMQ cannot have certain special characters. The character types confirmed to be invalid are \, /, :, and ?.

Post Installation

Check that the RabbitMQ service is running.

$ systemctl status rabbitmq-server

    rabbitmq-server.service - RabbitMQ broker
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/rabbitmq-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Thu 2020-01-02 17:38:38 UTC; 5s ago

Note: RabbitMQ TCP port 5672 is exposed externally by default. Hardening RabbitMQ security should be considered.

Event Deduplication

To use the event deduplication feature, additional install steps must be completed (see below).

Note: Event deduplication is highly recommended for HA configurations.

Operational Requirements

The event deduplication feature requires that all IAP instances in an HA cluster share the same event deduplication settings in their active profile and all have the same plugins enabled. Mismatched settings will result in undefined behavior and are not supported.

Required Third-Party Plugins

  • elixir-VERSION.ez
  • rabbitmq_message_deduplication-VERSION.ez

Plugin Installation Steps

  1. Consult the README.md for the third-party plugins: rabbitmq-message-deduplication.
  2. Download the correct version of the two plugins listed above according to your version of RabbitMQ.
  3. Install the plugins by copying their .ez files to the plugin directory of your RabbitMQ instance.
  4. Enable the following plugins using rabbitmq-plugins enable:
    • rabbitmq_management
    • rabbitmq_shovel
    • rabbitmq_shovel_management
    • rabbitmq_message_deduplication
  5. Verify the admin port (default 15672) is exposed to IAP. This is required for automatic settings configuration by IAP.
  6. Make sure the same plugins are installed and activated on all RabbitMQ instances when a cluster is being used.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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