Profile Properties
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Profile Properties

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Article summary

The iap_profiles collection holds the active profile settings for the Itential Platform. Detailed information on each profile property is summarized below.

Most of the configuration for the active profile happens within Admin Essentials → Profiles but other configuration occurs in the various Admin Essentials → Service Config interfaces and within the properties.json file.

See related articles on:

Configuring the Profile Properties

The following properties are configured within the Admin Essentials → Profiles →{active profile}->Configure Tab. Navigate to Edit Profile Properties and select the properties in the appropriate "section" discussed below.

Adapter Strategy

An adapter strategy can be defined for Itential Platform to show a preference for one southbound system (provider) over another. By setting the adapterStrategy property, an administrator of Itential Platform can better direct how device-bound calls interact with external/southbound systems. Additionally, an exception can be setup for the runCommand APIs and workflow tasks if the order needs to be further controlled.

Note: Any custom adapter that has implemented the device broker methods would come next after the configured preferential order has been exhausted.

Currently Supported Values
Strategy Types device
Adapter Types AutomationGateway
Exception runCommand

Sample Adapter Strategy Properties

"adapterStrategy" : {
  "device": {
    "adapterTypes": [
    "exceptions": {
        "runCommand": "NSO"

The properties of the adapterStrategy object include the type of strategy, and currently device is the only one supported. This object contains two properties: adapterTypes and exceptions.

The property value for adapterTypes is an array of strings that are the types of the adapters; however, only AutomationGateway and NSO are possible values to be set. Under that section you can set the default order of the provider. In the example above, the calls that are shown in the lists below will prefer AutomationGateway over NSO. These names are types of adapters and not names of adapter instances defined by the user such as nso45 or nso46. If for some reason the preferred provider cannot fulfill the request, Itential Platform will try the next one on the list. Lastly, if a custom adapter implements the device broker, then it will be attempted next. If all adapters have tried to fulfill the request and fail, an error is returned.

The exceptions object contains key/value pairs that represent specific function level overrides. An exception definition will use the provider value for that function over the preferred provider order defined in adapterTypes. Currently only runCommand is supported.

Once this object is configured the way you would like, save the configuration and restart Itential Platform.


These are 'system-wide' properties so multiple calls will be impacted. See the tables below for the specific calls that are affected.

When Itential Platform communicates with its registered providers it will call them in the order defined in the adapter strategy. Based on the example above Itential Platform will call any AutomationGateway providers first, then any NSO providers, then any providers not listed in the strategy; unless the call is runCommand where it will call the NSO provider first. The strategy ensures the call will return after the first successful provider responds.

The following APIs and Workflow tasks will be affected if the adapterStrategy property is set:

Workflow Task Name API Route and Endpoint
backUpDevice POST /configuration_manager/devices/backups
getDevice GET /configuration_manager/devices/:name
getDeviceConfig GET /configuration_manager/devices/:name/configuration
getDeviceConfigFormat GET /configuration_manager/devices/:name/configuration/:format
getDevicesFiltered POST /configuration_manager/devices
isAlive GET /configuration_manager/devices/:name/isAlive
lookupDiff PUT /configuration_manager/lookup_diff
runNodeReport GET /golden_config/compliance/node/:tree/:nodeid
runReportForDevice GET /golden_config/compliance/:treeid/:device
runSelectedReport GET /golden_config/compliance/:tree/:nodeid/:selected
runTreeReport GET /golden_config/compliance/tree/:tree
GetBootFlash POST /mop/GetBootFlash
passThru POST /mop/passThru/:device
ping POST /mop/ping
RunCommand POST /mop/RunCommand
RunTemplateDevice POST /mop/RunTemplateDevice
RunTemplateDevices POST /mop/RunTemplateDevices
SetBoot POST /mop/SetBoot
isAlive POST /nso_manager/isAlive
liveStatus POST /nso_manager/liveStatus
DryRunDeletion POST /smart_template/st/dryrun/deletion
ProvisionDeletion POST /smart_template/st/provision/deletion
ProvisionST POST /smart_template/st/provision
getDevicesFiltered POST /policy-manager/devices-filtered
importPoliciesFromDevice POST /policy-manager/import/device
importPoliciesPreview POST /policy-manager/import/preview
pushDryrun POST /policy-manager/device/dryrun
DryRunWF POST /smart_template/st/dryrunWF
ProvisionWF POST /smart_template/st/provisionWF


The following APIs endpoints (e.g. no corresponding workflow task) will be affected if the adapterStrategy property is set:

API Route and Endpoint Method Name
POST /configuration_manager/patch_device/:deviceName patchDeviceConfiguration
POST /golden_config/addNative addNativeRules
GET /golden_config/compare/:device/:tree/:nodeid compareDeviceToLeaf
GET /mop/devices/:substring getDevicesFiltered
GET /mop/devices/detailed/:substring getDevicesFilteredDetailedResults
POST /mop/RunCommandDevices RunCommandDevices
POST /mop/RunCommandTemplateSingleCommand RunCommandTemplateSingleCommand
POST /mop/deviceObjects getDeviceObjectsFiltered
GET /nso_manager/devices/:substring getDevicesFiltered
POST /policy-manager/device/push pushToDevice
POST /smart_template/st/autogenerate CreateST


The following Workflow tasks (e.g. no corresponding APIs) will be affected if the adapterStrategy property is set:

Workflow Task Application
runAutoRemediation Configuration Manager
runComplianceForDevice Configuration Manager
runComplianceForNode Configuration Manager
runComplianceForTree Configuration Manager


Additionally, the following calls are affected if the exceptions property is set:

Workflow Task Name API Route and Endpoint
GetBootFlash POST /mop/GetBootFlash
passThru POST /mop/passThru/:device
RunCommand POST /mop/RunCommand
RunTemplateDevice POST /mop/RunTemplateDevice
RunTemplateDevices POST /mop/RunTemplateDevices
SetBoot POST /mop/SetBoot


The following APIs endpoints (e.g. no corresponding workflow task) will be affected if the exceptions property is set:

API Route and Endpoint Method Name
POST /mop/RunCommandDevices RunCommandDevices
POST /mop/RunCommandTemplateSingleCommand RunCommandTemplateSingleCommand


Important: All the calls above are affected by the adapterStrategy property setting. Use care and caution when using the property as many of these calls could be difficult to find deep within workflows.


The alarm properties allow the administrator to configure the remote SNMP trap destinations the health check alarms will be sent to. Currently, SNMP v1 and SNMP v2 are supported. A list of alarm receivers may be configured for a high-availability solution. Itential Platform will attempt to deliver each alarm to all configured receivers.

The following alarms are currently supported by Itential Platform.

Alarm Objects Description
Pronghorn Running Itential Platform has successfully started and is currently operational.
Pronghorn System Error System Error Reserved for future use.
Adapter Unreachable Adapter ID, Remote IP Address, Remote Port Itential Platform adapter could not establish a connection with its external system.
Adapter Connected Adapter ID, Remote IP Address, Remote Port Itential Platform adapter successfully established a connection with its external system.
Adapter Function Error Adapter ID, Adapter Function, Adapter Error Reserved for future use.


The Itential Platform SNMP MIB defining each of the supported alarms is located at /opt/pronghorn/current/snmp/pronghorn.mib.

For a comprehensive list of SNMP notifications, see Itential SNMP MIB.

Property Type Default Description
ip String The IP address of the remote alarm receiver. FQDNs are supported in this field. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are also supported.
community String public The SNMP community to apply to the outgoing trap or inform.
type String trap The type can be configured as either a trap or inform. Traps are delivered without acknowledgement, e.g., fire-and-forget. Informs are delivered with an expected acknowledgement.
properties.transport String udp4 The protocol to use to send alarms to this receiver. Valid options are udp4 and udp6.
properties.trapPort Number 162 The remote port of this alarm receiver. Must be a number in the range 1 - 65535.
properties.version String V2: The SNMP version to use when delivering notifications to this alarm receiver. Valid options are V1 and V2.
properties.retries Number 1 The number of timeout cycles to wait for an acknowledgement when delivering inform type notifications.
properties.timeout Number 5000 The number of seconds to wait for an acknowledgement when delivering inform type notifications.


Sample Alarm Properties

"alarmProps": [{
  "ip" : "",
  "community" : "public",
  "type" : "trap",
  "properties" : {
    "transport" : "udp4",
    "trapPort" : 162,
    "version" : "V1"
  "ip" : "",
  "community" : "public",
  "type" : "inform",
  "properties" : {
    "transport" : "udp4",
    "trapPort" : 162,
    "version" : "V2",
    "retries" : 1,
    "timeout" : 5000


Sample Alarm Configuration Option

"alarmProps": {
    "ip": "",
    "community": "public",
    "properties": {
        "retries": 1,
        "timeout": 5000,
        "transport": "udp4",
        "trapPort": 1162,
        "version": "V1"
    "type": "trap"


The application properties are captured by the applicationProps object.

Property Name Type Default Description
description String Application The description property.
directory String /opt/pronghorn/current/node_modules This property provides the location of the node_modules directory. This property should generally remain unchanged and be set to the default.

Sample Application Properties

"applicationProps": {
  "description": "Application",
  "directory": "/opt/pronghorn/current/node_modules"


The audit properties control whether user auditing features are enabled. If user auditing is enabled, user actions on the network are stored in the audit_trail MongoDB collection.

Property Type Default Description
description String Audit The description property.
audit Boolean true A boolean flag indicating whether auditing is enabled. This should be set to true for production environments.

Sample Audit Properties

"auditProps": {
  "description": "Audit",
  "audit": true,


The authentication properties in authenticationProps allow for optional enforcement of a unique session per user requirement and the assignment of Itential Platform administrator groups. The ability for an AAA adapter to provide a principal document is also supported.

Itential Platform authorization and authentication relies on an external authentication system; a property exists to specify which group within the external authentication adapter specifies the user with administrative access to Itential Platform.

This property is set within the active Itential Platform Profile and can contain multiple group names. Every user that is a member of the external group name within the list will be granted Itential Platform administrator access.

Each entry in the administrator list must contain two fields: provenance and group.

Property Description
provenance The name of the AAA adapter.
group The name of the group returned by the AAA adapter.


Property Type Default Description
description String audit The description property.
uniqueSession Boolean false When set to true, only one session may be enabled for a given user. If a second session is established for the same user, the original session will be invalidated.
brokerPrincipal Boolean false When set to true, the AAA adapter will supply a customized principal document. See the Developer Guide for how this is accomplished.
admins Array ["g1", "g2", ...] A list of groups which are authorized to perform user management activities. Members of these groups will be implicitly assigned the pronghorn_admin role.
admins.provenance String <adapter_name> The name of the AAA adapter in which the groups reside. String pronghorn_admin The name of a user group which will have Itential Platform user management capabilities.

Sample Authentication Properties

"authenticationProps": {
  "description": "audit",
  "uniqueSession": false,
  "brokerPrincipal": false,
  "admins": [{
    "provenance": "local_aaa",
    "group": "pronghorn_admin"

Be sure to configure the AAA adapter in addition to authenticationProps.


Itential Platform uses the Node.js Express web server to capture incoming requests. The Express properties allow an administrator to configure whether Itential Platform will listen on HTTP and/or HTTPS. The properties also allow an administrator to configure HTTPS keys, certificates, TLS versions, and supported cipher suites.

The private key referenced by express_https.key property should contain one of the following patterns.

Unencrypted Private Key



The private key may also be encrypted.

Encrypted Private Key


If the private key contains the following pattern, the express_https.passphrase should be configured with the passphrase of the private key.

The certificate file referenced by the express_https.cert property should be like the following.

Unencrypted Private Key


For more information on the set of cipher suites that are supported by Node.js, see Modifying the Default TLS Cipher Suite.

Property Name Type Default
description String Express Server
cacheControl Boolean false
timeout Number Default 5 minutes; Maximum 32 minutes
access_control_allow_origin String *
express_http.enable Boolean true
express_https.port Number 3000
express_https.enable Boolean true
express_http.port Number 3443
express_https.key String /etc/ssl/keys/pronghorn.key
express_https.passphrase String
express_https.cert String /etc/ssl/keys/pronghorn.cert
express_https.secureProtocol String TLSv1_2_method
express_https.ciphers String See Modifying the Default TLS Cipher Suite.
express_https.client_reneg_limit Number 1
express_https.client_reneg_window Number 600


Sample Express Properties

"expressProps": {
  "description": "Express Server",
  "cacheControl": false,
  "timeout": 300000,
  "access_control_allow_origin": "*",
  "express_http": {
    "enable": false,
    "port": 3000
  "express_https": {
    "enable": true,
    "port": 3443,
    "key": "/etc/ssl/keys/pronghorn.key",
    "passphrase": "$ENC82ee8a234a69f15bdb8e05409cda2418878b2f85af",
    "cert": "/etc/ssl/keys/pronghorn.cert",
    "secureProtocol": "TLSv1_2_method",
    "ciphers": "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256",
    "client_reneg_limit": 1,
    "client_reneg_window": 600

Exposing Itential Platform on Different Ports

For Itential Platform, the expressProps port for both HTTP and HTTPS is above 1024; Itential Platform cannot be exposed on standard ports (i.e., 80-HTTP, 443-HTTPS) due to the service not running as root. In Linux, only root or setuid applications can bind to ports below 1024. Please refer to Privileged Ports to learn more on running services at specific ports.

To workaround this limitation and run Itential Platform over port 443, it will require setting HAProxy to listen on 443 and forward to localhost 3443.


The logger properties control where Itential Platform will store its log files, how much space to dedicate to log storage, and the verbosity levels of the log messages that will be stored. Itential Platform supports the following log levels.

Log Level Description
error The most severe level. Indicates a problem, such as a prematurely terminated program.
warn Used for warning conditions. Warn events may or may not indicate a problem.
info Used for informational messages.
debug Used only when debugging problems or transactions. Provides detailed information on messages between Itential Platform adapters and external systems.
trace Trace events have a higher verbosity than debug. Trace events are uncommon.
spam The least severe level. Spam events have the highest verbosity and are rare.

Production environments should run at either warn or info level. Running production environments in debug or trace levels will likely generate a large amount of log data and place additional load on the server. A production server should only be configured in debug mode at the request of the Itential Support.

Itential Platform provides native support for rotation of the pronghorn.log file. Administrators can define the total allocated storage for logs by configuring the maximum file size and maximum number of files. For example, if the maximum file size is 1 MB and the total number of files is 100, the total space consumed by pronghorn.log files will be 100 MB. Be sure the disk that holds the Itential Platform logs contains enough space for Itential Platform to exercise a full log rotation cycle (100 MB).

The log levels for each application and adapter are configurable at run-time using the Itential Platform UI. When the server is restarted, the log levels for all applications and adapters is returned to the defaults provided by the log_level and console_level properties.

Itential Platform allows for the verbosity of its console logging to be configured. For systemd based operating systems, this console logging is controlled by the system journal. The system journal may contain application life cycle error messages that are not capable of being written to the pronghorn.log file itself. The system journal should be reviewed for errors and warnings during any troubleshooting sessions. The system journal is also written to /var/log/messages on many systems. The storage required to store the system journal and /var/log/messages files should also be considered during the storage planning phases.

Use the following command to monitor the system journal.

journalctl -f

Use the pronghorn.service unit to tail the system journal and filter only Itential Platform messages.

journalctl -f -u pronghorn.service

For more details about configuring the system journal daemon and using the journalctl command, see the official Red Hat documentation: Using the Journal.

Property Type Default Description
description String Logging The description property.
log_directory String /var/log/pronghorn The directory to store Itential Platform log files.
log_filename String pronghorn.log The name of the current Itential Platform log file.
log_max_file_size Number 1048576 The maximum size of each Itential Platform log file in bytes. Once the maximum file size is reached, the Itential Platform log will be rotated.
log_max_files Number 100 The maximum number of log files maintained on the server. Once the maximum number of files is reached, the oldest file will be deleted during log rotation.
log_timezone_offset Number 0 The offset from GMT/UTC time that will be used when writing to the log files. Valid values are whole numbers ranging from -12-12 as is listed in List of UTC time offsets.
log_level String info The verbosity level the server is configured to log messages to the Itential Platform log. This can be one of the following: error, warn, info, debug, trace or spam. As a recommendation, run production servers at info level logging.
console_level String warn The verbosity level the server is configured to log messages to the system journal or /var/log/messages. This can be one of the following: error, warn, info, debug, trace or spam. The verbosity of the Itential Platform log and the system journal may be adjusted independently.
metrics_filename String metrics.log The name of the metrics log file inside the WorkflowEngine metrics directory. Note: This is a metrics logging specific property, that currently only pertains to Job Metrics.
metrics_max_files Number 31 The max number of allowed log files inside the WorkflowEngine metrics directory for retention before deleting the oldest files when a rotation occurs. Note: This is a metrics logging specific property, that currently only pertains to Job Metrics.
metrics_rotation_interval String 7d The maximum amount of time between metrics file rotations, before a file rotation occurs. If a file is rotated due to size before this interval is reached, then the interval timer is reset. The allowed suffix values are s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), or M (months). Note: This is a metrics logging specific property, that currently only pertains to Job Metrics.
metrics_rotation_size String 10M The maximum size a metrics file can reach before a file rotation occurs. The allowed suffix values are B (Bytes), K (KiloBytes), M (MegaBytes), or G (GigaBytes). Note: This is a metrics logging specific property, that currently only pertains to Job Metrics.

Sample Logger Properties

"loggerProps": {
  "description": "Logging",
  "log_directory": "/var/log/pronghorn",
  "log_filename": "pronghorn.log",
  "log_max_file_size": 1048576,
  "log_max_files": 10,
  "log_timezone_offset": -5,
  "log_level": "info",
  "console_level": "warn",
  "metrics_filename": "metrics.log",
  "metrics_max_files": 31,
  "metrics_rotation_interval": "7d",
  "metrics_rotation_size": "10M"


The path properties provide the location of customer-installed Itential Platform applications and adapters.

Property Name Type Default Description
description String File Path Variables The description property.
encrypted Boolean true A boolean flag indicating Itential Platform core is encrypted. This should be set to true for all customer installations.

Sample Path Properties

"pathProps": {
  "description": "File Path Variables",
  "sdk_dir": "/opt/pronghorn/pronghorn-applications",
  "encrypted": true


The Redis properties, redisProps, should be configured to point your Itential Platform instance to a local Redis service.

Property Type Default Description
host String The IP or hostname of the server running the Redis service. IPv6 and IPv4 addresses are supported.
port Number 6379 The port Redis is running on. Must be a number in the range 1 - 65535.
db Number 0 The optional Redis database number to connect to (number may be 0-15).
password String The optional passphrase protecting access to the Redis database.
maxRetriesPerRequest Number 20 The maximum number of connection retries on a lost Redis link. Itential Platform will be shutdown when maxRetriesPerRequest is reached.
maxHeartbeatWriteRetries Number 20 The maximum number of write retries on the lost ability to write data in Redis. Itential Platform will be shutdown when maxHeartbeatWriteRetries is reached.

Sample Redis Properties

"redisProps": {
  "host": "",
  "port": 6379,
  "db": 0,
  "password": "$ENC87eb897b507afc1796db49409dd1251c87872e85afd2469e",
  "maxRetriesPerRequest": 20,
  "maxHeartbeatWriteRetries": 20

Retry Strategy

When a service in Itential Platform throws a JavaScript exception without handling it, Itential Platform will attempt to retry the service. To configure the number of times Itential Platform will attempt to retry a failed service, set the maxRetries property. When the number of times Itential Platform restarts a service exceeds the maxiumum number allowed in maxRetries, all attempts to restart the service will stop. The count will then reset if the number of milliseconds configured within the retryResetTimer property has elapsed between any two retry attempts.

Property Type Default Description
maxRetries Integer 10 Maximum number of retries for a service to fail before Itential Platform will no longer attempt to restart it.
retryResetTimer Integer 60000 Amount of time (ms) between each retry before the count (see maxRetries) will reset.

Sample Retry Strategy Properties

"retryStrategy" : {
  "maxRetries": 15,
  "retryResetTimer": 2500

Care should be taken when configuring each of these properties as they work together to achieve the best retry strategy. For instance, retryResetTimer can be configured to account for occasional crashes (even expected daily crashes) by having the counter reset after a short period to avoid reaching the maxRetries threshold for retry activity to stop.


The syslog properties allow Itential Platform to send log messages to a local or remote syslog daemon.

Please be aware of the maximum message length supported by the remote syslog receiver. Itential Platform will send messages greater than 1024 bytes. Remote syslog receivers may truncate messages greater than a certain length.

See the following references for more detail:

Property Type Default Description
level String info The minimum log level to send to the syslog server. Possible levels are: debug, info, warning, error.
host String localhost The host running syslogd. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
port Number 514 The port on the host that syslog is running on. Must be a number in the range 1 - 65535.
protocol String udp4 The network protocol to log over. Examples include: tcp4, udp4, udp6, unix and unix-connect.
path String N/A The path to the syslog dgram socket, e.g., /dev/log or /var/run/syslog on OS X). If path is used, host, port and protocol do not need to be configured.
pid String Process identifier (PID) of the process that log messages are coming from.
facility String local( ) Syslog facility to use.
localhost String localhost Host to indicate that log messages are coming from.
type String BSD The type of syslog protocol to use. Possible values are BSD and 5424.
app_name String process.title The name of the application.
eol String N/A The end of line character to be added to the end of the message.

Sample Syslog Properties

"loggerProps": {
  "syslog": {
    "level": "warning",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 514,
    "protocol": "udp4",
    "facility": "local0",
    "type": "5424"


The following table presents the systemProps that may be configured.

Property Type Default Description
launchDelay Number 0 The time in seconds the Itential Platform will wait between launching its services. This can be used to manage the resource usage incurred by starting many services at the same time.
launchTimeout Number 600 The time in seconds the Itential Platform will wait for a service registration. If a service has not registered itself to Itential Platform within this time frame, it will consider it lost.
serviceHealthCheckInterval Number 5 Determines how often services update their health data. Measured in seconds. Default: 5 seconds
Minimum: 1
serviceHealthCheckUnhealthyThreshold Number 3 Determines how many health check intervals a service can miss before it is considered offline. Measured in number of intervals (also in seconds when multiplied by the interval setting). Default: 3 missed health checks
Minimum: 1
deadProcessCheck Boolean false If true, Itential Platform will perform a health check on its services in timed intervals set by the deadProcessCheckInterval. If a process is considered dead it will be restarted.
deadProcessCheckInterval Number 5 The interval in seconds the Itential Platform will check the health of its services. This check interval works in conjunction with deadProcessMaxPeriod to define when Itential Platform considers the service lost.
deadProcessMaxPeriod Number 15 The threshold in seconds after which Itential Platform considers a service lost if it has not received a health update. At each check interval (see deadProcessCheckInterval), if the last received healthcheck for this service is longer than the deadProcessMaxPeriod, then Itential Platform will then consider the service lost.
IMPORTANT: The longest interval a service can be down before being caught is the sum of deadProcessMaxPeriod and deadProcessCheckInterval. In other words, with the defaults supplied herein, it might be 20 seconds before a service is detected to be down due to the time lag of the check interval when compared against this threshold. Keep this in mind if you modify these settings.
externalRequestTimeout Number 5 The timeout for external API requests. Measured in seconds. Minimum: 1
Maximum: 120
deviceCountPollingInterval Number 24 The interval for how often Itential Platform polls for the number of devices. Measured in hours. Minimum: 1
Maximum: 168
servicesBlacklist Array [] A list of service types that will be "blacklisted" for the current user. This means the user will not be able to perform CRUD (CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE) operations on any of the services configured within the system that have the listed service type in this property. Only the admin user will be able to configure these service types. For example, if an admin would like to prevent all users of the system from modifying the AAA adapter then they can do so by specifying "LDAP" (if LDAP is the configured AAA system) within the servicesBlacklist property. Remember the values in the servicesBlacklist property are the service type. To find this value, navigate to the service config (e.g. Adapter Configuration) and look for the "properties" array and the "type" value for the targeted service. Use the value of "type" and remember that all adapters of this type will be restricted; in other words, it restricts by type and not by instance.
shutdownTimeout Number 3 The time (seconds) Itential Platform waits before it shuts down its services. This allows a service to have some time to perform any operations it may need to do before it exits. This timeout also applies to the service life-cycle actions "stop", "restart", and "crashes". If a service completes its cleanup operations before the timeout, it will exit. During a system wide shutdown, all services will stay active until every service has completed their cleanup operations. If operations are completed before the timeout, the platform will exit. If for some reason a service is unable to complete its cleanup operations within the specified shutdown timeout, it will be forcibly closed and a message written to the logs indicating the name of the service that incurred the timeout, and then the platform will exit.

Sample System Properties

Below is a sample systemProps configuration when used with the Advanced Mode editor.

"systemProps": {
  "launchDelay": 0,
  "launchTimeout": 60,
  "serviceHealthCheckInterval": 5,
  "serviceHealthCheckUnhealthyThreshold": 3,
  "deadProcessCheck": false,
  "deadProcessCheckInterval": 5,
  "deadProcessMaxPeriod": 15,
  "externalRequestTimeout": 5,
  "deviceCountPollingInterval": 24,
  "servicesBlacklist": [ "NSO", "local_aaa", "GitHub:v5" ],
  "shutdownTimeout": 3


The UI properties is captured by the uiProps object. These properties may be used to overwrite certain pages and icons as a part of customer branding.

Property Name Type Default Description
description String UI The description property.
layout String node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/ui/views/layout.pug The pug file that governs the overall Itential Platform layout page.
home String node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/ui/lib/iap-ui/build/index.html The file that creates the user's individual home page.
login String node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/ui/lib/iap-ui/build/index.html The index file that creates the login page presented to unauthenticated users.
profile String node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/ui/views/profile.pug The pug file that presents the user's profile.
fav_icon String node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/ui/img/favicon.ico The path to a custom-branded icon displayed in the browser's tab and URL bars.

Sample UI Properties

"uiProps": {
  "description": "UI",
  "layout": "node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/ui/views/layout.pug",
  "home": "node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/ui/lib/iap-ui/build/index.html",
  "login": "node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/ui/views/login.pug",
  "profile": "node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/ui/views/profile.pug",
  "fav_icon": "node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/ui/img/favicon.ico"

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.