Itential SNMP MIB
  • 27 Feb 2025
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Itential SNMP MIB

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SNMP MIB File Location

Often used with management and monitoring systems, the SNMP MIB files can be located within the directory structure of an installed instance of Itential Platform.

Itential Platform 2023.2 and earlier versions:

# cd /opt/pronghorn/current/node_modules/@itential/pronghorn-core/core/mibs/
# ls -l
-rw-r--r--   1 admin  staff  9252 Feb 15 12:39 ITENTIAL-MIB.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 admin  staff  1490 Feb 15 12:13 ITENTIAL-SMI-MIB.txt

Platform 6 and higher:

  • For customers installing Platform 6 at /opt/itential/platform/server, the path to the MIBS files will be /opt/itential/platform/server/core/mibs/.
  • For customers installing via RPM or Ansible Deployer, the same directory path is used.

SNMP Notification Types

Below is a list of supported notification types.

Notification Object ID Description
itenSBAdapterUnreach An adapter related trap indicating that a connection could not be established to the specified southbound adapter.
itenSBAdapterEstab An adapter related trap indicating that a connection to the specified southbound adapter has been established.
itenSBAdapterFuncErr An adapter related trap indicating that an error has occurred with the specified southbound adapter.
itenProngSystemRestart A trap indicating that Itential Platform has restarted.
itenProngSysErr A trap containing the contents of a critical error encountered by Itential Platform.
itenProngAppUp An application related trap indicating that an application is online.
itenProngAppDown An application related trap indicating that an application is offline.
itenProngAppCrash An application related trap indicating that an application has crashed unexpectedly.
itenSBAdapterDegraded An adapter related trap indicating that a connection to the specified southbound adapter has become degraded.
itenSBAdapterFixed An adapter related trap indicating that a connection to the specified southbound adapter is no longer degraded.

Additional Notification Objects

Notifications may contain additional variable bindings providing detailed information about the event. These variable bindings can be used to identify specific components and error messages.

Below is a list of objects supported by each notification type.

Notification Objects Description
itenSBAdapterUnreach itenProngComponentID, itenProngAdapterIP4, itenProngAdapterPort The southbound adapter unreachable notifications contain the ID, IP and port of the unreachable instance.
itenSBAdapterEstab itenProngComponentID, itenProngAdapterIP4, itenProngAdapterPort The southbound adapter established notifications contain the ID, IP and port of the unreachable instance.
itenSBAdapterFuncErr itenProngComponentID, itenProngAdapterFunction, itenProngAdapterError The southbound adapter error notifications contain the ID and function name and error text.
itenProngSystemRestart The system restart notifications do not contain any detailed objects.
itenProngSysErr itenProngSystemError The system error notifications contain a string description of the error.
itenProngAppUp itenProngComponentID The application up notifications contain the ID of the unreachable instance.
itenProngAppDown itenProngComponentID The application down notifications contain the ID of the unreachable instance.
itenProngAppCrash itenProngComponentID The application crash notifications contain the ID of the unreachable instance.
itenSBAdapterDegraded itenProngComponentID, itenProngAdapterIP4, itenProngAdapterPort The southbound adapter degraded notifications contain the ID, IP and port of the unreachable instance.
itenSBAdapterFixed itenProngComponentID, itenProngAdapterIP4, itenProngAdapterPort The southbound adapter no longer degraded notifications contain the ID, IP and port of the unreachable instance.

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