What's New & FAQs
  • 04 Mar 2025
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What's New & FAQs

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Article summary

📍 Feature Releases

Read the feature details on Itential's software:

Itential Automation Gateway (IAG)

Itential Platform

For cloud documentation see → Itential Cloud

📍 Scheduled EOS Date

Scheduled End-of-Support (EOS) for Itential Platform and IAG release versions 2021.2 was January 24, 2024. See more detail on Itential's Version Lifecycle page.

📍 Product Documentation

Product documentation is structured into content sections for Itential Automation Gateway (IAG), Itential Platform, Itential Cloud and Itential Developer (DevGuides).

Itential Product Documentation
Product Documentation

Version Tags

Content articles are tagged with the product software versions which are supported. Tags are visible under the table of contents on the right side of the page.


Highlight Banners

Paragraphs and article sections that are software version specific (i.e., user interface features and capabilities only available in a specific software version) will have those sections highlighted or set aside with banners like the one shown below.

Docs Banner.jpg

Product Notices

Important notices to inform customers of product-specific, version-specific and release maintenance (support) information will continue to be provided within the Itential Product Notices section.

📍 FAQs

This section gives quick answers to some common questions that tend to recur frequently.

Where can I find the software for download?

Software builds for download can be found in the Itential Software Repository for your deployment. If you do not have access to the repository, contact your Itential Account representative to obtain the necessary credentials.

Which browsers are supported by Itential Platform?

Itential Platform is compatible with the most current version of the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge

If you are unsure what version you are actually running, be sure to check. Itential's product release notes contain Itential Platform Browser Compatibility for each feature and maintenance release.

Use the following table to better understand the type of user action that is required for various form fields in Itential Platform. Depending on the browser, the message prompt for user input will vary.

Browser Field Type Message Prompt Required User Action
Chrome Text None Enter required text in the field.
Chrome Numerical None Enter the required numerical value.
Chrome Dropdown Menu Please select an item in the list. Select the appropriate item from the dropdown list.
Firefox Text None Enter required text in the field.
Firefox Numerical Please enter a number. Enter the required numerical value.
Firefox Dropdown Menu Please select an item in the list. Select the appropriate item from the dropdown list.

Does the Platform collect any information from my system?

No, Itential Platform does not collect or report on any telemetric information from your system.

Does the NSO adapter have to be restarted to reflect a service pack upgrade in NSO?

Yes. The NSO adapter will read and compile the service model yang files at startup (APIs such as runAction and getDevices will continue to work even without an adapter restart).

If you are using the NSO adapter for service operations (i.e., Service Manager, Form Builder, etc.), restart the adapter after updating the NSO service models and the adapter will re-read the yang files. If you have forms linked to the updated service models, you will likely have to rebuild some parts of these forms in addition to restarting the adapter to ensure the forms are aligned with the updated service model.

How do users submit a help desk ticket ?

You just need to access your Itential Service Desk (ISD) account and create a Product Support ticket. Learn more about creating a ticket through ISD here.

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