Here to Help
  • 06 Mar 2023
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Here to Help

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Article summary

The Itential Adapter Team is Here to Help!

If you experience any problems or can’t figure out how to make a change, don’t hesitate to contact us. The Itential Adapters Team is here to help. We will often communicate through tickets/issues; however, we can also get on consultations with you when needed.


Since most adapters are opensourced, there is information available to the opensource community and the public on how to get help from the Adapter Team. This information is located in GitLab under the Itential Opensource Project and the adapter sub-group.

Interacting with Adapters in GitLab. The information here includes making requests for specific adapters as well as information on how to contribute changes back to the adapter.

Customer via Product Support

For help with any adapter changes:

  • Create an Itential Service Desk (ISD) ticket. One advantage to creating an ISD ticket with Itential is that it comes with SLAs for initial communications so you will most likely get a faster response.
  • It is beneficial to include in the ISD the following information about the adapter being used:
    • Name, also provide system connecting to if not obvious from the name.
    • Type (itential product, itential opensource, custom), can usually be determined by the namespace.
    • Version
    • Version of adapter-utils (should be in /adapter-home-dir/node_modules/@itentialopensource/adapter-utils/package.json)
    • Any debug level logs
  • Product Support will respond and attempt to recreate and resolve the issue.
  • If needed, Product Support will bring the item to the attention of the Adapter Team.
    • The Adapter Team may request additional information such as debug logs, working Postman or Curl information.
    • The Adapter Team if needed will set up a consultation to work with you on the issue.

Upgrade your adapter-utils Dependency:

You may need to upgrade the version of adapter-utils your adapter is using. Generally, the Adapter Team tries to prevent having breaking changes in the adapter-utils; however, if you have gone an extended time between updates, it is possible there could be issues when upgrading.

The process for upgrade adapter-utils:

  • Change the version in the package.json dependencies section to either the specific version or the latest available version.
    • "@itentialopensource/adapter-utils": "^4.47.0",
  • rm –rf node modules
  • rm package-lock.json
  • npm install

Note: If you do not remove the package-lock.json it will most likely reload the version of the adapter-utils that is defined in this file instead of loading the new version.

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