Data Path Property Renamed
  • 15 Jan 2025
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Data Path Property Renamed

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Article summary

Breaking Change Notice (2023.2.0)

IP 2023.2 introduces a breaking change that affects any custom logic that depends on the dataPath property in an API error object.

Input Validation Failures

Itential discovered that many APIs were reporting input validation failures as a list of validation report objects. These report objects would specify the individual property which caused the validation failure in a key called dataPath, as shown below (Example 1).

Example 1: Validation Report Objects (Before)

    keyword: 'type',
    dataPath: '.failingProperty1',
    schemaPath: '#/properties/failingProperty1/type',
    params: { type: 'string' },
    message: 'should be string'
    keyword: 'type',
    dataPath: '.failingProperty2',
    schemaPath: '#/properties/failingProperty2/type',
    params: { type: 'string' },
    message: 'should be string'

In previous releases, for any custom logic that depended on the dataPath property, the value was formatted as a dotted path (Example 2).

Example 2: Dotted Path (Before)

  keyword: 'type',
  dataPath: '',
  schemaPath: '#/properties/my/properties/nested/properties/property/type',
  params: { type: 'string' },
  message: 'should be string'

With the 2023.2 IP release, the dataPath property is now named instancePath, and its value is formatted as a JSON Pointer (Example 3).

Example 3: JSON Pointer (After)

  keyword: 'type',
  instancePath: '/my/nested/property',
  schemaPath: '#/properties/my/properties/nested/properties/property/type',
  params: { type: 'string' },
  message: 'should be string'

What should I do?

Update any code referring to dataPath to use instancePath instead. Additionally, if your logic uses the value of dataPath programmatically in some way, update that logic to use the new JSON Pointer format.

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