Transformations Using 'thisArg' as an Input
  • 20 Dec 2024
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Transformations Using 'thisArg' as an Input

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Article summary

Breaking Change Notice (2023.2.0)

Itential Automation Platform (IAP) introduces a breaking change which affects transformations that use the thisArg feature.

Transformation Migration Error When Upgrading

This breaking change addresses an issue that impacts IAP versions 2023.2.0 → 2023.2.12, where transformations with thisArg as an input were incorrectly migrated during upgrade of IAP if they contained the following:

  • Assignment from a thisArg incoming schema to the array parameter of a higher-order method.

  • A thisArg incoming schema with sub-schema.

  • Assignment from the root thisArg incoming schema.

Any IAP versions that contain transformations such as these will be affected.

What should I do?

If you have any transformations with a thisArg incoming schema and those transformations contain any of the following attributes listed in the previous section, you will need to migrate to IAP/2023.2.13 or higher.

Please contact the Product Support Team if you need additional support or require further information.

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