Managing IAP Service
  • 16 Apr 2024
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Managing IAP Service

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Article summary

Use the information on this page to start, stop and restart Itential Automation Platform (IAP). Information on handling a force quit is also provided.

Always restart IAP after properties have been updated. IAP profile services and properties can be accessed via Admin Essentials.

There are two Linux-based management tools that provide a way to manage system services: service and systemctl. In the case of service, the command will redirect to systemctl on systemctl-enabled distributions. Both service and systemctl commands for starting, stopping and restarting services can be run on both CentOS and RHEL distributions. The systemctl commands can be run on Rocky Linux.

Start IAP

Run the following to start IAP.

service command

sudo service pronghorn start

systemctl command

sudo systemctl start pronghorn

Use this command to start IAP as a service. With this command, the server will continue to run after you end the session. You can also use this command to manually start IAP from the home directory.

sudo -u pronghorn node server.js

This alternate command starts up a temporary node. When you end the session with this alternate command, the server will stop.

Stop IAP

Run the following to stop IAP.

service command

sudo service pronghorn stop

systemctl command

sudo systemctl stop pronghorn

Restart IAP

Run the following to restart IAP.

service command

sudo service pronghorn restart

systemctl command

sudo systemctl restart pronghorn

This command starts IAP as a service. Refer to Start section for more information.

Verify Stop/Start Status

To verify IAP started/stopped successfully, use the system log file.

less command line utility

sudo less /var/log/pronghorn/pronghorn.logsudo tail -f /var/log/pronghorn/pronghorn.log

systemd utility

sudo journalctl -xesudo journalctl -fu pronghorn

Note: In a VM, these commands may be run from the root directory.

Force Quit IAP

Itential highly recommends that customers never force quit IAP, or use a kill -9 command on the IAP process.

How to Handle a Force Quit if IAP is Never Restarted

In situations where customers do force quit IAP and that IAP instance is never restarted, some additional measures are needed. A course of action to clean up Redis data is required and you must know the serverId of the IAP instance killed.

Use this Redis command to find the serverId if you do not have it:

smembers iap:servers

In the Redis CLI, run the following commands to retrieve the health keys:

srem iap:servers $IAP_ID

keys health:*:$IAP_ID

Next, run each health key through the delete command:

del $KEY1 

Alternately, to avoid running del multiple times, use a space-separated list. Each key is the result of the keys command run previously:

del $KEY1 $KEY2 $KEY3 $KEY4 

Consequences if No Cleanup is Performed

If a cleanup is not performed, the ramifications are minimal; however, if IAP is stopped via force quit and never restarted, the Redis memory becomes bloated over time and leads to an "out-of-memory" condition. To avoid this altogether, run the cleanup steps above or just simply restart IAP so it can self-clean.

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