2023.2.7 Maintenance Release
  • 27 Jan 2025
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2023.2.7 Maintenance Release

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Article summary

Release Notes

Bug Fixes

This maintenance release of Itential Platform includes fixes for bugs that were reported to Itential Product Support.

Key ID Release Note
ENG-100 Fixed an issue where Itential Platform created many more connections to Redis than necessary and created situations where a Redis instance would be overloaded, thereby causing restart and deployment issues in Cloud deployments.
ENG-2815 When providing invalid input to the runTemplatesDiff task, task will not error but display undefined as the diff result. Updated task documentation to improve description and provide an example for the method. For targeted 2024.1 release, task will display an error message instead of undefined if input is invalid.
ENG-2923 Over time, keys in the Redis datastore accumulated and eventually required the Redis instance to be cleared to avoid crashing Redis. Consequently, a majority of the keys accumulating through time were due to faulty assumptions in the health checking process and its usage of BullMQ on top of Redis for synchronous request/response communications. Reworked the logic in this process to remove the use request/response between core and the apps/adapters but to instead check existing health status entries in Redis with timestamps to determine if an app/adapter had stale health values.
ENG-3609 Depending on the task, when a transition is selected and deleted, the index at the time of deletion is undefined (which is not a problem), however this built a str.to.ptr path which would receive a value of NaN and cause the ptrIndex to be undefined which would remove all pointers from the UI. To resolve, added a conditional inside of the deleteElemN function which accounted for paramIndex values that were NaN as well as 0 or less than the index.
ENG-4051 When working with projects in Automation Studio, cloning a project will cause misleading/incorrect asset references. To resolve, updated cloning logic to handle re-mapping the asset references after cloning (duplicating) a project.
ENG-4203 Fixed an issue in JSON Golden Configurations that would prevent compliance runs from being executed on more than 10 nodes at once.


This section highlights featured improvements to functionality in this maintenance release.

Key ID Release Note Release Versions Implemented
ENG-1726 Added scopes to the oath2 authentication properties for integration configurations to fix user unauthorized error when running integration tasks.
ENG-3649 Implemented a history stack limit to canvas workflows. The maxHistory limit is set to 10 locations.
ENG-4051 When working with projects in Automation Studio, cloning a project will cause misleading/incorrect asset references. To resolve, updated cloning logic to handle re-mapping the asset references after cloning (duplicating) a project.

2023.2.7 Release Versions

Automation Platform Versions

component version
@itential/adapter-automation_gateway 4.31.4-2023.2.1
@itential/adapter-azure_aaa 1.7.5-2023.2.0
@itential/adapter-email 4.2.20-2023.2.0
@itential/adapter-ldap 2.14.3-2023.2.0
@itential/adapter-local_aaa 4.5.2-2023.2.0
@itential/adapter-nso 7.9.4-2023.2.10
@itential/adapter-radius 2.2.2-2023.2.0
@itential/app-admin_essentials 5.4.10-2023.2.17
@itential/app-ag_manager 1.20.3-2023.2.1
@itential/app-automation_catalog 2.13.7-2023.2.0
@itential/app-automation_studio 4.69.3-2023.2.129
@itential/app-configuration_manager 3.117.5-2023.2.15
@itential/app-form_builder 4.15.3-2023.2.4
@itential/app-json_forms 1.42.3-2023.2.18
@itential/app-jst 1.15.11-2023.2.8
@itential/app-lifecycle_manager 1.38.4-2023.2.15.
@itential/app-mop 6.21.1-2023.2.13
@itential/app-nso_manager 2.25.2-2023.2.1
@itential/app-operations_manager 1.215.10-2023.2.38
@itential/app-service_catalog 3.14.1-2023.2.2
@itential/app-service_management 3.0.2-2023.2.3
@itential/app-template_builder 2.9.1-2023.2.6
@itential/app-workflow_builder 5.55.2-2023.2.12
@itential/app-workflow_engine 11.9.6-2023.2.30
@itential/app-iap-ui 1.14.3-2023.2.6.
@itential/pronghorn-core 15.8.10-2023.2.41
@itential/search 1.3.3-2023.2.0
@itential/tags 3.2.2-2023.2.0
@itential/itential-utils 3.0.5
@itential/database 2.0.6
@itential/network 4.1.5
@itential/service 3.1.12
@itential/logger 3.1.2

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