2023.2.10 Maintenance Release
  • 27 Jan 2025
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2023.2.10 Maintenance Release

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Article summary

Release Notes

Bug Fixes

This maintenance release of Itential Platform includes fixes for bugs that were reported to Itential Product Support.

Key ID Release Note
ENG-338 Customers were not able to select the copy menu item button to copy a backup configuration to their clipboard. Changes to the Rodeo-UI editor fixes the issue by allowing customers to copy backup configurations to their clipboard and not throwing an error in the browser console.
ENG-2881 When editing a JST, an uncaught exception is encountered and the editor becomes unresponsive. Updated the function selection check on load of a transformation to include a check for if the wrapping element was found. This prevents the editor from crashing due to missing DOM elements.
ENG-4483 When passing HTML into the message field of the ViewData task, the HTML was rendered incorrectly. HTML is now rendered correctly in the message field of the ViewData task.
ENG-4352 When using the RenderJsonSchema task to render a large JSON Form, the form would render successfully at first and then go blank after selecting form options and scrolling. Modified the scrollTop dialog component to prevent the form from going out of view. Large JSON Forms now function normally and remain viewable.
ENG-4645 If multiple childJob tasks with the same variable types are open on the canvas, and the task window is kept open, the tasks will not hold their Input Job Variable selection when the user switches between tasks. Added unique keys to the task variable mapping component to ensure state persistence and prevent this issue.
ENG-4858 Itential Platform would crash in some scenarios when sent invalid SNMP requests. Unexpected session errors and invalid SNMP requests are now gracefully handled, and will not cause a crash.
ENG-5755 In scenarios where an Itential Platform cluster is not fully shut down during an upgrade, the new version of app and adapter service models would not take effect. Cluster-wide service model declarations where enhanced to ensure the most up-to-date version is applied whenever an Itential Platform service comes online.
ENG-5780 The MongoDB driver for Node.js contained a memory leak in its implementation of collection watchers. Itential Platform has upgraded the 5.7.0 driver to 5.9.0, the version which contains the fix for the memory leak.


This section highlights featured improvements to functionality in this maintenance release.

Key ID Release Note
ENG-3912 Integration Models with an apiKey schema now support dynamic retrieval via custom extension x-itential-dynamic-retrieval. This enhancement gives Itential Platform the ability to execute workflows that authenticate integrations via dynamic API keys rather than static keys.

Security Changes

This section highlights fixes and measures to prevent and minimize security risks and vulnerabilities.

Key ID Release Note
ENG-364 When using axios version under "1.77" in Configuration Manager, this library will cause a security issue (Regular Expression Denial of Service). Updated axios library to version "1.77" to remove the security issue.
ENG-5026 Versions of axios prior to 1.7.4 are susceptible to SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery) in some scenarios. The version of axios installed to the Itential Platform UI library has been upgraded to 1.7.7 to resolve this issue.

2023.2.10 Release Versions

Automation Platform Versions

component version
@itential/adapter-automation_gateway 4.31.4-2023.2.1
@itential/adapter-azure_aaa 1.7.5-2023.2.0
@itential/adapter-email 4.2.20-2023.2.0
@itential/adapter-ldap 2.14.3-2023.2.1
@itential/adapter-local_aaa 4.5.2-2023.2.0
@itential/adapter-nso 7.9.4-2023.2.11
@itential/adapter-radius 2.2.2-2023.2.0
@itential/app-admin_essentials 5.4.10-2023.2.17
@itential/app-ag_manager 1.20.3-2023.2.1
@itential/app-automation_catalog 2.13.7-2023.2.0
@itential/app-automation_studio 4.69.3-2023.2.146
@itential/app-configuration_manager 3.117.5-2023.2.18
@itential/app-form_builder 4.15.3-2023.2.4
@itential/app-json_forms 1.42.3-2023.2.19
@itential/app-jst 1.15.11-2023.2.8
@itential/app-lifecycle_manager 1.38.4-2023.2.15
@itential/app-mop 6.21.1-2023.2.13
@itential/app-nso_manager 2.25.2-2023.2.2
@itential/app-operations_manager 1.215.10-2023.2.43
@itential/app-service_catalog 3.14.1-2023.2.2
@itential/app-service_management 3.0.2-2023.2.3
@itential/app-template_builder 2.9.1-2023.2.8
@itential/app-workflow_builder 5.55.2-2023.2.13
@itential/app-workflow_engine 11.9.6-2023.2.33
@itential/database 2.0.8
@itential/iap-ui 1.14.3-2023.2.7
@itential/itential-utils 3.2.1
@itential/logger 3.1.2
@itential/network 4.1.5
@itential/pronghorn-core 15.8.10-2023.2.49
@itential/search 1.3.3-2023.2.0
@itential/service 3.1.13
@itential/tags 3.2.2-2023.2.0

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