Release Notes 2023.2.6
  • 07 Aug 2024
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Release Notes 2023.2.6

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Article summary

2023.2.6 Maintenance Release

Bug Fixes

This maintenance release of IAP includes fixes for bugs that were reported to Itential Product Support.

Key ID Release Note
ENG-54 When using JSON Forms with multi-select dropdown fields that have a large number of items, the browser becomes unresponsive when searching for an item in a field. To resolve, updated the ph-json-form dropdown widget to include pagination control and default to 100 items max in the dropdown.
ENG-1018 Fixed an issue that caused the Cancel Job and Revert Job modals to display incorrect name values.
ENG-2350 When running a job from a pre-built workflow, the JSON Forms app crashes and the validateSchema task indefinitely remains in running state. To resolve, implemented additional error handling in the validateData task to check for invalid form data.
ENG-2622 When trying to delete job errors in Operations Manager, the Delete Jobs dialog would also include successfully completed jobs in the errors table. To resolve, fixed a bug in the dialog to only show failed jobs.
ENG-3142 When attempting to view a template, Automation Studio no longer returns an error and stops working.
ENG-3312 The boolean options for the pass_on_null parameters in a JST query task can now be selected when users hover their mouse pointer (cursor).


This section highlights featured improvements to functionality in this maintenance release.

Key ID Release Note Release Versions Implemented
ENG-1989 Updated several workflow canvas tasks to use Projects as a reference variable via dropdown.

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