How to Create and Run Workflows in Gen 2
  • 06 Feb 2025
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How to Create and Run Workflows in Gen 2

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Article summary

How to Find an Automation

To find an existing workflow, click the search icon (magnifying glass) on the application homepage. The Collection dialog opens.

Figure 1: Homepage

From the dialog, you can search or browse the collection to select an existing workflow to open. Workflows that have an hourglass icon in their card or list view were built in the Automation Builder Gen 1 interface, while workflows without an icon in their title were built using Automation Builder Gen 2. Each will open in the appropriate editor version when clicked.

Figure 2: Workflows Collection

Below is a sample of the Generation 2 Automation Builder canvas, along with a reference table that highlights the various menu views and functions.

Figure 1: Gen 2 Automation Canvas


Label UI Element Function
1 Generic actions Buttons from left to right: New component, Home page, Search component, Import component, Documentation.
2 Search and list view Enter a search term to filter automations in the list view by name.
3 Collection list of other applications Components from other applications in the Studio suite. Click one of the line items to expand and display a search bar and list view of the application's set of components.
4 Left sidebar footer control Click the left double arrow to collapse the sidebar and the right single arrow to expand it.
5 Editor tabs Click a tab to change editors for that component. Click the x to close the tab. Use the mouse scroll-wheel to scroll back and forth when tabs extend beyond the screenspace.
6 Secondary actions menu button Contains the following items: View metadata, Clone automation, Export automation, and Delete automation.
7 Primary actions menu bar Buttons from left to right: Show/hide error and failure handlers, Save automation, Run job, Select zoom level.
8 Console drawer Contains several useful utilities for automation designers. Click one of the header buttons to open that section of the console drawer.
9 Right sidebar Displays when nothing is selected on the canvas. Shows useful information such as a URL to use for starting the automation as a job; a task count display for the number of tasks, and a list of which apps and adapters the automation depends on.
10 Default error handler selector Select a different automation to serve as the default error handler. It will become available as a dropdown option in the error handler settings of tasks when populated.
11 Right sidebar footer control Select the arrow button to collapse the side panel.

Creating Automations

In this example, the Gen 2 Automation Builder interface will be used to produce an automation that performs simple data manipulation and displays the result to the user.

Create a new automation by clicking New Component in the Generic Actions Menu (labeled 1 in the Automation Canvas overview above). Fill out the creation dialog by selecting Automation as the component type to create. Enter a name and click the Generation 2 option for builder generation.

Figure 2: Create Automation


After clicking Create, you will be redirected to the Editor Page with a new tab containing a blank automation.

Figure 3: Blank Automation


Hover over the second Transition Arrow to reveal the Transition Edit Widget. Click the widget to open a fly-out menu, and select the Insert Node option.

Figure 4: Widget Menu


This option will create a new empty task between the End task and the empty task that was provided with the empty automation.

Figure 5: Inserted Node


Click the first empty task to select it, and the Task Browser menu will populate the right-hand sidebar. This menu contains all tasks that are currently available in IAP. Use the Search Bar to find the arrayConcat task from Workflow Engine.

Figure 6: Search Task Browser Menu


Click the arrayConcat task to assign it to the currently selected empty task node.

Figure 7: Assign First Task (arrayConcat)


Repeat this process for the second task node to assign the ViewData task.

Figure 8: Assign Second Task (ViewData)


Select the arrayConcat task on the canvas. The Edit Task menu will populate the right-hand sidebar. Select the Variables tab. This will display the inputs available on the task in expandable accordion panels. The first variable (arr) will be expanded by default; leave its Reference Task setting on Static, select the radio button next to the text editor, and enter the input [1,2,3] into the text editor.

Figure 9: Configure Task Variables


Next, select the arrayN panel, and then select Static in the Reference Task dropdown. Enter09 the input [4,5,6] into the text editor.

Figure 10: Set Reference Task


With arrayConcat configured, move on to ViewData. Click the ViewData task on the canvas to select it, and choose the Variables tab again. Enter a value for the header (string), body (string), and btn_success (string).

Figure 11: Edit ViewData Header


For the input body and btn_success variable, select the name of the arrayConcat task in the Reference Task dropdown to use its output as the incoming value. Leave the Reference Variable setting as the default,combinedArray. Click the Save Button to retain all your inputs.

Figure 12: Edit ViewData Body


Running the Automation

At this point, the automation is ready to run by clicking the Save & Run button. A green success toast will pop-up and confirm the action in the top-right of the screen, and a Job Options dialog will open.

Figure 13: Save & Run Automation


From the Job Options dialog, complete the optional Description and Groups fields, if desired, and then click Start to launch the job.

Figure 14: Start Job


In the resulting confirmation dialog, click View Job to open the Jobs (formerly Job Manager) interface within Operations Manager.

Figure 15: View Job


From here, the execution of the job is visible, and the ViewData task may be worked. Click the Work Task button on the ViewData task line to open the ViewData dialog.

Figure 16: Work Task in Jobs (Operations Manager)


Confirm that the body contains an array from one through six, then click the button containing the array [1,2,3,4,5,6] to confirm the ViewData task and allow the automation to complete, as indicated by the green status indicator in the upper-right corner.

Figure 17: Confirm Task


Figure 18: Automation Complete


Automation Metadata

To edit your automation settings, click the ellipsis button (labeled 6 in the Automation Canvas view) and select the menu option View metadata. The Automation Metadata drawer will open from the top, allowing you to enter a new name and description, and add or remove groups and tags.

Figure 19: Automation Metadata


Label UI Element Function
1 Timestamp Displays the date, time, and user who created the automation, and when the automation was last modified.
2 Name Allows you to input a new name for the automation.
3 Tags Allows you to add and remove tags
4 Groups (Write) Allows you to add and remove groups to restrict write access to the automation.
5 Save and Cancel Click Save** to confirm and save your changes or Cancel** to reset all fields to their initial values.
6 Description Allows you to enter a description for the automation.
7 Groups
* This feature is currently disabled as a placeholder for future functionality.
Will allow you to add and remove groups to restrict read access to the automation.

Input and Output Schemas

The Input and Output Schema tabs in the Console Drawer each display a JSON schema describing the expected structure of input parameters to the automation as well as the expected structure of the output of the automation. Job variables can also be masked from here.

Figure 20: Input Schema


Figure 21: Input Schema with Masking


Figure 22: OutPut Schema


Label UI Element Function
1 Parameter names Displays a list of required parameters for the automation. Click an input parameter name to limit the contents of the display pane to that parameter.
2 Display pane Displays the schema of the parameters.
3 Editor theme Toggle to switch between light and dark mode.

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