Using Query Parameters in API Requests
  • 20 Feb 2025
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Using Query Parameters in API Requests

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Article summary

Query parameters in Itential Platform are a defined set of parameters (params) attached to the end of a GET request. They are used to help define specific content or actions based on the data being passed. More specifically, query parameters allow you to sort and filter data from APIs, or to implement pagination of large datasets using one or more query parameters.

Be advised, not all query parameters are supported in all GET requests.

Potential Use Case

Customers can use a pagination value to return more than 25 results in an API call when their environment has more than 25 adapters. For example:

GET health/adapters?limit=100

Query Parameters

The following is a non-exhaustive list of query parameters supported by Itential in several GET calls. To append query params to the end of a GET call, a ‘?’ is added followed immediately by the query parameter.

Query Parameter Description Example
limit Specifies the maximum number of query results to return. GET /automation_studio/templates?limit=25
skip Used to bypass a set number of items in a set of results that span multiple pages. GET /automation_studio/templates?skip=5
sort Specifies the field name to sort query results by. GET /automation_studio/templates?sort=name
order Specifies the sort order for results; 1 for ascending and -1 for descending. GET /automation_studio/templates?order=1
Use equals to specify a value and perform an exact match on the equalsField. GET /automation_studio/templates?equals=:name&equalsField=name
Use greaterThanEquals to return a boolean (true or false) if the value is greater than or equal to the value specified in the greaterThanEqualsField. GET /workflow_engine/tasks/metrics?greaterThanEquals=:value&greaterThanEqualsField=metrics.startDate
Use contains to check if the containsField has the specified string value. GET /workflow_engine/tasks/metrics?contains=:value&
include Specifies the parameters to include in the query results; formatted as a comma-delineated list. GET /automation-studio/templates?include=name,description
exclude Specifies the parameters to ignore (leave out) in the query results; formatted as a comma-delineated list. GET /automation-studio/templates?exclude=name,description
in Used to check if a parameter exists in a given list of field options. GET /automation-studio/templates?in[name]=template1,template2
not-in Used to check if a parameter does not exist in a given list of field options. GET /automation-studio/templates?not-in[name]=template1,template2
starts-with Returns results where the specified field starts with the characters specified in a given string. GET /automation-studio/templates?starts-with[name]=template1,template2
ends-with Returns results where the specified field ends with the characters specified in a given string. GET /automation-studio/templates?ends-with[name]=template1,template2

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