• 26 Jun 2024
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Article summary

Beginning in the 2023.2 release, Automation Gateway will work with gRPC for connecting devices. gRPC is a cross-platform, open source framework for implementing RPC (Remote Procedure Call) APIs in any environment. As a framework, gRPC offers pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking and authentication with a lower processing complexity. For more information, refer to the gRPC documentation site.

Install gRPC

To get started, install pip in the virtual environment. Restart Automation Gateway.

pip install grpcio==1.53.0
pip install pygnmi

Verify gRPC is Enabled

Go to Configuration in Automation Gateway using the left side navigation and click gRPC to verify the setting has been enabled. Select the checkbox and click the Save icon.

Figure 1: Enable GRPC

Configure gRPC

Open Automation Gateway and navigate to gRPC in the left navigation. GPRC will contain tabbed subheadings (menus) for:

  • Inventory
  • GNMI Execute
  • GNOI Execute


The Inventory list contains devices created to run and use gRPC. The device will appear in the left side navigation bar. Clicking on the device will display parameters (i.e., host, port, username, etc.) and values specific to the device. Click the pencil icon to edit the parameters.

Figure 2: Inventory

GNMI Execute

Use GNMI Execute to configure get and set for gRPC.


The gnmi_get mechanism is used to pull-in or acquire data.

Figure 3: GRPC gnmi_get


The gnmi_set mechanism is used to execute a command.

Figure 4: GRPC gnmi_set

GNOI Execute

GNOI Execute is used for operational commands on a device such as ping, trace route, and reboot.

Figure 5: GNOI Execute

Creating or Adding a Device in gRPC

To create a device in gRPC, click the + sign in the top toolbar above the left side navigation. A Create dialog opens. Use the dropdown to select gRPC Device. Input a device name and configure the variables needed to create the device. Once all the device variables are set, click the Create button.

Figure 6: Configure Device

gRPC Device Variables

Variable datatypes can be found in the OpenAPI v3 specification found in the help section UI of Automation Gateway.

A list of GRPC device variables are referenced in the table below.

Variable Description Required
host The hostname or IP address of the gRPC device. Yes
port The gRPC TCP port to use. Yes
username gRPC username Yes
password gRPC password Yes
insecure Used to support (or not support) a non-TLS connection to the device. Yes
debug Debug gRPC operations (advanced). Yes
path_cert Path to the TLS root certificate store. No
path_key Path to the gRPC client certificate key. No
path_root Path to the TLS root certificate store. No
grpc_override gRPC override parameters (advanced). No
skip_verify Skip verification of the TLS server certificate that is presented. No
grpc_timeout Timeout for gRPC connection and channel operations. No
grpc_options Additional gRPC channel options (advanced). No
show_diff​ Show gRPC GNMI differences (advanced, untested). No
token gRPC access token (advanced). No

Sending a JSON POST to Create a gRPC Device

A JSON POST can be sent to /api/v2.0/inventories/grpc/default/devicesto create a device.

Example post request:

  "name": "iosxr-cloud",
  "variables": {
    "host": "",
    "password": "C1sco12345",
    "username": "admin",
    "insecure": true,
    "port": 57777

Using TLS with gRPC Devices

Before connecting securely to gRPC devices, an appropriately configured system PKI infrastructure is required (trusted root certificates and client certificates). Please consult your system administrator to ensure these requirements are in place before proceeding with a secure GRPC device setup. To use secure TLS certificates when using GRPC, configure the device and set insecure to false.

A simple device example (JSON POST) that will skip server verification is shown below.


TLS Secured gRPC Device without Server Certificate Validation

  "name": "iosxr-cloud",
  "variables": {
    "host": "",
    "password": "C1sco12345",
    "username": "admin",
    "insecure": false,
    "skip_verify": true,
    "port": 57777

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