AngularJS Deprecated
  • 21 Feb 2025
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AngularJS Deprecated

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Article summary

Deprecation Notice [2023.2]

For greater security hardening, AngularJS is deprecated in the 2023.2 release and scheduled for removal in the Platform 6 release. Deprecating this web framework will impact (break) any customizations that rely on the /lib/angular directory and the use of AngularJS (AJS) in Jade/Pug templating.

See related breaking change notice: AngularJS Not Supported in Manual Tasks

What should I do?

Please review all custom app UIs and custom manual tasks to determine if they rely on AngularJS and would be subject to breaking. If affected, consider one of the options available, which are outlined below. The option to choose depends on your environment and the goals of your organization:

  • Migrate from AngularJS to a React-based UI library
  • Continue using AngularJS

Each option is explained below. Please contact the Product Support Team if you need additional support or require more information.

Migrate from AngularJS to React UI Library

If any customizations are impacted, consider refactoring to another UI library that is React-based.

Continue using AngularJS

If you wish to continue using AngularJS, then follow these steps:

  1. Install the AngularJS version previously provided by the Platform.

    npm install angular@1.5.11
  2. Create a new directory at the application root to serve the AngularJS files (e.g, “lib”).

    mkdir lib
  3. Create a symbolic link (symlink) that points to the AngularJS files in the new directory.

    ln -s ../node_modules/angular lib/angular
  4. In the application’s pronghorn.json file, add the new directory as a uiDirectory.

    "uiDirectories": ["lib"]
  5. Update any references to the old Itential Platform provided AngularJS instance to the new location provided by the application.

    script(src="/lib/angular/angular.min.js") → script(src="./lib/angular/angular.min.js")

Once the process is complete, ensure existing assets, tools and libraries work with the new setup.

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