2023.2.15 Maintenance Release
  • 13 Mar 2025
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2023.2.15 Maintenance Release

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Article summary

Release Notes

Bug Fixes

This maintenance release of Itential Platform includes fixes for bugs that were reported to Itential Product Support.

Key ID Release Note
ENG-103 Style issues were observed while using the search bar. Fixed a bug that prevented users from selecting search results.
ENG-4845 When moving a pre-seeded template into a project, the dialog option to move them was disabled. Updated the Projects Editor to allow for pre-seeded templates to be moved into a project.
ENG-5355 Changing the git branch in a Project workflow no longer breaks an Operations Manager automation.
ENG-5918 When passing an array with indexed schemas into an iterative array in JST Designer, making a connection from an index of the incoming array to any method would cause the JST to stop rendering correctly. Fixed a rendering issue within JST Designer that was causing rendering to break after making connections from an array's contents within a function.
ENG-6713 When viewing a task error in Operations Manager, the text would extend beyond the viewable area. Updated the task Error tab in Operations Manager to display the entirety of any error message.
ENG-6790 When using JSON Forms with dynamic dropdown, the search function within paginated results did not return query results as expected. Fixed issues with multi-select dropdowns that use a large dataset.
ENG-6898 When accessing a project config from the Projects UI, users were unable to view the project. Enhanced validation when opening projects to prevent rendering issues.
ENG-7205 OpenAPI Integration Models can be imported, but when creating an instance or starting the server with a created instance, an error occurred within Admin Essentials. Updated the swagger-client version to ensure support of OpenAPI 3.1 integrations.
ENG-7465 When importing a JSON form, the import failed. Updated the form schema to allow for null default values on the numberField in Form Builder.
ENG-7848 Retrieving devices with the getDevicesFiltered API call did not return results as expected via Config Manager and Automation Gateway tasks. Fixed ostypes filtering to correctly retrieve and return devices.
ENG-7883 When deleting a switch case in the JST Designer canvas, the switch method card and transitions are not updated properly. Deleting a switch case now works as expected.
ENG-7973 When running an IAG task and no Automation Gateway adapter was available to handle the call, the task would enter the "success" state and return an error message.Updated the callback configuration in the Automation Gateway Manager schema to cause these tasks to enter the "error" state instead.
ENG-8045 When adding a function in JST Designer, the name may unexpectedly add a "(1)". Updated logic to check for id and name collisons to fix a case where adding a function to a JST would unnecessarily rename the function.
ENG-8577 Fixed an issue where a success notification would incorrectly show when all task instances for a compliance runs failed to execute.
ENG-9084 Golden configuration regex did not support certain special characters such as brackets. Updated Configuration Manager to support such special characters.
ENG-9222 Removed request queue for integration tasks to prevent CPU increase when worker threads are unavailable. Added logs to improve debugging for integration tasks.
ENG-9413 Memory spikes occurred when viewing the data output of a parent workflow that has a childjob with a task output 6MB or larger. To resolve this, disabled a problematic line wrapping feature for task data code editors to avoid page crashes due to high RAM consumption.
ENG-9419 In some scenarios, the Platform would not correctly handle changes in Redis Sentinel cluster topology. Added behavior to correctly reconnect when Redis Sentinel cluster topology changes.
ENG-9442 JST functions containing function steps are not rendering their methods and transitions on the canvas. Applied a fix to the JST engine to ensure these documents are migrated correctly and display as expected.
ENG-9451 Fixed an invalid healthcheck in the API to ensure a valid Vault status when visiting the health/status endpoint.
ENG-9668 Removed skipNormalization flag on resolve of integration swagger docs to ensure Itential Platform methods include path level and operation level parameters, while ensuring any method operationId with special characters are not replaced.


This section highlights quality improvements to Itential Platform's functionality in this maintenance release.

Key ID Release Note
ENG-8204 When attempting to access the “Get Forms”, “Get Form By Id”, “Delete Forms” and “Update Form” API endpoints in Itential Platform through tasks, the user is not able to access them. Enabled all JSON API tasks in Automation Studio, including createForm, deleteForms, getForms, getFormsById, importForms, updateForm and validateForm.
ENG-8727 Updated the finishManualTask Ops Manager API to set output correctly upon completion of automatic tasks with the deprecated flag.

Security Changes

This section highlights fixes and measures to prevent and minimize security risks and vulnerabilities.

Key ID Release Note
ENG-9788 When running security scans, it showed affected versions of the jsonpath-plus package were vulnerable to Remote Code Execution (RCE) due to improper input sanitization. Updated jsonpath-plus to version 10.3.0 to resolve security vulnerability.
ENG-9792 When running security scans, it showed affected versions of the ip Node library in app-jst were vulnerbale to a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF). Updated node modules and database dependencies in app-jst to resolve security vulnerability.
ENG-9918 When running security scans, it showed affected versions of the jsonpath-plus package in itential-config-service were vulnerable to Remote Code Execution (RCE) due to improper input sanitization. Updated jsonpath-plus to version 10.3.0 to resolve security vulnerability.
## 2023.2.15 Release Versions

Automation Platform Versions

component version
@itential/adapter-automation_gateway 4.31.4-2023.2.3
@itential/adapter-azure_aaa 1.7.5-2023.2.2
@itential/adapter-email 4.2.20-2023.2.0
@itential/adapter-ldap 2.14.3-2023.2.2
@itential/adapter-local_aaa 4.5.2-2023.2.0
@itential/adapter-nso 7.9.4-2023.2.13
@itential/adapter-radius 2.2.2-2023.2.0
@itential/app-admin_essentials 5.4.10-2023.2.18
@itential/app-ag_manager 1.20.3-2023.2.2
@itential/app-automation_catalog 2.13.7-2023.2.1
@itential/app-automation_studio 4.69.3-2023.2.191
@itential/app-configuration_manager 3.117.5-2023.2.28
@itential/app-form_builder 4.15.3-2023.2.5
@itential/app-json_forms 1.42.3-2023.2.23
@itential/app-jst 1.15.11-2023.2.14
@itential/app-lifecycle_manager 1.38.4-2023.2.15
@itential/app-mop 6.21.1-2023.2.15
@itential/app-nso_manager 2.25.2-2023.2.3
@itential/app-operations_manager 1.215.10-2023.2.57
@itential/app-service_catalog 3.14.1-2023.2.3
@itential/app-service_management 3.0.2-2023.2.3
@itential/app-template_builder 2.9.1-2023.2.8
@itential/app-workflow_builder 5.55.2-2023.2.20
@itential/app-workflow_engine 11.9.6-2023.2.44
@itential/database 2.0.8
@itential/iap-ui 1.14.3-2023.2.7
@itential/itential-utils 3.2.1
@itential/logger 3.1.2
@itential/network 4.2.0
@itential/pronghorn-core 15.8.10-2023.2.63
@itential/search 1.3.3-2023.2.0
@itential/service 3.2.0
@itential/tags 3.2.2-2023.2.0

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