Application Roles by API Method, Task, and View
  • 30 Apr 2024
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Application Roles by API Method, Task, and View

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Article summary

Role Mapping

The charts in this section show the default roles found in pronghorn.json for each application as delivered.


These charts will change based on the IAP release version that is running. Therefore, as a best practice, Itential recommends that you review the APIs, application roles and their respective permissions for the latest information. You can view this in the Itential UI by navigating to the Authorization page and selecting Roles (Admin Essentials > Quick Start > Authorization > Roles).

Figure 1: Inspect Role

Admin Essentials

view admin
Admin Essentials / x

AG Manager

API Method/Task admin apiread apiwrite
discoverModules x x
getClusterAdapters x x
undiscoverAll x x
undiscoverModules x x

Automation Catalog

API Method/Task admin apiread other readonly
deleteAutomations x x x
getAutomationById x x x x
getAutomations x x x x
migrateAgendaJobs x x x x

view admin readonly
Automation Catalog / x x

Automation Studio

API Method/Task admin apiread apiwrite designer engineering readonly support
addComponentsToProject x x x
createAutomation x x x
createComponentGroup x x x
createProject x x
createTemplate x x x
deleteComponentGroup x x x
deleteProject x x x
deleteTemplate x x x
exportProject x x x
exportTemplate x x x
getAppsAndAdapters x x x
getComponentGroup x x x x
getComponentGroups x x x x
getMethodOptions x
getMultipleTaskDetails x x
getProject x x
getProjects x x
getProjectThumbnail x x
getReferencesTo x x x
getTaskDetails x x
getTemplate x x x x
getTemplates x x x x
getWorkflowDetailedByName x x x x
getWorkflows x x x x
importAutomations x x x
importComponentGroups x x x
importProject x x x
importTemplates x x x
moveProjectComponents x x
removeComponentFromProject x x x
updateAutomation x x x
updateComponentGroup x x x
updateProject x x
updateTemplate x x x
uploadProjectThumbnail x x x
validateWorkflow x x x x x

view admin designer readonly
Automation Studio / x x x

Configuration Manager

API Method/Task admin apiread apiwrite
adapterProxy x x
addDevicesToGroup x x
addDevicesToGroupByName x x
addDevicesToNode x x
addGroupsToNode x x
addNodesToCompliancePlan x x
addTasksToNode x x
advancedAutoRemediation x x
advancedPatchDeviceConfiguration x x
applyDeviceConfig x x
applyDeviceTemplate x x
backUpDevice x x
buildSpecLines x x
cacheOSTypes x x
convertChangesToConfig x x
createCompliancePlan x x
createConfigParser x x
createConfigSpec x x
createDeviceGroup x x
createDeviceTemplate x x
createGoldenConfigNode x x
createGoldenConfigTree x x
createGoldenConfigTreeVersion x x
createJSONSpec x x
createPlanInstance x x
createTaskInstance x x
deleteCompliancePlans x x
deleteConfigParser x x
deleteConfigParsers x x
deleteDeviceBackups x x
deleteDeviceGroups x x
deleteDeviceGroupsByName x x
deleteDevicesFromGroup x x
deleteDeviceTemplates x x
deleteGoldenConfigNode x x
deleteGoldenConfigTree x x
deleteGoldenConfigTrees x x
deleteGoldenConfigTreeVersion x x
deleteOSTypeCache x x
deletePins x x
deleteTaskInstances x x
deleteVariables x x
exportGoldenConfigTree x x
getAdapterTask x x
getAdapterTasks x x
getBackups x x
getCachedOSTypes x x
getCompliancePlan x x
getComplianceReportBackupHistory x x
getComplianceReportDetail x x
getComplianceReportDeviceHistory x x
getComplianceReportNodeSummary x x
getComplianceReportsByBatch x x
getComplianceReportsDetail x x
getComplianceReportTaskHistory x x
getComplianceReportTreeSummary x x
getConfigParser x x
getConfigParsers x x
getConfigSpec x x
getConfigTemplate x x
getCPINodeElements x x
getDevice x x
getDeviceBackupById x x
getDeviceConfig x x
getDeviceConfigFormat x x
getDeviceGroupById x x
getDeviceGroupByName x x
getDeviceGroups x x
getDevicesFiltered x x
getDevicesOnTree x x
getDeviceTemplates x x
getGoldenConfigTree x x
getGoldenConfigTrees x x
getGoldenConfigTreeVersion x x
getGroupsForDevice x x
getJSONComplianceReportDetail x x
getJSONComplianceReportsByBatch x x
getJSONSpec x x
getJSONSpecWithInheritance x x
getNodePathFromNodeId x x
getOperationalData x x
getPins x x
getTaskInstances x x
getTopIssues x x
getTopIssuesJson x x
getTreesForDevice x x
gradeComplianceReport x x
gradeComplianceReports x x
gradeDeviceComplianceHistory x x
gradeTaskComplianceHistory x x
handlePin x x
importBackup x x
importDeviceTemplates x x
importGoldenConfigTree x x
importGroup x x
importParsers x x
isAlive x x
lookupDiff x x
patchDeviceConfiguration x x
queryGradedComplianceHistory x x
removeDevicesFromGroup x x
removeDevicesFromNode x x
removeGroupsFromNode x x
removeNodesFromCompliancePlan x x
removeTasksFromNode x x
renderJinja2 x x
runAdapterTask x x
runAutoRemediation x x
runCompliance x x
runComplianceForDevice x x
runComplianceForDeviceGroup x x
runComplianceForNode x x
runComplianceForNodeWithOptions x x
runComplianceForTree x x
runComplianceOnBackups x x
runCompliancePlan x x
runConfigCompliance x x
runParallelCompliance x x
runTaskInstance x x
searchCompliancePlans x x
searchDeviceGroups x x
searchGoldenConfigTrees x x
searchGroups x x
translateConfigSpec x x
updateComplianceInstanceDeviceStatus x x
updateComplianceInstanceNodeStatus x x
updateComplianceInstanceStatus x x
updateCompliancePlan x x
updateConfigParser x x
updateConfigSpec x x
updateDeviceBackupById x x
updateDeviceGroups x x
updateDeviceTemplate x x
updateGoldenConfigNode x x
updateGoldenConfigTree x x
updateGoldenConfigTreeVersion x x
updateJSONConfigRules x x
updateJSONSpec x x
updateNodeConfig x x
updateTaskInstance x x

view admin taskwrite
Configuration Manager / x
Diff Viewer /task/DiffViewer x x
Manual Remediation Results Task /task/ManualRemediationResults x x
Manual Remediation Task /task/ManualRemediation x x

Form Builder

API Method/Task admin apiread apiwrite authorization operator
createFormGroupEntry x
deleteForm x x
deleteFormGroups x
exportForm x x
fetchData x x x
getElementDefinition x x x
getForm x x x
getFormByName x x x
importForm x x
listElements x x x
listFormGroups x x
listForms x x x
preserveFormData x x x
removeFormGroup x
replaceFormGroups x
saveForm x x
searchForms x x x

view admin engineering operator
About /dialog/about x x
Automation Studio /edit x
Delete Workflow Group /dialog/confirmDeleteWorkflowGroup x x
Edit Workflow Group /editWorkflowGroup x x
Show Form and Pop Yang Containers /task/ShowFormPreserveData x x
Show Form and Set Dropdown List Values /task/ProviderForm x x
Show Form by Name /task/ShowFormByName x x

JSON Forms

API Method/Task admin apiread operator other readonly
createForm x x x x
decodeSchema x x x x x
deleteForms x x x x
getFormById x x x x x
getForms x x x x x
importForms x x x x
updateForm x x x x
validateData x x x x x
validateForm x x x x
yangToSchema x x x x x

view admin operator
JSON Forms / x
Render JSON Schema /task/RenderJsonSchema x x
Render Yang as JSON Form /task/RenderYangForm x x
Show Json Form /task/ShowJsonForm x x


API Method/Task admin apiread other readonly
createTransformation x x x x
deleteTransformation x x x x
getTransformation x x x x
importTransformation x x x x
runTransformation x x x x
searchTransformations x x x x
updateTransformation x x x x

view admin designer
Automation Studio /edit/jst x x

Lifecycle Manager

API Method/Task admin apiread apiwrite designer operator
createInstanceGroupHttp x x x
createManualInstanceGroup x x x
createResourceModel x x x
createResourceModelHttp x x x
deleteResourceModel x x x
deleteResourceModelHttp x x x
editResourceModelHttp x x x
exportResourceModelHttp x x x x
getActionExecution x x x x
getActionExecutions x x x x
getInstanceGroup x x x x
getInstanceGroupHttp x x x x
getInstanceGroups x x x
getInstanceGroupsHttp x x x
getResourceInstanceById x x x x
getResourceInstanceByName x x x x
getResourceInstanceHttp x x x x
getResourceInstances x x x
getResourceInstancesHttp x x x
getResourceModel x x x
getResourceModelHttp x x x
getResourceModels x x x
getResourceModelsHttp x x x
importResourceModelHttp x x x
runAction x x x
runActionHttp x x x
runBulkActionHttp x x x
updateInstanceGroupHttp x x x
updateInstanceMetadataHttp x x x
updateManualInstanceGroup x x x
updateResourceInstance x x x
updateResourceModel x x x
updateResourceModelHttp x x x
validateActionsHttp x x x

view admin designer operator
Lifecycle Manager / x x x


API Method/Task admin apiread apiwrite engineering support
createAnalyticTemplate x x
createTemplate x x
deleteAnalyticTemplate x x
deleteTemplate x x
exportTemplate x x
GetBootFlash x x x x
getDeviceObjectsFiltered x x x
getDevicesFiltered x x x
getDevicesFilteredDetailedResults x x x
getDiff x x
importTemplate x x
listAnalyticTemplates x x x x
listAnAnalyticTemplate x x x x
listATemplate x x x x
listTemplates x x x x
passThru x x
reattempt x x x x
runAnalyticsTemplate x x x x
runAnalyticsTemplateDevices x x x x
RunCommand x x
RunCommandDevices x x
RunCommandTemplate x x
RunCommandTemplateSingleCommand x x
runTemplatesDiffArray x x x x
updateAnalyticTemplate x x
updateTemplate x x

view admin engineering support
About /dialog/about x x
Automation Studio /analytic x x x
Automation Studio /template x x x
Choose Device /task/chooseDevice x x x
Delete Workflow Group /dialog/confirmDeleteWorkflowGroup x x
Edit Workflow Group /editWorkflowGroup x x
MOP Diff Config /task/diffConfig x x x
MOP Diff Config /task/runTemplatesDiff x x x
MOP Manual Task /task/reloadFailed x x x
MOP Review Summary /task/reviewSummary x x x
MOP Verify Config /task/verifyConfig x x x
Variable Selector /modals/variableSelector x x x
View MOP Template Results /task/viewTemplateResults x x x

NSO Manager

API Method/Task admin other
addLockItem x
applyTemplates x
checkSyncService x
evaluateWhen x
getAllAuthGroups x
getAllNEDs x x
getAuthGroups x
getDevicesFiltered x
getDevicesFilteredForAdapter x
getLeafrefValues x
getNEDs x
getNEDsDeep x x
getRollbackFiles x
getServiceModelSchemas x
isAlive x
liveStatus x
restAction x
restQuery x
runAction x
runCommand x
runCommands x
setItemNacmGroup x
setLeaf x
validateCommit x
verifyConfig x x

view admin
Add Device Form /task/addDeviceForm x
Set Device Configuration /task/SetDeviceConfiguration x
User creates a list of devices from a given list of device options /modal/devicePicker x
View queue item details /modal/itemDetails x

Operations Manager

API Method/Task admin apiread apiwrite engineering operations retryUser
addJobGroup x x x x
addWatchersToJob x x x x
assignTask x x x x
cancelJobs x x x x
claimTask x x x x
cloneAutomation x x x
continueJobFrom x
createAutomation x x x
createTrigger x x x x
deleteAutomation x x x
deleteJobGroup x x x x
deleteJobGroups x x x x
deleteTrigger x x x x
deleteTriggersByActionId x x x x
exportAutomation x x x
exportTrigger x x
finishManualTask x x x x
getAutomation x x x x
getAutomations x x x x
getEventDefinition x x x x
getEvents x x x x
getJob x x x x
getJobs x x x x
getJobsAdmin x x x x
getManualTaskController x x x x
getTask x x x x
getTasks x x x x
getTrigger x x x x
getTriggers x x x x
importAutomations x x x
importTriggers x x
pauseJobs x x x x
releaseTask x x x x
replaceJobGroups x x x x
resumeJobs x x x x
retryTask x
revertJob x x x x
runEndpointTriggerWithPost x x x x
runManualTrigger x x x x
startJob x x x x
unwatchJob x x x x
unwatchJobs x x x x
updateAutomation x x x
updateTrigger x x x x
watchJob x x x x
watchJobs x x x x

view admin engineering operations
/task-renderer x x x
Operations Manager / x x x

Service Catalog

API Method/Task admin apiread apiwrite engineering support
AddNewServiceToCatalog x x x x
CreateServiceOrder x x x x
deleteService x x x x
exportCatalogItem x x x x
GetFormData x x x x
GetFormId x x x x
GetForms x x x x
getGroups x x x x
GetUserObject x x x x
GetWorkflows x x x x
importCatalogItems x x x x
invokeServiceOrder x x x x
ServiceCatalogStore x x x x
ServiceModels x x x x
UpdateServiceInCatalog x x x x

view admin engineering operations
Service Catalog / x x x
Service Catalog Builder /edit x x
Service Catalog Builder /manage x x

Service Manager

API Method/Task admin apiread apiwrite engineering support
addServiceInstance x x x x
addServiceInstances x x x x
checkSync x x x x
config x x x x
createServiceModelForm x x x x
deleteInstance x x x
deleteInstances x x x x
deleteServiceModelFromDatabase x x x x
deleteServicePath x x x x
deleteServicePaths x x x x
deviceModifications x x x x
getDevicesInServiceInstance x x x x
getInstance x x
getInstancesOfService x x x x
getServiceInstanceMap x x x x
getServiceModel x x x x
getServiceModelDatabase x x x x
getServiceModelMap x x x x
getServicesDetails x x x x
listServiceModels x x x x
mapInstanceDataToModel x x x x
reactiveRedeploy x x x x
saveInstance x x x x
saveInstances x x x x
setServiceInstanceTenant x x x x
testInstance x x x x
testInstances x x x x
updateNSOData x x x x
updateServiceModelDatabase x x x x

view admin engineering operations support taskread taskwrite
Choose Hub-Site /task/IWANChooseHub x x
Choose QOS /task/IWANChooseQOS x x
Choose Site /task/IWANChooseSite x x
Device Config /deviceConfigDialog x x x
Out of Sync /outOfSyncDialog x x x
Service Management / x x
Service Management /cloned_form x x
Service Management /edit x x
Service Management /form x x
Service Management /instances x x
Service Management /list x x
View Service Model /task/ViewServiceModelForm x x

Template Builder

API Method/Task admin apiread other readonly
applyTemplate x x
applyTemplates x x
parseTemplate x x x x
renderJinjaTemplate x x x x

Workflow Builder

API Method/Task admin apiread authorization engineering support
createWorkflowGroupEntry x
deleteWorkflow x x x
deleteWorkflowGroups x
exportWorkflow x x
getSchemas x x x
getTaskDetails x x x
getTasksList x x x
importWorkflow x
listWorkflowGroups x x
removeWorkflowGroup x
renameWorkflow x x x
replaceWorkflowGroups x
saveWorkflow x x x

view admin engineering
About /dialog/about x x
Add Event Listener /editEventListener x x
Add New Job Variable /editNewVariable x x
Automation Studio /edit x x
Clone Workflow /dialog/cloneWorkflow x x
Create Workflow /dialog/createWorkflow x x
Delete Workflow Group /dialog/confirmDeleteWorkflowGroup x x
Edit Child Job /editChildJob x x
Edit Deep Merge /editDeepMerge x x
Edit Eval /editEval x x
Edit Merge /editMerge x x
Edit Push /editPush x x
Edit Run Action /editRunAction x x
Edit Shift or Pop /editShiftPop x x
Edit Task /editTask x x
Edit Transformation /editTransformation x x
Edit Transition /editTransition x x
Edit Workflow Group /editWorkflowGroup x x
IAP Naming Conventions /varNamingConventions x x
Job Description /dialog/jobDescription x x
Reference Warning /referenceWarn x x
Select Task /dialog/selectTask x x
Set Variables /dialog/setVariables x x
Test Task /task/TestTask x x
View Schema /viewSchema x x
Workflow Settings /dialog/workflowSettings x x

Workflow Engine

API Method/Task admin apiread apiwrite
activate x
activateJobWorker x
deactivate x
deactivateJobWorker x
diffToHTML x
getJobMetrics x x
getTaskMetrics x x
getWorkerStatuses x
isActive x
query x x
runEvaluationGroup x x
runEvaluationGroups x x
validateJsonSchema x x

view admin engineering operations
Active Jobs /jobs x x
Active Tasks / x x
Display Dialog with HTML contents /task/ViewHTML x x x
Display Message with Data /task/ViewData x x x
Error Handling /task/ErrorHandling x x
Job Manager /job x x
Job Manager /manager x
Job Manager /manual_tasks x
Job Manager /viewer x
View Diff /task/ViewDiff x x

Earlier Release Versions

For documentation specific to earlier release versions of IAP:

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