What's New
  • 16 Dec 2024
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What's New

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Article summary

December 16, 2024 - IAG 5.0.1

We are pleased to announce the release of the 5.0.1 maintenance release for the Itential Automation Gateway 5 which includes bug fixes and usability improvements. On this page, we walk you through the important features and changes we've made.

Show all iagctl commands regardless of application mode

Allows the visibility of all the commands regardless of the application mode. This ensures that a user can see all the commands regardless of the mode.

Changed the default virtual environments directory

The default virtual environments directory to /var/lib/gateway/venv.

Fixed automatic generation of certificates in RHEL

Fixed an issue whereby the BasicContstraints were being specified twice during certificate generation causing problems with the certificates.

Fixed an issue with some venvs being created simultaneously

Fixed an issue whereby if two Python or Ansible services used the same requirements.txt, and IAG5 tried to run the services simultaneously, the virtual environments would not be properly configured.

Reduced verbose logging in Debug

Removes unnecessary logging when running in DEBUG mode.

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