Using Configuration Variables
  • 13 Nov 2024
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Using Configuration Variables

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Article summary

Configuration Variables

For each gateway, the configuration variables can be set via an environment variable or a configuration file. The priority order for reading in each configuration variable is shown below.

  1. Environment variable (e.g., GATEWAY_APPLICATION_WORKING_DIR)
  2. A single configuration file. Location precedence rules are:
    a. Passed in using --config <path> from the CLI when launching gateway

    b. Path set using GATEWAY_CONFIG environment variable

    c. ~/.gateway.d/gateway.conf

    d. /etc/gateway/gateway.conf
  3. Default value

To view loaded configuration variables in a gateway, simply run:

iagctl version --show-config

Configuration File Example

If you use a configuration file, reference this example as a starting point:

#mode             = local
#auto_accept_eula = false
#cluster_id       = cluster_1
#working_dir      = ~/.gateway.d

#certificate_file =
#host             =
#port             = 50051
#private_key_file =
#use_tls          = true

#certificate_file     = /etc/gateway/connect.crt
#enabled              = false
#server_ha_enabled    = false
#server_ha_is_primary = false
#host                 =
#port                 = 8080

#ansible_enabled  = true
#hostkeys_enabled = true
#opentofu_enabled = true
#python_enabled   = true

#console_json       = false
#file_enabled       = true
#file_json          = false
#level              = INFO
#server_dir         = /var/log/gateway
#timestamp_timezone = utc

#encrypt_key_file =

#api_key_expiration = 1440
#certificate_file   = /etc/gateway/gateway.crt
#listen_address     =
#port               = 50051
#private_key_file   = /etc/gateway/gateway.key
#use_tls            = true

#backend = local

#no_color           = false
#timestamp_timezone = utc

Config Variable References

Available gateway configuration variables are referenced below:

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